《Love At First Fight {Regulus Black}》10. FUCK YOU, BLACK


voice called out from behind the red head; who was storming through the halls of the wizarding school.

Twisting her head around, Ivy spotted Regulus jogging up to her, "What?" She asked, slowing down to let the black haired boy catch up to her.

"I saw you storming out of the library," He admitted, "Well, I'm pretty sure everyone saw you," He teased.

"It's nothing, really," Ivy told him as the pair walked side by side down one of the many hallways of the wizarding school, "Can I tell you something?" She questioned, moving her head to glance at Regulus from the corner of her eye.

He didn't reply with words but simply nodded, prompting the girl to carry on.

"We're not actually dating," She admitted, "You know, Sirius and I."

"Oh," Regulus muttered, nodding casually. He wasn't exactly sure of what else to say and casually shoved his hands into his robe pockets, "Come with me," The blue eyed boy suddenly said.

"What? Where?" Ivy asked, tilting her head in confusion as she turned to look at Regulus.

"Just trust me," Was all that he replied before he grabbed hold of the red head's arm and softly dragged her with him through the school.

As Ivy kept asking him where he was taking her, he never let a word slip past his lips, so she was surprised when they both came to a sudden halt close to the Quidditch Pitch. She turned to look at him and cocked one of her perfectly shaped eyebrows up.

"I come here when I need to think," Regulus shrugged, dropping her arm from his grip as his cheeks turned a slight shade of pink. Which both he and Ivy dismissed as a small breeze had picked up around them.

He didn't dare to look at the red head besides him. He had never told anyone where he goes to think or just to relax, so it was strange that he brought her there.


Regardless, Ivy's face showed a polite smile and this time she was the one to grab hold of his hand, "Come on then, I bet I can beat you in catching the Snitch first," She said dragging the boy playfully to the changing rooms; where they knew the equipment would be

Not bothering to change into Quidditch robes, the pair grabbed hold of their broomsticks before Ivy unlocked the crate which possessed the Quidditch balls inside of. Opening a small locket looking hole, Ivy wrapped her fingers around the small golden ball before she headed outside; where Regulus was already flying around at.

When Regulus spotted her, he quickly descended down and watched carefully as she hopped onto her broomstick before smirking at him whilst opening her palm. Regulus' gaze moved to her hand as he watched the golden Snitch sit still for a moment before it finally exposed it's long golden wings and took off from Ivy's palm.

"Ready?" He challenged.

Ivy nodded, a playful smile on her face, "I'm always ready," She teased before on the count of three the pair of them kicked off up into the air.

The two students from rival houses were down at the Quidditch Pitch for hours. However, they only played for just over half of that time.

When the sun began to set and the slightly cloudy sky turned a gorgeous amber colour the pair decided to put away their brooms and the Snitch and just casually watch the sun set whilst sitting in the bleachers, quietly enjoying each others company.

Suddenly, the pair of them turned their heads around when they heard laughter coming from behind them.

"Shit," Ivy muttered when she noticed Crouch, Rosier and Mulciber standing behind them, proudly sporting their Slytherin colours. She felt Regulus jump away from her, as if he had just caught on fire.

"Regulus, my boy, what are you doing here with this...Mudblood?" Mulciber asked causing the two boys behind him to snigger; as if he had said something funny.


Ivy watched as Regulus' face changed completely.

His icy blue eyes became even colder than before. His posture straightened as if someone had just stuck a wooden pole between his shoulder blades. He scoffed, "I'm not here with her," Regulus spat, "Ever since she got seated next to me in Potions she hasn't left me alone."

Ivy gasped. Her mouth was open in shock and her jade eyes were wide. She couldn't believe the lies spilling out of his mouth and couldn't help but feel hurt by the words he said.

"Well, maybe we should teach this Mudblood a lesson," Crouch piped up. The older boy had a smirk on his face as he unshielded his wand from his pocket, "Don't you think boys?"

The red head jumped up from her seat. Her heart hammered in her chest out of fear as her body felt paralysed. Staring right at the wand that was pointed straight at her. Suddenly, she felt her body flying up into the air. A scream escaping her lips and before she knew it, she was hanging in the air -upside down.

"Let me down!" She shrieked. Doing her best to keep her skirt from exposing her to the wandering eyes of the teenage boys.

Not expecting it, Crouch did let her down. However, it wasn't gentle at all. She screamed in fear as she felt her body falling down to the ground. Groaning in pain she lifted herself up and just as she did she felt ice cold liquid spill down her body. Pushing the tears in her eyes back - not wanting to show weakness in front of the Slytherins - she wiped some red liquid off her face as she heard Mulciber, Crouch and Rosier howling like hyenas with laughter.

"Ivy," Regulus whispered, looking apologetic at the girl who just glared at him.

She scoffed, wiping more of the red liquid paint - that's what she assumed it was - off her face before she walked away. Purposefully bumping into Regulus' shoulder, roughly, "Fuck you, Black," She spat with hatred before she ran down the stairs whilst still being able to hear the howling laughter.

She couldn't control her emotions anymore. The tears streamed down her face, mixing with the red paint as she ran through the school, leaving red footprints on the stone floors whilst ignoring the laughs she heard from students that passed her.

She let out a groan when she felt a body collide with hers.

"Woah, what happened to you," A familiar voice snorted before they composed themselves when they noticed the familiar jade eyes of Ivy Evans, "Ivy?" Sirius asked, his voice quiet and serious as he placed his hand on her shoulder, not caring about getting the scarlet paint over himself.

She looked up at him and noticed the rest of the Marauders standing just behind the grey eyed boy.

"What the hell happened?" He asked furiously.

"I-I'm sorry," Ivy responded, her voice was quiet and it was clear that she had just been crying, "I should've listened to you."

Sirius was confused for a second, before the memory of the conversation they had earlier that day resurfaced in his mind, "Oh, Ivy," He quietly whispered, feeling anger bubbling in his chest but pushing it down for the sake of the younger girl. He squeezed her shoulder comfortingly, "Let's go get you cleaned up, yeah?"

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