《Love At First Fight {Regulus Black}》22. STARS


to play on Ivy's mind like a broken record. Anything she did, the thoughts would come back. Don't even mention the fact that, when she would stargaze late at night, all she could think about was Regulus. His saddened look during the Black Ball seemed to almost haunt Ivy.

Lily was quick to notice the distant look her younger sister had in her eyes. But, Ivy refused to tell her the truth. The less people that knew, the better. Ivy felt nervous knowing both Donna and Sirius knew, but there was nothing she could do about it now, instead, she just had to make sure no one else found out.

Part of her felt bad for lying to her sister and to Jasper. But, the other part of her knew that she didn't want Regulus to get disowned when his mother would find out, and if everyone knew, she would too.

Sighing, Ivy glanced at the brightly lit stars. It was coming up to the end of the half-term, and she was more excited about going back to Hogwarts than she had ever been before. Part of her wondered, whether that reasoning was a certain blue eyed boy.

Shaking her head - as if she was trying to get those thoughts to fall out - Ivy finally decided to go to sleep. Taking one last glance at the moon and stars, she finally closed her curtains and slid under her duvet. Falling asleep almost instantly.

What the red head didn't know, was that in the busy city of London, Regulus Black was doing the same thing she was. He sat at his window, the cold breeze slipped in through the slight crack in it, as his eyes were fixated on the stars and moon. However, living in London, it was much harder to actually make out the brightly coloured orbs of light. Regulus had to strain his eyes to spot them, but he didn't mind.


His thoughts were messy. Even messier than his jet black hair. They were filled with a certain red head with gorgeously, captivating jade eyes and that infectious smile. He felt angry at his mother's words and wished he could go back in time and stand up for Ivy more than he did, instead of letting Sirius do so. Was he jealous of his brother? Probably. Probably of how close the eldest Black boy seemed to be with the youngest Evans. But, he'd never admit it. He couldn't admit it.

He felt guilt bubbling in his stomach. His actions towards the Muggleborn at the start of the year weren't something he was proud of. Sure, she had accepted his apology. But that didn't change the fact of what he did to her. She was just a good person, and forgave him even though he didn't deserve it.

Rubbing his face tiredly, Regulus glanced up at the bright moon, "What are you doing to me Ivy Evans?" He muttered to himself as quietly as he could. It took him several more seconds before he finally shut his window, then his curtains and walked back to his cold bed. He fell asleep with the red head still on his mind.

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