《The queen's little wife, pretending to have amnesia online》Chapter 14


Chapter 14

Next, Lin Mo was listless and let Xue Luhe pick up pieces of clothes and gesture on her body, but when the other party asked her for her opinion, she kept shaking her head and refused.

What time is it, and what kind of street are you still shopping? Lin Mo is not in the mood at all. Seeing those gorgeous clothes, he is only irritable.

Xue Luhe finally waved his hand:

"Buy all of them, let's keep them all."

All the shopping guides were stunned, and then they were all excited. This time they earned all their wages for a few months! As expected, I snatched it from my head. The opportunity to serve Queen Xue was too lucrative!

"Thank you, Miss Xue! Thank you, thank you! We give you a discount! I also thank Miss Lin, Miss Xue really dotes on you, and I wish you and Miss Xue a good relationship for a hundred years!"

Of course these shopping guides don't know the relationship between Xue Luhe and Lin Mo, but they are all It was obvious at a glance that Xue Luhe was very unusual to Lin Mo, and there must be something between these two people.

Lin Mo didn't know whether to laugh or cry. She didn't want to talk to them. Instead, Xue Luhe smiled and said,

"You have a sweet mouth. I'll go to the housekeeper to get a tip


Xue Luhe didn't linger any longer, grabbed Lin Mo's wrist and led her upstairs to the master bedroom.

Lin Mo sat on the bed blankly, looking out the window sideways.

It started to rain, the rain poured down, the flowers and plants in the smashed garden kept shaking, and many flowers were pitifully destroyed to the ground.

The water droplets fell like pearls, leaving a lot of water marks on the windows. Lin Mo felt depressed and didn't want to look back at the room at all.

Xue Luhe leaned against the wall, hugged her arms, and observed the girl in front of her.

After a long time, she suddenly sneered:

"Why, you're not happy? You don't like the clothes I'm looking for?"

Lin Mo didn't say a word, didn't turn his head back, and gave a bold "ha", his voice was as cold as Xue Luhe.

Is it for the clothes, don't you have any points in your heart? Besides, do I have the right not to like what you got? Don't you think it's kind of funny that you almost strangled me and now you come and ask me why I'm not happy?

Lin Mo didn't dare to say these words.

In fact, there is no need to say it, because Xue Luhe did it on purpose. Don't people know what she said? People know everything, but they don't care.

He didn't care about Lin Mo's feelings at all.

So what's the use of asking her hypocritically now.

Lin Mo snorted and didn't answer again, while Xue Luhe stared at her for a while, then turned and left.

Lin Mo couldn't figure out what Xue Luhe was thinking about, and she didn't want to touch it. Now she was desperate, feeling that she had no hope of regaining her freedom, so she didn't want to care about anything.

Lin Mo just sat by the window like this, and for some time, suddenly the phone vibrated.

It was Lu Ruoruo's call, and she picked it up.

The person on the other side stopped yelling, but instead said politely and softly,


"Hello, I'll find Lin Mo. Is it convenient for her to speak now?"

Lin Mo glanced at the closed door:

"I'm Lin Mo. Mo, I'm alone now, and it's convenient for me to talk."

As soon as Lu Ruoruo heard this, her voice immediately changed back to what it was before, irritable and sharp:

"Aiya, Lin Mo! Why didn't you tell me what's going on with the two of you right now? ? Now President Xue is obviously very interested in you, so you can just lock her up. I thought you were being persecuted by her. I went to see her today, and I think she spoils you so much!"

Lin Mo was speechless:

"Pamper me . ?"

Lu Ruoruo spoke quickly, like a bean:

"Yes, yes, she just loves you very much. You see, she even bought so many designer clothes for you. Wow, all the dozens of brands only serve you! What kind of idol drama is this! If I'm really happy that someone treats me like this!"

Lin Mo's face was expressionless, his lips opened and closed to the minimum, and he just said,

"If I tell you, Xue Luhe bought all the clothes in the end, and there was no one. Falling, how do you feel?"

Lu Ruoruo let out a piercing scream:

"Ahhh-then I may faint from happiness! Do you know how many brand limited editions are there! How many things are designs? Master Edition, no amount of money can buy it! God, God, Xue Luhe is really fascinated by you! You are a good match, don't do it, let's get together!"

Lin Mo said lightly Said:

"But the injury on my leg was hit by her."

Lu Ruoruo was silent for a long time, and she whispered tentatively:

"At the beginning... Maybe she found out that you cheated, she was too impulsive... This is true It's your fault first..."

Lin Mo suddenly felt aggrieved.

Everything is clear, and it has nothing to do with her at all. What bad things did Lin Mo in the original book do, why should she wear the consequences? He was given a new life in order to be beaten half-crippled and lie at home to be humiliated?

Tears welled up from the corners of her eyes, and she said what she had been suppressing for a long time:

"But I feel very wronged, why did I suffer from this? It wasn't me who did it! It was me who was imprisoned in pain and pain..."

She cried, a low sob coming through the receiver.

third floor.

There was a mobile phone on the desk in the study. Inside, the real-time recording of Lin Mo and Lu Ruoruo's phone call was playing.

The thin sobbing sound, like an inextricable vine, bypassed the huge bookcase to the top and got into the ears of Xue Luhe who was standing in front of the bookcase.

Xue Luhe was holding the book in her hand, but she was looking at the phone from a distance, the pages of the book were already wrinkled by her slender fingers, with great force.

Lin Mo's phone has been monitored by Xue Luhe since she discovered that she lost her memory. She has read everything Lin Mo and Lu Ruoruo said.

No obvious flaws have been found for the time being.

But this was not what Xue Luhe wanted. She monitored Lin Mo just to find out what happened to this person.

