《A Musician To Be Reckoned With》| Chapter 20 | Sneezes



"Why is it so hard to push this stupid dumb ball!" I shout trying to push the white round circle.

Maki sighs beside me, "Idiot. Of course it would, look how big it is!"

Stopping, I take a step back from pushing just to get a view of how big my snowball was.

Winter has been beautiful since the snowflakes fell on that night. Ever since then, the international representatives and I have been practicing our best in the song, and can't wait till we sing it. Even I know for sure that it'll work with all the practice that we had.

Smiling, I gaze up to the white sky above us once again as the snowflakes fall down.

Pouting at Lero, I huff, "It has to be big! I want to make the biggest snowman, of course!"

He chuckles, "With that tiny body of yours?"


That's when his eyes widen as he pales with panic, "Shi - That's not what I mean, Octave. I'm not saying you have a tiny body, I'm saying you have a small body. Wait, no! Uh..."

So, when I had my rampage of being called short that time back at school during the cafeteria with my other group of friends, it was reported through the friend connections. Yuse told Arions since they were both in the same Gym Class and then Arions told the rest of the choir. Just to test it out like an experiment, Shiro called me short which ended up with him not talking to me for 3 whole days.

"Maki." I call getting his attention instantly.

"Yes?" he asks standing up now instead of sitting down on the snow.

My eyes gets uncovers from my hair as I glare at him getting him to flinch, "Die."

That's when I pick up the gigantic snowball I made getting his skin to pale more, if possible. Throwing the snowball on top of him, I hear him scream before it smashes him.

Turning away, I find a familiar looking boy staring at me in disbelief, shock and fear.

Changing my scary presence to my innocent happy one, I smile tilting my head, "Yes? Do you need something?"

"Is he even alive?" the messy brown hair boy with gold eyes hidden behind black rimmed square shaped glasses asks.

"Oh, he'll survive." I shrug innocently before kneeling down and beginning to make another snowball.

He just stays standing at the side in silent as he still fears me.

"Octave!" my friends shout getting me to look at my choir class as they head over and stop beside me.

"Whoa! That's a huge snowball." Arions comments.

"Where's Maki? I thought he was with you?" Shiro asks as my smile widens.

Standing up while carrying the small snowball I have made, I walk over to the big snowball. Looking at them, I point my thumb back at the snowball giving my innocent look.

"He's in here." I smile as their smiles die with their eyes widening.

"Don't joke around Octave, there's no way he can be in there." Uni giggles.


"Ask him." I point over to the Russian Representative getting him to flinch and pale slightly.

"She's not joking, he's in there." he looks away as the group pales.

In a flash, they start breaking the snowball trying to free Lero as I walk away and continue making my second snowball. Humming a random melody, I see the Russian Representative sweat drop at my cheerful face while my friends are in panic.

Smiling brightly, I gesture him to come over getting him to flinch but obeys as he walks over and squats beside me.

"How have you been, Ian?" I ask him.

"Good." he quietly replies watching me shape the snowball.

"What's wrong? You look pale?" I roll my snowball getting him to follow along by my side.

"Who wouldn't?" he chuckles trying to keep up with my running pace as the snowball gets bigger and bigger, just like the other one, "A tiny girl like you throwing a snowball that big?"

"What?" Lero appears beside us with Arions.

"Octave threw that snowball?" Arions asks in disbelief.

"With that small body?" Lero mumbles thinking I won't hear.

I stop my rolling and continue to keep my innocent smile, "Would you three please stand on that snowball please?"

They tilt their head, "Sure?"

Walking over to the other snowball which hasn't even been broken down yet despite my friends' efforts. They all stop and look confusingly at Ian, Shion and Maki as they climb on the snowball and stand in the middle of it.

"Can all of you guys take some steps back?" I ask the rest of my friends who just watch.

They all nod taking steps back as they look confusingly at us. That's when my innocent smile turns into a glare as a frown matches with it. Picking up the snowball, I find everyone pale including the few other Representatives that just came out of the building.

"I am not tiny!" I shout throwing it at the three super pale boys getting them as the snowball lands on top of them and my other snowball.

Brushing my hands, I then place on my innocent smile again as everyone's mouth and eyes widen in shock. Kneeling again, I start making my third snowball. While no one can get pass on how I threw the snowball, this allows me enough time to make my third big snowball.

"How you do that with that small body of yours?!" the rest of the male portion shouts as everyone else keeps quiet still in shock.


Taking deep breathes in, I wave them to come over which they all confusingly did. And stupidly may I add.

Gesturing them to group together, they obey still in confusion as they don't question. Telling them to wait by putting my hand out, I head over to my first snowball and punch my arm in.

Grabbing a fabric, I pull Maki out as he gasps finally able to get out of thay situation. Before he can shout or respond, I drag him to the group of males and throw him on the floor before heading back to my third snowball. Smiling, I keep my smile but this time with an evil aura which they have not noticed yet. Picking up the snowball again, they then know what I'm up to.


