《[MXTX] Three Times the Love》Chapter 19 - A Mother Who Can't Cook


He didn't say his thoughts aloud. Rather, he went back on topic. "Jiang Cheng, my Senior Brother, says to gather you and your... disciple over to the balcony." He simply gestured. "Just follow me. I am a mere tour guide today, after all."

Shen Qingqiu grabbed his fan from nearby, then fanned himself. "What does your Senior Brother need from us?"

Wei Wuxian shrugged. "I'm not sure. Just follow me, and you'll know."

The Peak Master nodded. He went over to Luo Binghe, dragged his lover by his limbs, then gestured to Wei Wuxian. "Lead the way."

Wei Wuxian, "..." This pair of couple is really violent.

He turned around expressionlessly, then walked out with the two lovers trailing behind. Wei Wuxian sighed dramatically. He was working underneath Jiang Cheng by himself. A day without Lan Zhan felt less important. It was like a forest without trees. An ocean without fish. A house without an owner.

"Speaking of which, where is HanGuang-Jun?" Shen Qingqiu questioned.

Wei Wuxian suppressed his funny smile. It would look weird if he'd be smiling if his husband was away, okay? Truth be told, Lan Zhan was too busy searching a punishment for Lan Jingyi and Sizhui. He had to overlook and watch his fellow clan's disciples, in order to make sure they don't make anymore ruckuses like before.

"He's punishing his Clan's disciples." Wei Wuxian answered.

"Oh." Shen Qingqiu spoke, mutually understanding. Especially since he himself was a Peak Master, he could understand the circumstances.

Finally, Luo Binghe was tired of being dragged. He got up from the wooden-planked flooring, then fixed his robes before following behind his Shizun's footsteps.

The three cultivators carried on. They gradually arrived at the balcony, where Jiang Cheng, Hua Cheng, and Xie Lian resided. The two tall men retracted their strong defying gazes, and turn to the audience. "Introduce them." Jiang Cheng ordered.

Wei Wuxian, "..." Again?

Shen Qingqiu patted him on a shoulder. "No need. I am Shen Qingqiu, a Peak Master from Cang Qiong Mountain." He turned to gesture at his husband. "This is Luo Binghe, my disciple."

"I'm also a Demon Lord!" Luo Binghe didn't show modesty, and didn't care about hiding his identity. He just blurted out his entitlement, like he was declaring a lifelong motto instead of declaring himself as the big bad evil villain.

Jiang Cheng's eyebrows furrowed. He couldn't tell if Luo Binghe was lying or not! His instincts told him that there was no way a "Demon Lord" would admit their identity out loud in public. However, Luo Binghe's facial muscles showed that he was not lying.

So... which was it?

"Ahem," Jiang Cheng withdrew his thoughts. He believed it was better to get to work before pondering on meaningless assumptions. "I came here to ask you four for a favour."

"Ask away." Xie Lian said simply. "You've saved our lives after all. We can't thank you enough."

"I can!" Luo Binghe piped up in the background.

He was smacked on the head with a fan.

Jiang Cheng, "..." What was he going to say again?

He coughed, holding a fist underneath his chin. His expressionless face melted into seriousness. Anyone could tell that his man shouldn't be reckoned with. Otherwise, he'd whip you with purple strikes of lightning, which was enough to bruise until reaching the bone and marrow.

"I'd like you four to help me with taking care of my... nephew."

Xie Lian blinked. "Nephew?"

Beside him, Luo Binghe shared the same expression. It was ridiculous to see how two completely different cultivators presenting the same faces. One was kind, the other was rebellious. However, both were stumped enough to share a look of innocent confusion.


"I'll introduce you." Jiang Cheng said.

Suddenly, a head popped up from behind him. The young cultivator was shorter than his uncle, but wore a prideful expression on his face. His golden robes were especially gleaming, emanating an irreplaceable arrogance and pride. Jin Ling puffed out his chest, his long ponytail of chestnut brown hair swaying down by his waist.

"He's Jin Ling." Jiang Cheng wanted to get the introduction out of the way. "You'll be monitoring his every movements. He is currently grounded for causing disturbances. Make sure to not let him get into anymore trouble. I'll see if you're good enough for this job."

"You want us to be babysitters?" Shen Qingqiu's jaw dropped open.

Upon hearing this line, Jin Ling opposed him, "I'm not a baby!"

"To me, a fucking ghost who've travelled across continents, you're like a baby." Hua Cheng, on the sidelines, had piped in his own opinion. He wore a look of disdain and discomfort.

