《A Musician To Be Reckoned With》| Chapter 11 | Music Instruments


"Oustin?" I call in full surprise to find the quiet boy standing in front of my class doorway, "What are you doing here?"

"Brix ordered me to pick you up for next class." he answers bluntly.


"Um. Okay. Just wait a second. Sorry I had to make you wait so long." I apologize before heading over to grab my belongings placing them all into my bag before swinging it onto my back, "Let's go."

Turning back to look at Arions and Lero, even Mr Hendricks, I place a grim smile, "I'll see you tomorrow Mr Hendricks. Arions, Lero, I'll see you guys in Chorus Choir. Bye."

With that I was gone with Oustin as we walk down the hallway in silence not peeping a word on our journey to Music Instruments. When we arrived at the classroom, I was about to enter before he suddenly snatches my arm and pulls me away into his chest. Right before my eyes, a bucket of water falls down nearly soaking me as I was in shock.

"You okay?" Oustin asks holding my waist tightly to stop me from tripping.

"Perfect. I'm perfect. Except for the part where I was going to get soaked on my first day of school." I answer sucking my lower lip.

He stares at me before helping me stand up properly as I was leaning on him and guides me in the class. My eyes find frowns from the majority group of students in the class as they watch the both of us make our way to a small group of people.

"Thank goodness you have sharp instincts." one of the boys out of the three boys in the group bless.

He had dark raven hair which curls down to the bottom of his neck with glowing red eyes getting me to be familiar to it as I've seen them before. Thinking at the back of my head of who this guy looks like, he's leaning back on his chair with eyes directing to me.

"We were going to stop them, but before we knew it, you guys already appeared." the boy with curly purple hair states pushing his hair to the right side of his face clearly showing his golden eyes but hiding his left slightly.

"They never get tired of doing those stupid tricks." the last boy growls frowning.

Rare silver hair which is not styled in any particular way as it's messy, but also attractive, surprisingly. Especially when it matches his golden eyes like the previous boy.

"Well. Well. If it isn't the famous Octave Reiner. I've heard a lot about you." the boy with black hair hums with amusement in his eyes.

"Of course everyone has, with all the rumors going on around the school and all." I laugh weakly not wanting to be known around school like this to cause me getting bullied.


"Oh no. Oh no. Not the rumors at school. I've heard of you personally." he waves his hand getting his friends and I to look at him in confusion, "Don't I look like someone you know?"

"You do, actually." I answer honestly still thinking about who though.

"My little brother has been in your care for two years! He's always talked about you every time he came back home from school. Always saying that your lunches were amazing and how his leader was always trying to get you to join their group." he begins before my eyes widen.

"Eh?! You're Yurito's older brother?!" I nearly scream in full shock getting him to laugh as I begin backing up.

"I'm glad you know!" he chirps as I instantly hide behind Oustin, "Eh? Is something wrong?"

"Last time you were ever mentioned, you sent me a threat note." I narrow my eyes at him as he looks at me innocently before remembering.

"Ah! I did!" he slams his right fist onto his left palm, "Don't worry! Don't worry! I'm not actually going to murder you and hide you in a swamp!"

Silence within the group before his friends sigh and shake their heads in their hands.

"Why is he like this?" the purple hair boy asks.

"Don't know. Don't care." the silver hair boy responds.

"Anyways! Right before class begins, let's all introduce ourselves!" Yurito's brother claps his hands before winking at me, "I'm Yuse Kiriyama. No need to call me from my last name like you did with Yurito!"

I can feel the threat still in the air.

Yurito did say his brother was overprotective, but I didn't know it was an evil kind.

"Nice to meet you, I'm Lance Sharp." the purple hair one smiles before reaching out his hand to shake mine which I gladly did with a nod.

Looking over to the last boy that is still unknown to me, he glances at me before mumbling loud enough for me to hear, "Julius Winter."

I smile to the three boys, "Nice to meet you all."

"The pleasure - " Yuse begins before getting interrupted.

"Just be quiet." the three other boys demand getting the boy to close his mouth and put on a strained smile.

"Best friends ever." he mutters.

