《Regular Love ⚡Idol Love [ Re-Edit ]》Statue of Isori


Humming a tune, I nod my head side to side as I look at my phone. My fingers text every single minute as I giggle time to time.

"Something is DEFINITELY wrong with her. That's a fact." Nale states.

"It's Akira, what do you expect?" Loki sighs.

Ignoring all the 'whispers' around me, I focus on my phone as I continue to text Isori back. It's been two days since we've been friends. And every single minute, we'll keep texting each other. Despite him sometimes being sarcastic, he was really funny. It was nice for once to talk with a boy like this.

'Snarky Idol: How's lunch so far?

Me: Eh, normal.

Snarky Idol: Beautiful explanation.

Me: Just like me. 😎

Snarky Idol: Yup, just like you. 😆

Snarky Idol: Are you busy after school?

Me: No, why?

Snarky Idol: Can you help me in my studies?

Me: Aw. Mr. Snarky is asking me for help? 😏

Snarky Idol: Please? 😘

Me: Fine. But you have to buy me ice cream.

Snarky Idol: Deal.

Me: My house right after school?

Snarky Idol: Sure, I'll pick you up.

Me: Pick me up?

Snarky Idol: You'll see. 😉

Frowning a bit, I tilt my head in confusion before shrugging it off. Placing my phone away into my bag, I finally feel the states around me. Looking over to the class, I see them all looking at me.

"Is something wrong?" I ask.

"Nope. Nothing." They all reply in sync before doing their own stuff.

Shrugging, I look outside the window smiling. I can't wait till school ends.


The final bell finally rings getting me to smile brightly and stand up. Packing my stuff, I get ready to leave but a loud noise of whispers interrupt me. Heading out of the class, I find a familiar hoy standing there looking around.


"Isori?" I ask.

He finds me and smiles,"Akira!"

Gasps fill the entire school.

"Why are you here?" I ask walking over towards him.

"I did say I'll pick you up." He winks getting me to smile a bit and roll my eyes.

"This is a surprise." I chuckle.

"It's a gentlemen's duty to pick up the girl since they're hanging out after school." He stretches his hand out.

Sighing, I take it before he leads me out of the shocked crowd.

"You don't really have to pick me up. If you do, it's just gonna cause a lot of trouble for both of us. Especially you." I worry.

"Hey, it's my own choice. I can do what I want. And it's okay, it's fun picking you up. And guess what else I have in store?" He smirks.

Before I could ask, we stop right in front of a bike getting me to stare at it before laughing.

"Please don't tell me we're gonna do what I'm thinking of right now."

"Well, if you're thinking of me only bicycling and you walking. That'll be a no. But if it's me bicycling and you on the bike still, then yes." He answers.

"We're gonna fall." I state.

"No we're not. Not need to worry. I'm an expert at this despite it being my first time." He winks getting me to giggle.

He gets on the bike throwing our bags in the basket at the front.

"Come on." He gestures me over only getting me to sigh.

Getting on behind me, I place my feet on the bars before standing up and holding on to his shoulder.

"That's not that safe, don't you think..." He begins but I stop him.


"It feels better like this. Having the wind blow against me." I smile looking forward.

He just stares at me before shrugging. Beginning to pedal, we start to ride down the ride. I would give shouts of excitement as the wind feels so nice blowing against me. It was fun as we would keep going downhill like a roller coaster. Time to time, I'll give him direction to my house as he continues to laugh along with me.

"You're crazy!" He laughs.

"You can't expect everyone to be normal!" I shout back as we go downhill again.

He just shakes his head.

In a few minutes, we arrive to my house. Well, apartment but it's still quite big enough to be like a house.

"So this is where you live." He looks up at the apartment,"Which floor?"

"Top floor." I answer getting him to raise an eyebrow as we enter inside the lobby.

"But isn't it the most expensive part?" He asks.

"It is. But my uncle is paying it for me." I answer pressing the elevator button wanting to go up.

"That's cool." He comments.

Entering inside the elevator, I press the button to the highest floor while taking out my keys. As we wait for a few seconds, we arrive at the top onto revealing one door arias from us. Unlocking the door, we enter inside my apartment.

"Wow..." Isori gasps in shock as his eyes are glued to the entrance only for now.

"Come on. Let's hurry." I take off my shoes before walking down the hallway to be inside the living room.

As he follows suit, he just becomes even more in shock as he just stands there. He's frozen on the spot. Ignoring him, I just allow him to just stand there as I head up to my room.

Shutting the door behind me, I change into a pair of denim shorts and a black tank top before heading downstairs. There, I still find him in awe.

Giggling a bit, I head to the kitchen preparing a few snacks. Placing them on on the table in the living room. I sit on one of the brown black couches across the big screen tv.

"If you keep standing there, you won't learn anything." I take a bite of the chips.

He breaks out of his face before looking at ya,"Right...wait. When did you change?"

"When you were a frozen statue of a deer looking at a headlight." I reply taking another bite.

"That hurts." He sulks earning a shrug from me.

"Let's get started." I state as he sits beside me.

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