《A Musician To Be Reckoned With》| Chapter 12 | After School Fun


"Octave? You still alive?" Maki asks poking me as I lay on the comfortable grass of the court yard.

"I heard you played a song with a ruler!" Shiro happily states getting a loud groan to escape from me.

"Let's make a list of what she's done today." Arions chuckles.

"First class, she back talked to Mr Denver." Uni smirks.

"Second class, she suddenly got dumped with a huge project by Mr Edison." Violet pats my head.

"Third class, she challenged Mr Hendricks." Naya states.

"Sorry about that." Maki adds.

"Fourth class, she was so darn adorable!" Derrick coos getting all of us to look over at him, "What? She was!"

"A face never to forget with her looking so confused." Owen sighs while Jason nods in agreement.

"What!? Why didn't you tell me this earlier?!" Shiro nearly screams as the triplets just shrug in response.

"Fifth class, she helped me." Rika mumbles getting all the attention to her now as she blushes and just glares back getting them to look away.

"And she met your brother." the triplets including Shiro frowns.

"You didn't get in trouble at lunch, did you?" Maki asks getting a weak 'no' out of me.

"Sixth class, she got in trouble with me." Sung Gun speaks getting a few shocked looks towards him.

"Because she kept talking to him." Maki sighs.

"Seventh class, I heard that she put on a show." Arions shrugs.

"Eighth class, she had Mr Hendricks again." Lero states not mentioning what happened after class, "Also, there were these jerks that bumped her in the hallway."

"Name. Grade. Appearance. Now." Shiro demands getting a rock to be thrown at him by me.

"And then the ninth class, she had the ruler stunt." they all speak getting me to let out a peace sign.

"How do you get into trouble so easily?" Rika asks frowning getting a weak shrug from me.

"I. Have. No. Clue." I cry feeling all my energy has deflated.

"Cheer up now! It's the end of the school day!" Uni claps her hands.

"Speaking of being the end of school in a few minutes, Octave, are you busy?" Shiro asks with a huge smile on his face.

"Let her rest. Of course she won't be busy after all that's happened today." Rika snaps.

"Actually," I push my upper body up while half lays on the ground, "I have a hang out with Crow."

"Crow?" they all question.

"Who's that?" Maki frowns as I sit up with my legs crossed.

"A friend of mine in junior high who also came here. I was going to hang out with my other friend who also came with me to transfer here, but he's busy with catching up. So Crow asked me if we could hang out." I explain taking out my phone and showing them the text message.

"Caw Caw Caw?"

"That's his username on my contacts." I shrug, "His name is Crow, and that's how crows communicate.

"Wait, do you mean Crow Howsley?" Violet gasps getting the other girls to do the same.

"Ya, why?"

"You know him?! He's quite famous with the girls, many have confessed but he's always turn them down. It's said that he won't even hang out with them because he said that he only has time for the one he loves." Uni details getting a raised eyebrow from me.

"Okay. But he always used to hang out with me back in junior high?" I respond quite confused.


Before we could continue our conversation, the bell rings signalling the end of school.

"Wait. Octave! What's your contact?" Shiro asks, more of demanding as he closes in on me.

"Just wait, yesh." I head over to my contacts and show him my phone number which they all look at before copying it onto their own.

"What the - " Rika snaps her head back to my technology, "Why do you have so many contacts?"

"Friends in junior high, I still keep in contact with them. And there's some contacts that I have from some acquaintances, that's all." I shrug.

"But you have - " before she could continue, a voice shouts calling out for me.

"Octave!" Crow's voice booms behind me getting me to look back and see the boy waving getting me to smile and wave back.

Standing up, I pack all my belongings before swinging the backpack onto my back, "I'll see you guys tomorrow! Bye!"

Running over to Crow, he smiles before looking back at my Chorus Choir friends and bringing his left arm around my head and pulling me in. Planting a kiss on my head, I groan before lightly hitting him on his chest.

He always liked skinship, it was weird as the others boys were like that too. So, in conclusion, I was brought into many awkward situations.

"Don't kiss me out in public, yesh." I frown getting his attention back to me instead of my classmates.