For Hua Cheng, he despised all kids. The only exceptions made were if Gege liked them.

"Hmph!" Jin Ling didn't hide away his contempt either. "I don't care who you are!"

Jiang Cheng saw how the two sides couldn't get along at first. He wanted to mediate them, but then realized that his role as the adult had been taken over. Jiang Cheng shot a look at the remaining two, Xie Lian and Shen Qingqiu.

Sensing his look, Xie Lian played the role as the pacifier. "Hey hey, calm down. We'll be taking care of you, not as adults, but as Senior cultivators."

"Huh." Jin Ling scorned.

Seeing how disrespectful the brat was towards his Gege, Hua Cheng held a great urge to pummel the Young Mistress into oblivion.

"Guys, get along." Wei Wuxian added. "I'm his uncle."

"Who's my uncle!" Jin Ling defended. "I don't want an uncle like you."

Wei Wuxian's bright face immediately changed. Dark lines ran across his face before he raised a fist provocatively. "You know what... teach that brat a lesson for me!"

Thus, began the adventures of the three protagonists and their husbands (including the young brat, who has too many uncles to keep count of).

A fire burned in the furnace.

"I want an apple." Jin Ling lazily sat reclined on an extravagant chair. He outstretched a hand, waiting to be given what he wants.

Hurriedly moving on his feet, Xie Lian grabbed a nearby apple and gently placed it in Jin Ling's open hand. The others watched behind, dumbfounded at how serious Xie Lian was taking this.

"Thanks." Jin Ling opened his mouth, then took a bite out of the apple.

In the back, Hua Cheng stared at Jin Ling with a cold look. He seemed to be threatening the little brat, "Order my wife around one more time and I swear..."

Jin Ling pretended not to notice, and continued munching his apple.

Xie Lian stood on the side, ready to be ordered anytime. So this is how it feels like to babysit.

If Shen Qingqiu were to hear his words then, he would have given him an entire series of manuals, based on the methods of babysitting a certain black-bellied disciple.

The two couples were inside the Young Mistress' room of Lotus Pier. Wei Wuxian decided to leave and go check up on his hubby, Lan Zhan, so he left the two couples with Jin Ling.

"It's too hot in here." Jin Ling yawned. He finished his apple, throwing the core into a trash bin.


Xie Lian's eyes beamed in brightness. "I'll extinguish the fire-"

"No." Jin Ling flatly refused. He pointed to the fan, in which Shen Qingqiu held onto. "I want you to fan me. There needs to be some sort of wind here. It's too hot."

Shen Qingqiu's face darkened. His hold on his fan had tightened. "There's no way I'll do that."

Then, he met the bright golden eyes of Xie Lian, who cooed, "We need to babysit properly."

Shen Qingqiu, "..." He turned his head to look at Hua Cheng, who would never oppose anything his Gege says. Shen Qingqiu looked back at Xie Lian, who was incredibly keen on babysitting properly. The Peak Master took a breath, then sighed ruefully.

Later on, he found himself fanning hysterically at the little brat.

"Be gentler." Jin Ling ordered.

Shen Qingqiu swallowed down the complaints that were about to emerge from his throat. He slowed down his movements, but then was shot a glare of contempt.

"...What is it?" Shen Qingqiu mustered up those three words.

Jin Ling spat, "I told you to be gentler, not slower."

He grabbed the fan out from Shen Qingqiu's hands, snapping it shut. Truth be told, Jin Ling was given a mission by his uncle as well. He was told to be as disrespectful and annoying to the guest cultivators, who will be babysitting him. At first, he was reluctant. He didn't need to be taken care of! Couldn't Jiang Cheng see that he was a capable Young Master?

Later on, Jin Ling learned the reason. It was to test the four guest cultivators. Jiang Cheng wanted to see if they'd try to curry favour or to try and play tricks.

Jin Ling was ready to make these babysitters' heads explode.

He threw the fan into Luo Binghe's arms. "You, fan me next."

Luo Binghe shockingly stared at the fan in his hands. He rigidly stepped forwards, having to shut away the cries that his pride sobbed out.

Opening the fan, Luo Binghe began to fan.

His movements were as stiff as stone. There was simply no wind forming from his fanning!

Jin Ling was displeased. He snatched the fan out from Luo Binghe's hands, then threw it into Hua Cheng's bosom. "You're next."

The fan was caught effortlessly. Hua Cheng looked at the fan, scrutinizing every detail of the item. There was the image of a depicted river, the stream running south with alleviating waves. Bamboo sprouts and leaves stained the corners, outstretching themselves like roots digging into soil. Truly, such a magnificent piece of art on the fan is splendid.

