《A Musician To Be Reckoned With》| Chapter 26 | Still The Same



I halt as I don't move a single bit as I stare down at the floor, now remembering why he was here. Closing my eyes, I just sigh giving in, knowing that even if I try to deny it, it won't work.

"Well," I rub the back of my neck, "you can say I got reminded of him after one of my friends kissed me. He got jealous of him for being my first kiss, so that's when the memories all flash back again. That's all. Lame, isn't it?"

"Octave," he replies before sighing and patting my head, "it's not lame for you to feel like this. Everyone have secrets and feelings that they like to keep to themselves, so it's perfectly fine."

I stare at one of my best friends I've ever had before smiling, "Thanks, Theo."

"I'm always here for you, Octave." he smiles back then kisses my forehead getting me to giggle and kiss his forehead too.

It was a friend thing I do with my bandmates, it was normal for us to comfort each other by physical contact. Linking our hands again, we continue walking down the streets happily talking about our daily lives ever since our separation.

Before we can even continue further down the beautiful streets, I find that Theo halt getting me to tilt my head and look back at him. His eyes were looking at a nearby park with a huge beautiful decorated Christmas tree. People are singing as a small crowd gathers, but not enough to bring joy to the singers' faces.

A smile directs to me from Theo as I stare back and smile, knowing what exactly he wanted. We both head over to the crowd, we both glance to each other with the same look of having a plan. But before we could even start our amazing plan, a voice stops us.

"You're not going to leave us out of this, are you?" a very very familiar voice whispers behind us.

We both scream and jump wrapping our arms around each other in surprise from the voice that suddenly appears.

There, a boy with velvet red hair and bright green eyes stand behind us leaning our way with his hands on his hips. Behind him are three more boys with smiles unlike the one in front of us who is frowning cutely.

"Looks like he's still cute." I state getting a chuckle from Theo as we let each other go before I go pinch the red hair boy's cheek, "Looks like you haven't changed."

He swats my hand away nursing his pink cheek, "Be quiet, Shrimp."

"Angel! I missed you!" the blond hair boy with green eyes rush towards me wrapping his arms around me tightly with his cheek snuggling to mine.

"Let her go, you idiot." a boy with silver hair and orange eyes slightly glares at the boy hugging me.

"Guys, come on. It's the first time we've seen each other since middle school. Can't we just get along for this one day?" Kafe asks nervously.


We all keep quiet staring at each other before I smile and giggle at our situation.

"But isn't this how we act on a normal basis?" I ask earning smiles back as we get into a group hug.

"I miss you guys." I state, being in the of the hug middle as I try to wrap my arms around them all.

"Me too." the others reply in sync.

"Wait, how did you guys get here?" I finally ask the obvious question.

"After the phone call, everyone was still worried. So Liv went to pick us all up in his private plane." Kafe answers getting me to nod in understanding.

"Ugh. I can't believe I'm actually hugging this idiot." the red hair boy groans glancing over to the blonde.

"I agree with you, Dyane." the silver hair boy agrees placing a face of disgust.

"Theo! Dyane and Liv are being mean!" the blond hair boy whines.

"Guys, come on now." Theo chuckles.

"I can't believe that they still haven't changed." Kafe sighs getting me to giggle along.

"We've all changed in a way but still act the same, that's all. And it's a good thing too!" I chirp getting them to look at me before having the hug even tighter.

After a minute, we release each other as Dyane crosses his arms, "So, looking at the way you two looked at each other before. You're going to do something about that, aren't you?"

"Yup!" Theo and I answer getting the others to chuckle.

"Well, don't you dare forget about us." Lio chirps getting me to smile even wider.

Heading over to the small group of singers who just finished their song, they look at us in confusion.

"Um, if it's okay with you. Can we sing a song, please?" I ask getting shocking looks from them.

"Sure!" one of the boys smile brightly handing me his microphone, "Do you need any background music?"

"We got that covered, meaning, can we also borrow the instrument?" Liv asks glaring at the boy as he just blinks innocently.

"Sure thing." he replies as his group lends us their equipment.

Taking the microphone, I smile at the group of the five singing boys, "Thanks again. Sorry about him, he's grumpy at times."

"No problem!" they all reply with a smiles.

Only having an electric piano, Liv sits down at the chair before looking at us, "You guys go sing, I'll play."

"What do you want to sing, though?" Kafe asks me getting me to shrug in response.

"How about 'All I Want For Christmas' again like last year?" Lio suggests getting us to look at him before looking at each other and shrug in agreement.