"Sorry. Sorry." he apologizes before guiding me down the hallway.

"Why do you always show friendly skinship like this?" I ask moving my bangs away from my eyes.

"Shouldn't you also ask the same to the others?" he chuckles with his hand on my shoulder now.

"You guys are so weird." I groan before finding stares following us, "Is it just me, but am I receiving more stares than I did before?"

"Must be you." Crow shrugs getting me to tilt my head for a bit before pushing the thought aside.

"Anyways, what do you have planned for today?" I ask while we head over to his locker.

"First, we're going to a nearby cafe to have a snack." he begins getting me to raise an eyebrow.

"A snack?" I ask getting him to chuckle before he unlocks his locker and opens it.

"Well, a snack for me and a meal for you." he pinches my left cheek receiving a swatting of my hand.


"Then, I have a surprise for you." he winks taking out his belongings in his bag before placing the ones he needs inside.

"A surprise? What kind?"

"It's called a surprise, Octave." he rolls his eyes playfully getting me to pout.

"Hey, don't be like that. I'm paying for our 'snack' so no sulking." he flicks my forehead getting me to growl lightly before slapping him on his arm.


He laughs before closing his locker and hugging me from behind placing his head on top of mine, "Don't be like this, Little Chipmunk."

"Stop the public affection." I groan forcing him to release me, "I don't want to get into trouble again like in Hoshi."

"Don't worry, Ms Kazeshi isn't here. I think she moved to another country." he ruffles my hair getting me to roll my eyes.

"Let's just hurry and go eat. I'm hungry." I whine getting him to chuckle as we walk down the hallways of this grand school.

"After eating three sets of D lunches that consists of large bowls of ramen with a side of chicken rice bowl and miso soup, you have to be a monster to be hungry again."


"Well, I am." I stick out my tongue while we step out of the school.

"Come on, let's head over to my car." he wraps an arm around my waist before dragging me to the parking lot at the side of the school.

"You can drive now? Last time I saw you drive, you nearly ran over my bandmates and made your own bandmates barf." I smirk remembering the scene very clearly.

"That was when I was still getting my license, fully." He pouts.

"Mhmm. You sure you can drive safely that I won't have to die young?"

"Yes. Perfect." He promises.

"Fine then. But I'm telling Mom to sue you if I die." I tease as he smacks my head lightly.

As he leads us to his car, I whistle finding it gleaming underneath the lights.

"Impressive for a commoner like me." I clap as he opens the passenger seat gesturing me in.

"My lady."

"Aren't you a gentlemen." I pinch his cheeks before stepping inside the car.

The fabric was really nice and it got me comfortable within a second. Putting on my seat belt as Crow opens the driver's doorway, he takes his seat behind the wheel.

"So, have you contacted anyone from junior high yet?" He suddenly asks starting a conversation.

"Nope! After graduation and the trip, we all just went our seperate ways. I still remember the cheery blossoms blooming during that time. It was nice." I smile from the memory of all my friends having our last gathering.

"Well, we all just suddenly got thrown into high school, right? If I remember, didn't Kafe go to Reinsho High with a few of the others? During that time, we were wondering where you went. But just didn't ask since we thought you were busy and all." He begins the car.

"I did get a few messages and calls, but I couldn't answer any of them during that time cause I was busy. There was a few problems with some relationships, connections. But didn't I meet up with all of you guys in the summer?"

"In August. Most of us went to the beach, right? Cause the other sum were out in international studying."

We drive out of school property and into the road.

"And hiking. But - "

"We got stuck in that mountain for 3 days." He laughs, "You were quite amazing out there. Being able to find eatable plants and so on."

"Thank Keith for that."

"I was glad we could hang out during the summer. To be honest, I was sad if we didn't."

"Why won't I hang out with you guys? After two years of pestering, I think that it makes sense."

"Let's just hope that all of us can hang out once again."

"What's with the hope? We will."

"How would you know for sure?"

"Because we're all connected. And if we don't, I bet Principal Koi would think of something."

"He always does." The both of us sync before looking at each other and laughing.

