《Love Live! Yuri One-Shots (Requests Closed)》Werewolf!Reader x Vampire!Eli Ayase (Lemon)


Requested by: KristinaHu7

(there's a blackout when I wrote this xD I got bored, bare with me 😂😂)


(Y/n) knew that being called into the student council room by Eli Ayase, her vampire girlfriend was never a good thing, but her usual sense of nervousness was replaced with a fluttering anticipation. She knew very well that the pros of her situation far outweighed the cons. For the past few weeks, (Y/N) had been called to the student council room after school for the most absurd reasons. The first time was because she was late to class, and although that was understandable (perhaps a little extreme for one tardy, but understandable), every summoning since then had been utterly pointless. She was getting called because she got a B in one class, because she accidentally (probably not) hit Nico with a ball in gym, because she broke the pencil sharpener in math class, and many other minor occurrences. All were nothing more than slight inconveniences, and yet, (Y/N) was being harshly scolded for all of them...and, to be frank, she certainly didn’t mind.

She was glad that she didn’t have to go out of her way to get in trouble to be punished by Eli, because she couldn’t live without it at that point, and she knew that she would go to drastic measures to feel another sharp sting from Eli's hand on her ass.

(Y/N) wasn’t sure why Eli was so obsessed with calling her to the office, but she didn’t dare ask. If she did, it would break apart the dynamic they had. (Y/n) didn’t mention the fact that she liked the spankings, and neither of them said that the punishments were outlandishly extraneous for mild infractions. (Y/n) arrived, Eli informed her of her mistake, and (Y/N) took her punishment in stride. She would leave soaking wet and unable to look anyone in the eye, her butt stinging and her face pink.

That day was one like any other. (Y/N) came into the student council room, closed the door behind her, and, smiling innocently, said, “Eli, you asked to see me?”

“Yes, I did,” Eli said, as stone-faced as ever. (Y/N) moved to sit, but Eli stopped her with a raised hand. “Don’t bother sitting. This isn’t a friendly conversation. I heard that you didn’t turn in your homework assignment for science class.”

That one was expected, if (Y/N) was honest. She had forgotten the paper and ended up getting a zero on the assignment. Her grade hadn’t dropped past an A, and the change wasn’t even really that noticeable. Minor slipups like that were perfect targets for Eli's wrath. “I forgot it at home,” (Y/N) said, trying to plead, as if she actually wanted to get out of her spanking.


“That’s no excuse.” Eli stood up, her arms folded. “I have a zero-tolerance policy for laziness, (L/n)-san. You do understand that I must dole out swift punishment, yes?”

Unable to speak, (Y/N) nodded, fiddling with the hem of her skirt. She let her bag drop off of her shoulder and to the floor. Eli gestured to the desk, and (Y/N) bent over as she was oh-so used to doing. Not at all gentle, Eli walked behind (Y/n) and yanked her tights and underwear down, flipping her skirt up. (Y/N) squeezed her thighs together, trying to quell the desperation that was gathering inside of her as she let out an accidental howl. Eli seems to notice that but didn't question it.

Her efforts proved to be pointless; she yelped excitedly when Eli forcefully brought her hand down onto her right ass cheek. Her entire body jerked in surprise. Eli never gave any warning when she began. That’s what made the first slap the best one, (Y/n) believed. Already, her body was getting hotter, with the pain and pleasure from Eli’s hand echoing through her veins. It was an addictive feeling, and it only got stronger when Eli gave the same treatment to her plump left cheek. The noise of Eli’s hand hitting her ass bounced off of the walls and into her ears. Nothing had ever sounded sweeter.

(Y/N) was taken by surprise when Eli grabbed one of (Y/n)’s cheeks in each of her hands, groping and fondling them. That was a bit odd, to say the least. Eli usually spanked her and then dismissed her, but that time, Eli had decided to get more personal than usual. Eli’s right hand released (Y/n)’s right cheek and slapped her hard, with the other hand still kneading (Y/N)’s butt. At that point, (Y/n) was shifting in place, feeling the throbbing between her legs get stronger.

ELI’s left hand stopped groping as well, and then she used both of her hands at the same time, sending jolts into every part of (Y/n)’s body at once. (Y/n)’s nails were digging into the wooden desk. Tears were pricking the corner of her eyes. Eli kept spanking her, alternating hands. (Y/N) knew that she wouldn’t be able to sit for a while because of the sheer force that Eli was using when spanking her, but it was such a lovely sting.

