《A Musician To Be Reckoned With》| Chapter 25 | Bandmates



My eyes are watering as my legs are daring to to crumble down. He gives me a warm smile stretching out his hands, which I jump into. Wrapping my arms around his neck as I bury my face into his shoulders, he does the same but in a calmer way.

Smelling the chocolate orange fragment in my nose, I bury myself deeper into him as I find his medium long orange hair covering me.

Minutes pass of us hugging each other out as I slowly calm down myself from the happiness.

"I miss you." I whisper still burying my face inside his neck.

"Me too." He kisses my forehead before letting me down to the ground.

Not being in the air anymore, I give him a smile before giving each other a quick hug.

"How have you've been doing, Theo?" I ask letting go of him.

He shrugs, "Okay, but it's been hard without you, Cookie."

I smile hearing that nickname again after so long.

"Are you busy right now?" He asks earning a smile from me.


"Then you won't mind going for a midnight walk?" He smiles back getting my grin to widen.

As our hands entangle together, we both head out of the hotel without noticing the eyes watching us.


"I heard about your, play of showing your talent." He brushes back his silver hair looking at me with the sparkling golden-like eyes.

I giggle, "Many things have happened to bring me where I am, but I could have never arrived here without my friends."

"Isn't that what you always say?" He sighs getting a playful yet serious glare from me.

"I'm not joking, everything has a reason, including how I got here or how I met everyone. There's always a reason." I look up to the empty sky as the city lights shines brightly instead.


"And what's this reason?" He asks watching me skip in front of him.

I stop my jumping and look towards him, "To find a happiness called friendship."

He chuckles but still smiles, "I really can never catch up to you and your ways."

I shrug,"Everyone's unique."

Minutes pass of us talking about random topics. The streets are filled with beautiful bright lights as people, just like us, walk by with their friends, family and their love ones.

"What do you think about our - separation?" He finally asks getting me to stop my tracks and look down at the floor.

Sighing, I answer truthfully, "It's our life, we get to choose how to live it. And if this is what we want, we can live it just like that, but I do know something for sure. We'll definitely meet each other again, with everyone. We promised."

He smiles at my speech before ruffling my hair, "You're right like always."

I smile and let out a giggle before holding hands together again as our fingers intertwine. Letting my head lean on his shoulder, it doesn't work as it only lands on his arm since my height couldn't reach it anymore, umlike back then.

Ignoring that, I let him lead the way as I close my eyes smiling.

A yawn escapes me as I lean back on the chair, balancing on the two legs, I allow my legs to sit on the desk in front of me. My eyes look up to the ceiling as I start to drift off into my own world.

"Octave!" I hear my name being shout getting me to look over to a find the familiar boy.

"What's up, Kafe?" I ask removing my legs from the desk while dropping the chair to its four legs.


"The 'Three Musketeers' are looking for you." he sighs crossing his arms.

"Why else am I hiding here? I don't want to talk to them." I reply looking back up to the ceiling.

"I still don't get why they're so obsessed with you. They should just give up trying to get you into their band." Kafe growls earning me to giggle at his cute frustrating pout.

"Don't worry. Even if they ask a million times, I would never say 'yes' to them. You guys are my bandmates." I reassure standing up and looking over to Kafe.

He smiles in reassurance.

"Even so, this is our last day together. Isn't it?" He saddens leaving me to also smile sadly.

Sighing, I take his hand leading him out of the music room before looking around the halls. Seeing that I'm clear, I search for four other familiar boys I know very well. Finding them out in the yard, I rush over them and make them form into a circle. Before they could ask what's happening, I put my hand in the middle.

"We may be going to different ways. We may change during our new life. We may meet new people. We may create new relationships. We may have many things ahead of life, but we'll always be bandmates. Forever. And we'll see each other again no matter what!" I promise with confidence and a smile as the others also join in.

Placing their hands together in the middle, we all look at each other before smiling with tears brimming our eyes.

"We were so cute back then." I let out earning a chuckle from Theo.

"We were, weren't we?" He places his head on top of mine.

"Especially Dyane. He's probably right now working out. All those baby fat is going to be gone." I think about the cute yet hot-headed boy from back then.

"Lio is probably spreading out his art virally, must be earning a lot from that." Theo states impressed of his friend.

"And Vil is probably learning more about his family." I sigh with a smile remembering the memories of that period.

"Despite all that - "

"We're all still connected with such different paths."

Releasing Theo, I skip down the road ahead of him before turning my whole body to face him.

"We may be going different way. We may change during our new life. We may meet new people. We may create new relationships. We may have many things ahead of life, but we'll always be bandmates. Forever. And we'll see each other again no matter what." I repeat thinking back to my own speech during our end.

He smiles also thinking back about it before patting my head.

"Let's stop talking about the past." He suggests looking down at me, "So, are you going to tell me why you were crying about him?"

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