"I. Am. Not. Tiny!" I shout throwing it at them as they scream but their screams end as the snowball plants itself on them.

Clapping my hands to dust off the snow, I walk over to the snowball with my friends inside to pick it up and then throw it on to the top of the stack. Smiling, I take a good look at my snowman.

"Doesn't look bad!" I chirp as the others just stand their in too much shock and fear, "Wait. Aw. I don't have the eyes, noses and buttons!"

And right on time, heads pop out of the snowballs to get everyone in surprise including me. That's when I start laughing along with the rest of the witnesses as they forgot about my stunt. The boys in my snowman take their time to breathe while I continue to laugh how perfectly they come out making the eyes, mouth and buttons. Maki and Sung Gun were the eyes as Derrick, Jason, Owen and George were the mouth. Arions, Lero and Ian were the three buttons on the middle snowball.

"Wait," I stop laughing getting everyone's attention as I slightly frown, "There's no nose."

Everyone's eyes widen as I look around the area. Without hesitation, they all ran away far from my grasp.

That's when I smile.


"She's a demon in that body of her's!" Ian shouts in Japanese as he snuggles the blanket around him even tighter.

"I have to agree with that!" the other victims say getting me to roll my eyes.

"Stop being babies." I cross my arms as they sip their hot chocolate.

"But seriously, are you super sure that Octave, this little innocent girl, threw those huge snowballs at you?" Mr Edison asks in disbelief as I stay innocent-looking on the chair behind him.

"Yes! Do not let that innocent look control you, Mr Edison! She's a demon inside!" Shiro cowers behind Lero as he shivers.

"Boys, it's fine if you accidentally jumped into the snowballs. But Octave throwing them?" the music teacher asks raising an eyebrow.

"Ya, look at these muscles." I show them my arm which had zero appearance of muscles.

"There you go!" Mr Edison gestures to my arm as I wheel side to side on my chair, "Now, until you've come up with a better excuse than Octave throwing huge snowballs at you, then you'll be allowed to get out."

And that's when Mr Edison marches away leaving me with the group of afraid boys.

Looking over to them I sigh, "Come on. Kafe experienced this for two years and he never whined. Well, he did run away from me and tried not to be even close to me, the first time I did it to him. But still - "

"Demon." They hiss getting me to roll my eyes must impress with their synchronization.

"Come on. Look how cute you guys were when you were in there though." I take out my phone and show them the picture of when their heads came out.

Their eyes widen as my smile turns into a Cheshire Cat smile.

"Octave, please tell me you did not show these to others." Derrick begs getting me to shrug.

"Well, maybe I sent a few of the pictures to a few people." I look away.

"How few?" Owen leans in as they all do the same while sitting on the floor with blankets wrapping around them.

I shrug again, "Twenty to thirty?"

Their blood drains as they shout, "Thirty to fourty?"

"It's not that many people." I wave them off, "That's only around 10% of the people I know."

"Are you famous?" Maki asks.

"No, why?" I ask tilting my head.

"You know hundreds of people!" Maki shouts getting me to shrug once again as I lean back on my chair sipping on my own hot chocolate.

"How - " George begins in French before I interrupt him.

"I'm still close with my friends from elementary school and middle school. And a few other friends from other schools which my friends are friends with. That's why. I'm still in contact with everyone." I explain with a smile as they nod understandingly.

"Wait." Lero speaks, "Who did you send the pictures to?"

"The people that we know here. And a few of my own friends, outside and inside of school." I answer as they narrow my eyes at me.

"By how few of your friends?" They ask getting me to roll my eyes.

"There's twenty three people here that we know, then there's Kafe making him twenty four and my other friends at school so thirty two. And then three of my own personal friends. Which makes thirty five?" I state remembering memories of my personal friends getting me to smile as they look at me confusingly.

"Never seen this expression on you before." Sung Gun states leaning back having his arms support him as I give him just a normal smile.

"I was just thinking about my friends. That's all." I shurg before suddenly freezing with my muscles stiff.

"What's wrong, Octave?" Shiro asks before I sneeze.


"You have a cute sneeze." They all say getting me to slightly blush while glaring at them.

"I don't need to hear that again." I reply back before sneezing again and again, "Someone must be talking about me."

And once again I sneeze again causing Ian to move forward placing his forehead on mine. The boys' eyes widen except for Ian's and mins as he closes his eyes before moving away from.

"You have a fever, idiot." He says back in his own language.

"Aww. But I hate being sick." I whine stomping my feet like a child.

"Who wouldn't get sick wth wearing just a tank top and shorts out in the cold?" Maki chuckles.


"Octave!!" They all shout.

"Oops." I giggle while shrugging.

"Idiot!" They all shout before I sneeze again.

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