Not only that, but the fact that it was Eli doing the spanking seemed to stir things up within (Y/n) even more. Whenever (Y/n) saw Eliㅡstrong, confident, and utterly sexyㅡshe always felt the same urge to be dominated, punished. Those urges were becoming harder and harder to control, but feeling Eli’s hand coming down upon her each week tended to make things a lot easier when it came to daily interaction.


The spanking suddenly stopped, and (Y/N) tried to bite back her whimpers, wanting to continue to play the part of the ashamed, reluctant student. (Y/n) clawed at the desk desperately, trembling with need. She heard Eli walk around her. Finally, Eli came into her vision, sitting behind the desk. “Come bend over my knee,” Eli commanded.

(Y/n) straightened, then walked around to Eli on wobbly legs. She could feel the slick arousal that had gathered between her legs, and she wanted so badly to get home and finish herself off to the thought of Eli like always. She complied and bent over Eli’s leg, shivering as Eli flipped her skirt up again. Just as before, Eli began to spank (Y/n), except (Y/N) felt even more humiliated because of her position. Not only that, but (Y/n) was sure that she was dripping onto Eli's leg by then.

When Eli’s slaps got even more force behind them, (Y/N) started to twitch and convulse with every hit, biting back moans. As if Eli wanted to hear those noises, she started to smack (Y/N) even harder. (Y/N) finally began to whimper shamelessly, unable to hold back any longer. It was so embarrassing to hear herself becoming putty in Eli’s hands just from a few slaps, but she was too deep to consider asking Eli to stop.

It seemed like (Y/n) letting her guard down was a good idea. Once again doing something that she had never done before, Eli ended the spanking abruptly and began to caress (Y/n)’s pussy. (Y/n)’s eyes widened in shock, but she hardly had any time to truly register what was happening before two of Eli’s fingers were inside her. As always, Eli got right to the point, pumping her fingers quickly. (Y/n)’s breath became labored. She dug her fingernails into her palms and clenched her fists, trembling.

The rhythm and skill of Eli’s fingers were sloppy at best, but (Y/n) was quickly melting under her touch. Everything seemed to blend together, and she couldn’t tell her skin from Eli’s, or whether she was moaning or screaming or begging or all three. (Y/n) had never felt such pleasure; her own fingers had never felt so warm and electric. (Y/n) quickly became overwhelmed, unable to think of how surreal it was to have Eli fingering her in the student council room. Her mind was clouded with pleasure, pleasure that became even more distinct when Eli managed to wriggle another finger inside of her.

Within seconds, (Y/n) was falling apart, her whole body tensing as an orgasm unlike any other washed over her. She could only faintly recognize the feel of Eli’s other hand petting her hair, the sound of Eli’s voice cooing affectionately and ushering her through her climax. Finally, it all came to an end, and her body went limp, draped over Eli’s lap like a throw blanket, on her wolf form

For a few seconds, she laid there, letting Eli comb her fingers through her fur and pick out little knots. ELI’s lap was heaven, warm and comforting, even if (Y/n)’s back was beginning to hurt from strain. After a while, Eli murmured, “Alright, (L/n)-san. Up.”

Shakily, (Y/n) transform back and straightened for a second time, standing on wobbly feet. She bent over and pulled her stockings and underwear up, noticing in her peripheral vision that Eli was watching her closely. She turned to Eli when she was finished, and mumbled, “Thank you, Elichika...”

“Don’t thank me...stay out of trouble,” Eli said, quite simply, as if nothing had ever happened. (Y/n) blushed and nodded, grabbing her backpack and walking towards the door. However, before (Y/N) leaves, Eli pulls her in a hug. "I'm sorry for being rough in past couple of days.... "

(Y/N)'s wolf ears twitch as she smiles at Eli. "it's okay Eli... I um... Kind of like it anyways... "

"Oh really? " Eli chuckles as she raise an eyebrow at her. "Where's my reward then? "

(Y/N) moves her collar aside as she smiles. Eli then smiles back as she leans in her neck, her fangs showing.

"Even though we are different. I will always love you (Y/n). "


Oh deym that's so long- (゚∀゚ )

Anyways.... Lewd rite? 😂 I might write more of that when I get bored again 😂


Next up! Maki x Tsundere! Reader

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