Getting into position as we've also created a dance for this too, since we performed last year to the school, I take a deep breathe.

Liv is at the side as the rest of us are in a position of a circle. Lio and Kafe are at the front while Dyane, Theo and I are at the back. So I am between Lio and Dyane while they are beside the other two.


Taking deep breathes, a smile plasters on all our faces as Liv begins to play.


Our circle starts moving as I appear to the front with Lio beside me.

Octave: I don't want a lot for Christmas. There is just one thing I need.

Lio turns to face me as I take his outstretch hand getting him to give a small peck on it.

Lio: I don't care about the presents. Underneath the Christmas tree.

That's when the circle moves again one step after another.

Dyane: I just want you for my own. More than you could ever know.

That's when Lio lets go of my hand as Dyane takes my other hand also smiling while he sings spinning me around once.

Kafe: Make my wish come true.

Dyane releases my hand as Kafe pops up behind him caressing my cheek before he gets replace by Theo as he slides to the other side of Theo.

Theo: All I want for Christmas is...You. Is you.

That's when I begin singing again as the boys with Theo and Kafe on my left and Dyane and Lio on my right, move back snapping their fingers stepping side to side.

I hop onto the top of the rim of the edge of the container of the Christmas tree as I begin walking on it.

Octave: I don't want a lot for Christmas. There is just one thing I need.

Lio also hops on following me as he continues snapping his fingers.

Lio: I don't care about the presents. Underneath the Christmas tree.

I smile while glancing back at him as I begin snapping my fingers too.

Octave: I don't want to hang my stocking. There upon the fireplace.

That's when Theo suddenly comes in front of me offering me a hand to come down from the edge, and I do as I take his hand and jump off.

Theo: Santa Claus won't make me happy. With a toy on Christmas day.

As they are in a square with me in the middle, we continue to snap along with the music while moving side to side.

All: I just want you for my own. More than you could ever know. Make my wish come true.All I want for Christmas is you. You baby.

Lio takes my hand as we separate from the group, he jumps down one of the steps on the stairs looking up at me while gesturing our surroundings.

Lio: Oh, all the lights are shining.

That's when Dyane also steps down taking the hand Lio held as we both take another step down.

Dyane: So brightly everywhere (so brightly everywhere)

Releasing my hand, I use it to raise it high in the night sky while still singing.

Octave: And the sound of children's laughter fills the air (ohhh ohhh)

Dyane takes a step up to be beside me as all three of us then begin to head back to the square with the other two.

Dyane: And everyone is singing

Theo comes in front of me placing his hand beside his ear in a cup form.

Theo: I hear those sleigh bells ringing

Kafe comes in winking at me as he takes my hand, we step side to side together.

Kafe: Santa won't you bring me the one I really need. Won't you please bring my baby to me ohhh.

Releasing his hand, I turn back as I sing to the crowd singing with all my heart.

Octave: I don't want a lot for Christmas. This is all I'm asking for.

Dyane places his fist on his heart as he also sings his best.

Dyane: I just want to see my baby, standing right outside my door

That's when we all gather together singing to the large crowd cheering.

All: I just want you for my own. More than you could ever know.Make my wish come true (baby). All I want for Christmas is you. You baby.

Kafe: All I want. You're all I need. A Christmas day. Baby you and me.

All: All I want for Christmas is you baby.

Placing down the microphones away from our mouths, we stare at the crowd with smiles as Liv does the same. The cheering continues while Liv joins us at the front to take a bow. As the crowd gives us lots of compliments, I head over to the group of singing boys who are also smiling.

"Thanks, again." I smile handing them the microphone I am holding.

"We should be thanking you." the first boy that talked to me replies getting me smile even wider.

"You were amazing!" another boy speaks as the others also give me compliments.

"Thanks." I blush at these comments, "Maybe I'll see you guys again? Don't stop singing, you guys are amazing, all you need to do is know how to catch the crowd."

Winking at the end, I head back over to my friends as I wave the group of boys farewell.

"I see you're doing well, Octave."

My whole body stiffens as I stop in my track while I turn my head quickly to find the source of that voice.

There, a boy with dark grey brown hair - that I always loved to snuggle in and beautiful gold eyes that I always wished to stare at - stands in front of me. If it wasn't for the people surrounding us, I would have drop down to my knees from the numbness I feel in my body. His hair is the same, his eyes are still the same, his pale skin is still the same, his average height is still the same, his structure is still the same, and his smirk is still the same.

Nothing changed of him, he still has the savage evil looks of being my ex-boyfriend.

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