《A Musician To Be Reckoned With》| Chapter 13 | 'Tiny' Anger
Stretching, I give a loud yawn before continuing my walk up the hill to Avalon High. Yes, walk up because I didn't bring my car over since my mom decided to be the one to pack my belongings to bring them over in a week, so I can live the 'dorm life'. The dorms at the school are located at the bottom of the hill, and I'll be living there in a week. For now, I'm still living with my family as the majority of them refuse for me to live alone. But their refusal never stopped me.
Yesterday was quite tiring with all the trouble I got in on just my first day of school. All the messages I got on that night scared me as I found out that Kafe told our friends in junior high about my day. Half were laughing their butts off while the other half lectured me about being so troublesome. The only way I made them be quiet was when I blocked all their contacts.
After two hours of not going on the chat as I focused on catching up to my school work, they all apologized which I responded with a smirk emoji.
Sighing at how late I slept because of them conversing with me, I rub my eyes hoping that I won't fall in class. Even I don't like falling asleep in class cause that is seriously fully disrespectful.
"You okay?" A familiar voice asks getting me to look beside me to find a familiar brunette male.
"Good morning, Brix." I smile sleepily getting him to chuckle before stopping his car completely beside me.
Opening the door to step out, he grabs my hand before pulling me to the other side of the car.
"What are you doing?" I ask as he opens the passenger seat and gestures me inside.
"I'm going to drive you for the rest up. No arguments. Get in. You'll need the few minutes of sleep you can get." He smiles gently getting me to smile.
"Thanks." I sincerely give my gratitude before stepping inside the comfortable seats.
He closes the door before heading back to the driver's seat again. Starting the car, I snuggle back to the seat.
"Get some sleep. I'll wake you up when we arrive."
With that, I nod before closing my eyes and begin my quick nap.
Feeling a shake of my shoulder, I give out a yawn before rubbing my eyes and blinking to the source of the pushing. Finding a smiling Brix, I sit up properly before giving off one more yawn.
"You awake?" He chuckles getting a nod from me, "Come on. Homeroom will start soon."
With that, we both head out of the car allowing me to do a full body stretch before closing the door. He nods his head to follow him which I do as I walk beside him. We walk over to the front of the school before finding a familiar group of boys nearby.
"Octave!" Kafe chirps before rushing over to me and wrapping his arms around my neck for a hug.
I giggle, "Good morning, Kafe."
"So the princess finally arrives." Estton smirks getting me to roll my eyes.
"More like Sleeping Beauty." Brix smiles getting confused looks his way, "She was sleeping during our way here."
"Didn't you sleep yesterday?" Kafe asks frowning now on my other side.
"Those idiots wouldn't leave me alone to sleep." I sigh rubbing the back of my neck.
"Anyways, Octave. I want to introduce my friends - "
"She already know us." Yuse speaks up.
"Cris, Aeron, Oustin, Lance, Julius, and - Oh my, I forgot yours." I smirk getting Yuse to frown and glare at me, "Just joking, Yuse."
"Whatever." He sulks getting me to giggle before finding arms wrapping around me.
"Good morning Octave."
"Good morning Joseph." I chuckle.
"Why do you guys hug her so much?" Estton asks Kafe and Joseph.
"She's comfortable to hug." Kafe shrugs.
"Teddy bear." Joseph simply explains getting me to look at him with an eyebrow raised.
"Really?" Estton asks unsure before heading towards me with open arms, "Let me try."
I cuff, "I'm not a toy."
Still, I hug Estton for a moment before he picks me up from the ground and turn to face the others.
"It is comfortable." He states impressed.
"Glad that I am, but would you please let me down? I feel short." I groan getting him to chuckle and place me down.
The next thing I know, I find a line up from the group to hug me. I groan before hugging them all for a second, longer for Aeron, and right when I hug Oustin who was the last one, the bell rings.
"Let's go Octave." Kafe sulks getting me to chuckle and head beside him.
"Don't get in trouble again." Cris smirks earning a smack on his head from Lance.