"I miss Hoshi." He sighs.

"Same. But as time goes by, we'll find out we'll miss a lot of things." I lean back onto the seat.

"Wonder how the others are, right now."

"Well, I messaged Seron just in class today and seems to be quite lively." I giggle thinking back to the chat I had with him after sending him the video of Aeron and I.

"What did you do now?"

"Did you know his little brother attends here? Aeron. Aeron Kingson?"

"Nope. First I heard of it."

"Anyways, the kid is in the same class as me so I sent a video to Seron. Guess what he replied back with."


"I hope you fall down the stairs."

"Is he still angry with you about the time you nearly tripped him down the stairway?" Crow laughs.

"Maybe." I shrug innocently.

"He's still the same." He shakes his head before stopping the car, "We're here."

Looking out of the window, I find a small cafe just right outside as we parked at the front. Opening the car door, I step out to get a better view of the shop. It had a nice atmosphere as there was an inside and outside area to eat or drink. The main colors were beige and white which matches nicely. Closing the door, Crow comes up beside me before locking the car and taking my hand.

"Come on. Let's go."

Entering inside, he tells me to sit down first which I didn't argue after two years of trying to protest, I got used to it. Taking a seat outside, I smell the fresh coffee being brewed.

Minutes pass, and he sits across from me getting my attention away from the streets.

"Here you go." He places a tray in front of me getting to smirk.

"You know me too well." I pick up a strawberry from the cake.

"Of course. A grilled cheese sandwich with sides of - chips, salad, and fruits - and a vanilla milkshake with chocolate syrup on top. And your favorite, the desserts - a strawberry shortcake, creme brulee, and chocolate brownie."

"You are amazing. But I'm paying next time, you got it?"

"Yes. Yes. Sorry there wasn't any of your favorite creme puffs."

"Eh. This is still better than nothing."

"I wonder how you're still not fat." He takes a sip of his coffee before biting into his sandwich.

"Well, I work out every morning and night, so that's one reason. And I drink at least 4 L of water a day. For breakfast, it's mainly vegetables and fruits. Allowing me to go all out for my lunch and dinner."

He shakes his head before taking another bite of his sandwich. While we both eat the food, small talks pass by us as we laugh about our memories.

It was fun to talk with a friend again after school and just be together. No need to be stressed about other businesses going around your life or anything. Just with people you enjoy handing out with.

In minutes, we both finish our food getting us to leave the cafe.

"So what do you have in store now?" I ask while we walk down the street instead of taking his car.

"That." He points forward towards a stage in the middle of a court square.

"Crow. Don't tell me - "

Before I could finish my sentence, he drags me over quickly as we head to the back stage of the stage. Being behind black curtains again brought me familiarity.

"Hey Crow! Glad you can make it!" One of the staff members greet him.

"Glad to be here."

"Who's she?"

"She's going to be my partner for today." Crow smirks getting me to snap out of my thought and focus on him.


"Okay, man. As long as you bring in a crowd, I'm fine with anything."

With that, the staff leaves getting me to look over to Crow who begins undressing.

"What do you mean by partner?" I ask while he changes his outfit but leaves his white collar shirt on.

"We haven't sang together in while so I wanna. Don't you?" He puts on a black sleeveless vest.

"Crow - "


He stares at me with puppy eyes getting me to sigh.


He smiles brightly hearing the answer he wants before shoving a outfit towards me, "Wear this. I chose it for you."

Peeping inside, I push it back towards him, "Hell no."

"Octave, I will personally do it for you." He threatens getting me to groan and head over to the changing room, "Love you!"

Changing my school uniform into a beautiful white dress that comes up to my knee, it showed my shoulder despite having sleeves. Taking a step outside, he smiles at me before heading over and kneeling down.

Replacing my sneakers with white sandals, he stands back up and smiles brighter.

"You look beautiful."

"Thanks." I mumble before he takes my hand and heads off to the middle of the curtains.


"What song?"

He leans in and whispers in my ear, and when he finishes, he smirks and pulls me out to the stage.

"Still as amazing like always." He smiles.

"Same to you." I smile back.

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