《A Musician To Be Reckoned With》| Chapter 21 | Sick


"I hate being sick." I croak snuggling myself to my warm blanket.

"Well, someone was crazy enough to go out in the winter cold with only a tank top and shorts. I wonder how they don't get a cold." The boy with golden blond hair beside me states pushing his black rimmed glasses up to show his dark chocolate brown eyes, "But since you got a cold. It means you're not an idiot."

"Should I say 'thanks' for that?" I ask sniffing from my running nose.

He sighs and puts his book down before getting a tissue to squeeze it on my nose, "Blow."

Blowing my nose, he takes away the tissue with snot and throws it in the garbage can.

"Isn't it disgusting? To touch the wetness of the snot?" I suddenly question getting him to look at me before chuckling cutely.

"I'm used to it. I have two little brothers that get sick sometimes and I'm the only ones that can take care of them." He smiles kindly that would get any kind of girl to fall in love with him.

"How about your parents?" I suddenly ask not thinking about any problems with them.

"They're busy with work." He answers simply getting me to regret asking now, "It's fine. It's not a depressing story, even though they are rarely home. I still love and enjoy the times they are here. It's not their fault that they have to work so they can take care of us."

I simply nod as a response since I'm speechless. Before we can continue our conversation, the knocks echo from the door getting both our heads to look that way.

"Come in." I croak getting a smack on the head.

"No talking and more resting." He frowns as I groan.


The door slides open to have two small heads pop out.

There, two boys both with blond hair appear. One seems like 10 years old while his blue eyes gleam with sparkles. The other one seems like 7 years old with grey eyes that watch intensely.

"Jean? Cori?"

"Who are they, Hubert?" I ask in shock to see two kids suddenly appear.

"Ah! They're my little brothers." He answers rushing over to the two as they smile seeing their older brother.

"Hubert!" They scream in their cute voices while hugging him.

"What are you two doing here?" Their older brother asks in confusion.

"We wanted to visit you before you fly off for your performance and wish you good luck." They answer innocently with huge smiles.

Hubert smiles ruffling both their messy hair, "Thanks."

They smile back holding their brother's hand before Hubert walks them over towards me.

"Guys this is Oc - " He looks down at them before quickly looking up at me, "Why do you have a nosebleed?!"

Letting go of his little brothers' hands, he starts rushing over to grab the tissues. Stuffing them to my nose as he stops the blood from coming out, he sighs.

"How do you suddenly get a nosebleed?" He asks as I take another glance at the two little kids who have their heads tilting to the side innocently getting more blood to come out, "Holy!"

Hubert tries his best to stop my nosebleed taking him minutes to put his hand on the tissues on my nose. After it calms down, the little ones climb up the bed and look at their brother.

"Is she your girlfriend?" They ask.


Hubert and I look at each other before back to the twins.

We both of us blush.


"N - No - She's just a friend - " Hubert stutters uncontrollably blushing more than before.

The two of them whine, "But you both look cute with each other. You should kiss and see if there's a spark between each other! That means you both are meant to be!"

Without even looking at myself, I know that both of us were blushing like crazy.

"Kiss! Kiss! Kiss!" They start chanting getting the both of us to look at the each other.

Why are kids so complicating at times?

"If Hubert doesn't kiss her, we'll cry!" The younger brother, Cori shouts.

Seeing Hubert gulp, I sigh giving in to those two.

"A kiss won't be that bad." I mumble getting him to look surprisingly at me before nodding.

Closing in towards me as his lips are hovering over mine, he whispers, "Sorry."

Suddenly, the window to my room crashes as the door slams open with a loud bang. He raises up away from me with me sitting up in alarm and taking the two children in my arms.

"NOOOOO!" I hear familiar shouts getting me to look at the intruders and sigh.

"What are you guys doing?" I ask groaning that I had to use energy.

"You can't kiss him!" Shiro cries hugging me while taking me away from Hubert.

"Guys! You don't interrupt them! They were getting to the good part!" Rika huffs crossing her arms with the other girls.

As they all bicker with each other, I sigh at the craziness that already happens.

"Her first kiss has to be special!" I hear George shout getting me to frown.

"I already had my first kiss." I state.

Dead silence. All heads turn towards me as they look at me with complete shock.

"What!!" They all shout nearly shaking the whole room.

"I said I had my first kiss already." I cover my ears from the loud noises they make.

The girls instantly head over to me as the guys move back with hurt faces.

"Tell us! Tell us! Tell us!" The females scream with interest as I had to cover my ears tightly from the high pitch.

"GUYS!" I hear Hurbert finally shout grabbing everyone's attention as he sighs, "Stop bothering her right now. She needs to go to sleep. If you want her to be better for the performance, let her rest."

They all become quiet as I thank Hubert in my thoughts. Taking a good look at my friends, I narrow my eyes at them.

"What are you guys wearing?" I ask, "Why are you guys all dressed up as characters from James Bond? Also, Derrick is definitely not James Bond in zero ways."

"Hey!" Derrick pouts.

"What? It's true. Now explain." I cross my arms as a few of them blush and look away.

"Well - " Shion starts.

"Wait, first. Before you explain that, explain this first. Why are Maki and Lero in dresses?" I interrupt shuddering with my eyes at the two coolest boys out of the choir.

They flinch hearing their names as they were trying to hide behind the triplets.

"You see." Owen starts.

"We didn't have enough girls." Jason states.

"So they had to dress as girls cause they lost rock-paper-scissors." Derrick ends.


Then I start to laugh loudly with all my heart, "Oh my god. I can't believe you guys actually willingly did it after you lost! Ha!"

"Be quiet!" The two of them shout as I continue to laugh falling off my bed.

Why do I have such crazy friends?

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