I giggle before linking my arm with Kafe like we always do. Having a childhood friend is nice since they know you probably the best than others. They know about your life, and keeps it a secret for you.
Thankfully, I did not get in trouble for any of my morning classes getting me to pump my fists into the air after Language Arts AP. Of course, the triplets with Shiro, picked me up after History of Music too and tried to fight against Riga again. I feel like that'll happen daily now.
Sighing, I sit quietly at the same table I did yesterday during lunch time. The others still haven't arrived, and the only reason why I'm here earlier this time is because I escaped those five boys earlier. But I'll have to make a plan to eat with them someday sooner or later, they'll catch up to me disappearing on them eventually.
"You're here early." Brix appears in front of me taking a seat.
"Well, if I remember properly, didn't Estton and you promised me that you guys will buy me lunch for a whole month." I sing getting him to chuckle.
"We did, and we don't go back on promises." Estton appears behind me to land his chin on top of my head, "Now, let's go up to the line."
With that, we head over to the line getting me to read over the menu quickly wondering what I'm urging to eat today.
"What do you want?" Estton asks.
These boys have no idea how deep they are in the ground.
"3 sets of Mackerel Rice Bowl and 2 sets of Full Combo Sushi." I smile before snapping my fingers, "And a Honey Green Tea please. If that isn't too much!"
Estton chokes on his spit as Brix nearly trips beside me. They both look at me like I'm insane, and I'm not, my stomach is.
"How can you eat all that?!" Estton asks in disbelief, "You do know that in the Mackerel Rice Bowl Set there's a side of tempura, salad, and miso soup, right? And in the Full Combo Sushi Set there's 20 rolled maki, 20 sushi, and 40 sashimi!"
I nod in response.
"Are you sure?" Brix asks uncertain.
"I'm joking. Just buy me one set and I'll pay for the rest. It's in my books to not make people to pay for me with so much money." I giggle getting them to frown.
"Octave," Brix speaks seriously, "are you sure you can finish 5 sets?"
"I said - "
"Just answer me."
"Ya, I'm sure, it's quite easy."
"Okay then, I just wanted to make sure." Brix sighs before looking over to Estton who's still in shock as he just shrugs.
With Brix in front of us now, he takes out his wallet, "4 sets of the Mackerel Rice Bowl and 3 sets of Full Combo Sushi please. And the drinks will be a half milk coffee, hot chocolate and a honey green tea, please."
The cashier looks at him in full shock before taking in the order, my eyes widen as I try to argue with Brix but Estton covers my mouth and drags me down the line ahead. Hearing muffling sounds from me, Brix looks over to me and smiles. When he finishes paying, he heads over beside us getting Estton to release me.
"I said I could have paid for myself!" I frown pouting.
"I promised that we would pay." he comebacks.
"Don't worry about how much it costs. Our parents won't even notice this little amount of money flying away from our banks. But with you ordering so much everyday, I don't think that'll be the same for you." Estton ruffles my hair.
"Hey! Don't touch the hair!" I slap his hand getting him to chuckle.
"You sure you can finish all that?"
"Watch me." I stick my tongue out in challenge at him before he shakes his head and turns away with a smile, getting me to look back to Brix, "Thanks for paying."
"No problem. Estton's going to pay tomorrow. Like he said, our parents won't notice this amount of money flying off away from our bank." Brix reassures getting me to raise an eyebrow.
"¥442,154?" I chuckle in disbelief, "That's $5,000, you sure?"
"I'm sure." he smiles before patting my head, "Stop worrying your little head over it. And just enjoy your free lunches for the month."
"Thanks." I smile giving sincere gratitude.
As we grab the trays for our, mainly mine as they both helped me grab then, we head back to our table to find the rest have appeared with the ones that weren't here yesterday.
"Wow. So many. Did you buy lunch for all of us?" Cris asks smirking.
"No." Estton sticks his tongue out, "It's for this little squirt."
Everyone looks towards me like I'm insane, except for Kafe who's laughing really hard with a smirking Crow.
"In that tiny body of hers?" Yuse chuckles, and that's when the laughter dies silent and Kafe and Crow instantly pushes themselves way from Yuse, "What?"