Despite that, Hua Cheng held onto the hilt of the fan tightly. His grip locked onto the fan, with light blue veins squirming to pop out from his wrist.

A crack broke into the hilt of the fan.

Jin Ling gawked at the strength used. "Never mind! I don't want you to fan me!" If Hua Cheng were to hold onto the fan any longer, only ashes will remain!

He grabbed the fan away from Hua Cheng's deathly grip. Afterwards, Jin Ling gave the fan to Xie Lian, who held the item like it was the most precious thing to him.

Xie Lian blinked.

"Is it my turn?" He asked.

"Yes." Jin Ling scoffed.

Xie Lian opened the fan, then gently began to fan Jin Ling. The former's movements were clean and precise, yet tender and soothing. The fan moved like the wings of a butterfly, producing waves and currents of fresh wind. "Is this good?"

Jin Ling relaxed. He enjoyed the special treatment, and was even about to sink into sleep-

He snapped awake. He almost forgot the mission that his uncle told him to complete! Jin Ling sat up in his chair, then shook his head. "Forget it. It's too hot. Put out the fire."

Xie Lian didn't know what he did wrong. He just silently folded the fan, then passed it back to Shen Qingqiu. The latter wept silent tears at the crack torn at the hilt of the fan, but he didn't dare to complain to Hua Cheng. The Ghost King mustn't be reckoned with!

"Gege," Hua Cheng stepped out. "I'll put it out."

He looked at the fire aflame in the furnace. Hua Cheng extended out a hand, then snapped his fingers. Immediately, the fire was put out.

Jin Ling's jaw dropped open. He hurried to close it.

"Umm..." What else could he say? "I regret it!" Jin Ling hurriedly blurted out. "I actually want the fire! It's not that hot."

Dark lines ran across Hua Cheng's face.

Not as composed as the Ghost King, Luo Binghe was infuriated. "Do you want or not want the fire!?!"

Jin Ling's copper brown pupils thinned. "Hah!? Are you opposing me?"

"Shut up, Binghe." Shen Qingqiu slapped a hand over his lover's mouth. Only small whimpers leaked out from Luo Binghe's throat.

Hua Cheng arched an eyebrow, then snapped his fingers again. A fire was lit in the furnace.

Jin Ling was baffled. What stuff can't that man do?!?

He hid away his disbelief, then returned back to an indifferent expression. "I'm hungry. Is there anything to eat around here?" Reclining against his chair, Jin Ling twirled his chestnut brown around a finger. "Forget it. Make a meal for me." He outstretched a hand, pointing a slender finger at het kitchen across from the room.

Xie Lian went to look at his companions. They all gave him a look of acknowledgement. "Alright."

Hua Cheng didn't stop him. In fact, he encouraged him even more.

Jin Ling had no idea what kind of hell he just put himself through.

When Xie Lian came back from the kitchen, he held a bowl of violet porridge (are porridges supposed to be purple?), and a gentle smile revealed on his handsome face. "Here is your meal."

Jin Ling, "..." He took one sniff of the supposedly porridge. Instantly, he wanted to barf.

How could there possibly be a person who cooks worse than Wei Wuxian!

Suffering from grievances, Jin Ling wanted to overturn the bowl and spill all the porridge out onto the floor. At that point, he wouldn't be surprised if the porridge contained acidic contents, then melted the wooden floorboards through.

He took a small peek of Xie Lian's tender smile.

It was so gentle that Jin Ling wouldn't have imagined that he'd made such... a dark cuisine!

Xie Lian's soft temperament was like a mother... like a mother who couldn't cook.

Welcome to Restaurant Spicy & Bitter!

This establishment is said to be owned by two prominent figures. There is the legendary Yiling Patriarch; who burned off a few junior cultivator's tongues because of his dish's piping hot passion! Next, there is the legendary Crown Prince; who accidentally knocked a Martial God unconscious because of his... unrivalled talent in cooking!

What would you like to order?

Wei Wuxian: There is the signature dish; mapo tofu, but with ten times amount of spice

Xie Lian: How about the new meal; kungpao chicken? It will certainly light your taste buds ablaze...

Wei Wuxian: Oh no~ Xie-xiong! You mustn't tease them like that!

Xie Lian: Sichuan peppers coming right up! It'll be so spicy, it'll taste bitter

Lan Wangji & Hua Cheng: (゜д゜,) ...We might as well shut the business down now instead of later

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