Now not only is it not clear, but things are getting more and more confusing, which is really disturbing.


Lin Mo cried, and Lu Ruoruo on the other end of the phone was also silent. She didn't know what to say. After a while, she choked out a sentence:

"Don't cry... In other words, you're sleeping with a beauty, it's true, it's your own words. You told me."

Lin Mo cried and paused:

"Which day? What did I say?"

Lu Ruoruo recalled:

"It was just two days before you slept with the beauty, you sent me a message saying that you might have done it. It's a mistake, but you don't regret it."

Lin Mo:

"...What does this mean?"

Lu Ruoruo excitedly said:

"You think, it means that you are ready to cheat! I slept with someone else, but I felt good, so I said I don't regret it."

Lin Mo thought to himself how it was connected, obviously the original owner was talking about something else, but it's a pity to tell Lu Ruoruo to listen to it, it's just playing the piano to a cow.

"That's not what I should have said... But forget it, anyway, now I'm locked in the house by the perverted Xue Da, so there is no point in discussing so much. Don't come again in the future, the perverted Xue Da has already set his sights on you, Thank you for missing me, but I don't want to drag you into the water. I'll take care of the future, sigh."

After Lin Mo said this, she felt a little exhausted, but the dust has finally settled, what will happen next? She can't control her development.

Lu Ruoruo said a few more words and hung up.

Lin Mo held her mobile phone, recalled the content of Lu Ruoruo's words, and thought of the text message she received a few days ago.

A message from a suspected gangster, asking her to give money, or else what she has done will be made public.

It seems that what Lu Ruoruo said today is probably this.

Compared with what the original owner had arranged, Lin Mo wanted to know how he could escape from here and start a new life.

But... Thinking of the biggest obstacle between her and her new life, Xue Luhe, Lin Mo felt discouraged again.

In the study, Xue Luhe looked at the mobile phone, his eyes were gloomy, his eyes were like frost and snow, he didn't know what he was thinking.

After a long time, she picked up the phone and threw it in the drawer.

After lunch, it wasn't long before dinner.

Lin Mo had no appetite. No matter how good the food was, she would eat a little bit.

Then play with the phone, watch TV, and go to bed again.

When Lin Mo was watching TV, he accidentally saw a cosmetic advertisement shot by Xue Luhe.

With red lips and fair skin, extremely sharp high ponytail and sharp eyeliner, Xue Luhe exudes charm on the screen to the fullest, and anyone who sees it will be moved.

Lin Mo admitted that when he saw some close-up shots, he was also shamefully moved.

He even recalled the soft hand that Xue Luhe put on his lips, and the light kiss on the back of his hand.

Only now did she realize that Xue Luhe's action... In fact, it was an indirect kiss, right?

However, she just wanted to show it to Lu Ruoruo, as if she was really interested in herself.

Alas, this pervert made Lin Mo uneasy, and when he saw that beautiful face, his heart skipped a beat.

I don't know if I was frightened or amazed.

At twelve o'clock in the evening, Lin Mo had already fallen asleep on the bed, and suddenly felt someone standing in front of him.

This time, the man was open-minded and said directly:

"Let me go, let's go."

A soft and cold hand pressed against Lin Mo's shoulder and pushed her aside. Lin Mo fell into a daze and turned over. .

She felt the collapse of someone sitting down on the other side of the bed, but she didn't care, she closed her eyes and fell asleep again.

That night, Lin Mo always felt that something was wrong, and he couldn't tell what was wrong.

Her body also seemed to have some additional problems, her legs were cold for a while, her chest was heavy for a while, and her stomach hurt again for a while, but she thought it was a dream and didn't care.

When Lin Mo opened her eyes the next morning, she was surprised to find out:

What the hell! Xue Luhe and herself slept in the same bed last night!

Xue Luhe was wearing a dark green simplified kimono pajamas, a wide robe with large sleeves, long and messy, and a long white straight leg stretched out from the robe. The pose is very casual.

She was still sleeping, her beautiful face was extremely peaceful, almost innocent, and her brows were furrowed, as if she was not so peaceful in her sleep.

There is a shallow tear mole at the corner of the eye, like the tears hanging in the corner of the eye that have not yet dried.

Lin Mo was surprised at first, but then, she was quickly attracted by the beauty.

She carefully looked at every inch of the skin and every organ on Xue Luhe's face, and found that this person really looked like a perfect artwork, with no pores at all, no wrinkles on his skin, and his facial features were all beautiful and sharp, looking very aggressive. .

It is a face that will be deeply imprinted in the back of my mind after a few more glances. No wonder people in the critics always say that Xue Luhe is "God put food in his mouth".

This beauty is unbelievable.

The long legs that stick out, the slender legs, the ankles that are not full of grip, are exquisite and beautiful everywhere...

Wait, this ankle... can I hold it?

Lin Mo desperately wanted to try, and stretched out a hand to Xue Luhe's ankle.

She thought very well, and planned to hold it in the void, not to touch the skin, just compare it casually, but the plan could not keep up with the changes.

As soon as Lin Mo stretched out his hand, he saw Xue Luhe opened his eyes.

Then, with a tense hand, she "slapped".

Press it on Xue Luhe's thigh.

The author has something to say: Thank you to the little angel who voted for me or irrigated nutrient solution during 2020-06-27 20:05:26~2020-06-28 19:13:22~

Thank you for casting mine Little Angel: 2 deep-sinking seven-five; 1 cute little cerebellum axe;

thanks to the little angel who irrigated the nutrient solution: 65 bottles of prosperous trance; 10 bottles of Coola; 5 bottles of deep-sinking seven-five; Ye Yuluo, Le I ordered 1 bottle;

thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

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