"You said the taboo word!" Kafe whispers harshly.
"Dude, it was nice to have known you." Crow waves off.
"What are - "
"So," I speak releasing a cold dark voice getting everyone in our group to flinch, "I heard you say something, Yuse. You said I had a tiny body?"
"Y - Ya. What about it?" He asks stuttering.
Placing my trays down, I cracking my knuckles to show him my dark expression on my face with me twitching smile.
"Let's go outside and have a talk."
Without a second to spare, he stands up and runs away getting me to click my tongue before sitting down.
"I'll deal with him later."
Crow and Kafe sighs in relief as I begin tying my hair into a ponytail so it won't get into my food.
"Time to start!" I chirp as Brix and Estton sits beside me.
They all watch me as I begin my first set of food while they also eat there's. Eating the Mackerel Rice Bowl Set first, I drink the miso soup like water before stuffing my mouth with rice. I hear Crow chuckle before the click of a picture getting taken gets my attention to him. Seeing he still has his phone up, I make a face with my mouth puffing out.
"Oh god. She looks like a squirrel." Brix laughs along with the others while Crow takes the picture.
Swallowing my food, I continue eating ignoring their chattering around me. As they're not focused on me anymore, I had already finished the first set in 5 minutes getting me to begin my second one. After 15 minutes pass, I was already at my last set which was the Full Combo Sushi. Without them still not paying attention to me, I stuff the last sashimi in my mouth before finishing my drink. Taking a deep breath in, I blow out the extra air before stacking the plates. When I finish, I smile at finally being full.
"Finished!" I chirp receiving heads to look my way.
Their eyes widen as they stare at the empty bowls and plates.
"Well I be damned. She finished it." Estton laughs.
"Not shocking. You should have seen her when we had an eating contest. It was scary." Crow shudders as I steal a sushi from Brix's set.
Brix chuckles, "We should all head over to class now, let's not be late and get into trouble again."
"By trouble, you mean her." Estton smirks to my direction getting me to stick out my tongue at him.
"That was just yesterday, today has been absolutely amazing so far." I huff getting him to laugh.
"Then the next thing you know, you get into trouble again." he teases getting the others to laugh except for Brix , I pout as I pick up my trays and head over back to the counter to give them back.
"Good job, you got her mad." Cris whispers harshly thinking I won't be able to hear.
"I didn't think she'll get mad!" Estton tries to defend himself, "And you guys laughed!"
Thanking the ladies in the cafeteria for the food, I head back to the table and pick up my bag before swinging it back onto my back. Looking at the boys as they were fidgeting slightly, I smile wanting to continue fooling with them about me being mad.
"Anyways, boys, I'll be heading to class now. Brix," I look over to him as he stiffens, but relaxes after seeing my actual smile, "I'll see you in Music Band?"
He nods with a smile, "Okay."
With that, I turn to the boys before smiling at them but not with the fluffy aura I had for Brix, but with a dark evil-intent aura.
"I'll also see the rest of you later."
They flinch before hesitantly nodding as I walk away from the table and out of the cafeteria.
"Where's Estton and Cris?" I ask Brix as he takes the seat on my left with Oustin taking the seat on the right.
"Estton faked being sick so he was able to not see you." Brix answers sighing throwing his bag onto the ground.
"Cris purposely injured his leg so he could skip this class." Oustin answers getting me to look at him with an eyebrow raised.
"Didn't you also laugh in the cafeteria?" I ask in suspense as he shrugs.
"No evidence."
"You sure?"
Taking out my phone, I scroll through my pictures before stopping and clicking one of them. Showing him the photo, he flinches before his eyes turn wide.
"Hard core evidence right here. And just for future notice, I am keeping this picture." I smirk as he tries to snatch my phone out of my hand.
But I dodge him before placing my phone into my pocket and leaning my head on his shoulder.
"Don't worry, I'm not mad at you. Never was. Just wanted to pretend so I could fool around." I yawn telling the truth.
"You should try out for drama, you tricked all of us with your act." Brix muses getting me to shrug.
