《Regular Love ⚡Idol Love [ Re-Edit ]》Sibling Relationships


Opening my eyes, I find a light blue transparent sky meeting me. The white clouds pass by slowly as I sigh sadly. I do miss hanging out with my brother and his friends. It's been too long. But it's not my choice for him to suddenly ignore and separate from me. Even I don't know the reason why. The urge of crying comes as I grip my leg tightly hoping I won't. Only a single tear comes down my face before none start flowing along. The single tear landed on my hand which I stared at for a moment before a sakura leaf lands on it. Now turning my attention to the pink trees around me, I smile. Standing up while wiping my hand on my skirt, I start head over to the middle of the field surrounded by sakura trees. Taking a deep breathe in, my eyes close calm before opening them getting them to look a bit up to the sky. Smiling, I take a good exhale before the school bell rings loudly signalling the end of lunch. Turning back to the school, I start jogging to the grand building.


"Do you guys really want to meet them?" I hesitantly ask not wanting them to come over.

But that wasn't the point. I just don't want to see my older brothers. They hate me. They separated themselves from me all of a sudden. And it didn't happen so joyfully. It started with a slap on my face. Shaking my head not wanting to remember the memory, I just try to look my normal self.

"Yup! We haven't seen them for so long! I miss them!" Oki chirps super happily as I make my best fake smile face.

You see, I haven't told them about my brothers' and my separation. They still think we're the closest siblings ever. But we aren't. Walking back to my house with my two best friends, I look ahead of the road as the other two continues with their conversation. Finding the familiar dark black house with beautiful windows, I continue to keep my pace hoping I didn't just go slower. It's been a whole three years since I've left here, huh? That's right. I don't live in this fabulous house. I left right after my brothers' hatred towards me. Saddening from the thought, we stop at the front to get a clear vision of the house. The main colour was black as windows were mostly the ones appealing the house. Far brown wood are placed for the floors as beautiful plants surround the front yard. Walking on the beautiful gravel road that leads to the front door, I hesitantly ring the doorbell.


"Don't you have keys?" Loki asks confused.

"I forgot them. Too excited for the first day of school." I lie with a chuckle smiling.

"Typical you." He chuckles as I lightly do the same.

That's when the door opens and I meet a boy with familiar with black hair and grey eyes. My eyes instantly turn into shame not looking at him. Instead, looking at the floor. Before he could snarl at me, he catches Oki and Lokie getting him to smile.

"It's been a while since I've seen you two!" My second oldest brother chirps happily slithering past me before giving hugs to them.

"It's nice to see you too, Ren-senpai!" Loki smiles along with Oki.

"Didn't I ask you two to stop with the honorific?" My brother chuckles as I just look sadly to the ground.

"Sorry. We're just too used to it because of the past." Oki scratches the back of his head.

"Ren! Who's out there?" Another familiar voice joins in as I flinch.

There, a boy with blonde hair and blue eyes emerge. Catching me, he glares harshly at me getting me to flinch. Before he could growl at me, my friends catch his attention.

"Alto-senpai !" They chirp getting my oldest brother to then smile.

"Hey! Isn't it, Loki and Oki!" My brother smiles also sliding past me before giving hugs to my friends.

As they have a chat all together, I enter the house quietly without them noticing. Walking silently to my room on the second floor, I touch the familiar light pink colour. Opening it, I enter inside with no emotion even though I want to let it all out. And what surprises me is who were inside. There, two boys which were younger than me and are still in their elementary years sit on the ground playing with my old dollhouse.


"Akira-onee-chan?" One of them starts crying as the other one just stays silent.

Instantly, I close the door and rush to both my younger brothers. Hugging them tightly as they breathe over my shoulder. I finally let the tears out.

"Akira-onee-chan, where have you been?" The younger one cries as his brown hair rests on my shoulder as his green eyes are blurred by his tears.

"I'm sorry, Olive. Rune."I apologize brushing their hair.

"We thought you left us for good last time!" The older one cries as I continue to pat his blonde hair as his green eyes were closed.

"Why would I ever leave my two adorable little brothers? I will never do that." I hug them tighter before separating from them to smile,"If I did, I'll regret it forever."

They smile back as I wipe their tears for them as mine were now dry. Calming down, I sit together with them as I explain my situation before listening to their stories. Every time they laugh, I laugh. Every time they smile, I smile. That's when a knock interrupts our fun time to get me to find Ren at the doorway glaring at me.

"Olive. Rune. Get away from her now!" He growls getting the two boys to flinch before hesitantly obey and walk to their older brother before he glares at me which I calmly take,"Didn't we tell you never to show your face here again?"

"It's not your house, Ren. It's also not Alto's. It belongs to Uncle's and he allows me to come here." I growl back standing up to glare at him back,"And it's not like I wanted to come back to see you and Alto, I only came to see Olive and Rune since Oki and Loki wanted to see you two. Don't misunderstand this."

Before he could snap back at me, I pass by him while bumping our shoulders.

"I'm leaving. Tell Loki and Oki I'll see them tomorrow," I walk away,"Aniki."

And that's when I left.

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