"Nah. I'm not great with always trying to act. Tires me out time to time." I refuse before the school bell rings signaling the beginning of the 6th class.
"Good afternoon, class." Mr Prologue greets getting a chorus if response, "I hope everyone's day have been well and that none have cause too much trouble."
Glances direct towards me.
"Today, we will be having an one class project. With a partner, you'll both have to quickly do a duet cover with minimum mistakes. It can be instrumental or with lyrics, it's your choice. This project will boost up your thinking when it comes to dire situation during one of your performances or anything. No one knows exactly what happens during those accidents so you must be prepared. You have the majority of the class, everyone will perform today before the bell rings. And no, you won't be picking your partner, I will." Mr Prologue explains getting a student to put his hand down with a pout.
As he begins listing down the students partnering them up, I hear familiar names.
"Cris Austin and Oustin Flier." Mr Prologue states, and before anyone question him, "He's coming. If he thinks that a broken ankle will get him to skip my class, he shall regret. The same goes for Estton Luvars."
This teacher can get scary when he needs to be.
"Brix Fenland and Octave Reiner."
Brix and I look to each other before smiling and giving a fist bump.
At least I'll be with someone I know.
As Mr Prologue finishes with the pairings, all of the students begin planning for their one class project. Oustin sighs before messaging Cris while walking out of the classroom, Brix and I stay in our seats.
"So, any ideas?" I ask giving a stretch of my legs.
"Not really. We both play violin, so maybe a violin duet of a classical musical?" He suggests getting me to consider the idea.
"I also play other instruments." I add getting him to look at me with a raised brow.
"Like what?"
"Piano, guitar, trumpet, flute, saxophone, clarinet, viola," I list off before knowing that's too much and shortening my list,"drums, and tuba. And cello."
Silence was all I get as a response from him before he covers his face with his hands and sigh.
"I don't know what to say." He finally speaks after a few minutes of quiet.
"Just don't say anything." I reply getting both of us to close our mouths in silence.
Around us were either instruments being played or people chattering, only we were in silence.
Sighing, he rummages in his bag before taking out his computer, "Come on, let's check some ideas on the net."
Agreeing, I try to look over his shoulders since being short has its own disadvantage. He notices this before chuckling and taking his laptop off his desk and placing it on the chair beside us. Then turning the table back to the side, he pats the space between his legs. A slight blush appears on my face before I look around to find no one noticing this getting me to sit there. While he brings the desk back on, I was a little bit surprised at how we both fit so comfortably. Placing his laptop back, he places his head on my shoulder getting me to stiffen slightly.
"So we can either do a violin duet or anything else. A few days ago, I found a nice cover of a trumpet and violin duet." He begins as I take my attention to the laptop screen.
Minutes pass as we both discuss our planning, other pairs have already began practicing as we just continue to talk. And without me noticing, I was already comfortable and relaxed.
30 minutes left of class, meaning 5 more minutes of preparation and the two of us didn't care. We finally finished discussing, and when we got our instruments out, people were in shock at how we are now practicing. Mr Prologue raises an eyebrow of amusement as Brix warms up with us violin while I do the same with a keyboard.
With only warming up, the presentations begins as everyone shows their performance. Cris and Oustin's were very interesting as Cris even sang which got Brix and I to cheer loudly for them. Our turn soon came as we both grab our instruments with high fives from both of our friends.
As we get into position, Brix and I look towards each other and smile.
When we were done, intense clapping came from our friends - especially from Cris - as the other classmates did the same soon after. Smiling, I look over to Brix who also has a huge grin on his face. We both bump fists with each other while Mr Prologue walks over to us.
"Thank you for the wonderful performance, Mr Fenland, Miss Reiner." He nods getting us to do the same before we pack up and head back to our seats, "I'm very proud of everyone, you all did an amazing job even though you only had one class to prepare. As an award, next class, we'll be having free time."
Cheers from everyone syncs with the ending bell of the class as the students leave the room with a smile.
"I'm amazed how well we did even though we didn't use a lot of time to practice." Brix hums getting me to giggle.
"Back right at you." I agree with a huge smile.
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