"Octave," Oustin speaks looking down at me, "did you bring an instrument today?"

"I didn't." I answer tilting my head in confusion.

"Well, looks like you're going to get into more trouble." Yuse whistles getting smacks from his two friends beside him.

"We should have asked Mr Prologue." Oustin frowns.

"Why do I need an instrument?" I ask raising an eyebrow.


"Because if you don't have one, you'll get kicked out of the classroom. If you can't produce musical sounds in here, you're out." Yuse explains getting me to begin thinking.

"Does it have to be an instrument?"

"What else makes noise? You can't sing, just play something with your hands."

"Looks like a student will once again be kicked out my class." a voice appears behind us scaring the boys as I simply look back to face a man.

Mr Overt, I'm guessing. He looked slightly strict, it must depend on which side you're on with him.

"Miss Reiner, I'll have to apologize but you're not allowed to set foot in this class again. Have you not thought that being in a class to learn about instruments you should bring one yourself?" he asks with his fingers entangled to each other.

"I did, actually." I smile challenging this teacher.

"Oh? What is it?" he raises an eyebrow.

Placing my backpack down, I take out the tool that I have always been fooling around with whenever I'm bored. Taking it out, eyes widen as Yuse tries to hide his laughter behind his hands.

"A ruler?" Mr Overt frowns getting me to nod.

"An instrument is an object or device for producing musical sounds. This here is an object." I swing my metal ruler.

"And it makes sounds?"

"Yup! Shall I demonstrate?" I smile getting him to narrow his eyes at me.


"If you won't mind, I'll need some background music. Will that be alright?"

He watches me before hesitantly answer, "Sure. What may it be?"

"I have it on my MP3, so it can connect to the speakers." I rummage through my backpack again to take out my device.

"Okay then. Please show us, how a ruler can be an instrument."

"Easy." I smirk.

Oh, I've got to thank my idiocy when I was in Hoshi Junior High.

At the corner of my eyes, I see Yuse filming this getting me to guess that he'll send it to Yurito.

Rubbing my hands together, I sit down on one of the desks at the front of the classroom and place the ruler down with my MP3 nearby. Clicking play, I let a few beats of the music begin before starting my 'magic'.

Finishing, I wonder if I express myself without needing to pull back on my expressions, would I be blushing?

This was a hobby during my time in class when everyone else was being stupid.

Looking up, I find shocked faces which amuses me, especially with Yuse. His mouth was wide open as he gapes while staring at me, along with Julius. Lance had an emotion of being impressed while Oustin had his eyes widen.

Trying to hide my laughter, I look over to a very shocked Mr Overt, "Is this enough to become an instrument?"

He breaks out of his daze before looking from the ruler back to me and nodding while still also being out of it. Smiling, I walk over to the four boys before pointing my thumbs up.

Oustin chuckles finally letting a smile out while Lance shakes his head in disbelief with a smile, Julius just continues to look back at the ruler and I, and Yuse looks down at his phone uncertain.

"How'd I do?" I smirk.

"Speechless." they all sync getting me to giggle.

"Good. Because I didn't think it'll become like this."

"Dude, do you have a life?" Julius asks getting me to roll my eyes.

"Of course I do. The only reason I could do that was because I always got bored in class back in junior high so I just fooled around with a ruler." I shrug not knowing how else to react to my previous self.

"And you just," Yuse shurgs, "created that?"

"Yup!" I smile with glee before pocketing my MP3 and ruler back into my backpack.

"Yuse, do you have the video?" Oustin asks getting me to be a bit shocked at how talkative he is in this class.

He barely, or didn't, even speak a word back in Music Band!

"I did, why?"

"Send it to me." Oustin demands getting the boy to nod before heading back to tapping on his phone.

Hearing a beep from Oustin's technology, he also begins tapping his phone before realizing something and turning to look over to me, "What's your number?"

"Huh? Oh, um, just wait." I take out my phone before showing him my number which he copies down on his phone.

"Smooth job getting her number." Yuse whistles before also peeping into my phone along with Lance and Julius.

"Now that I'm thinking about it, you're the first one who has my number ever since I came to this school." I turn to Oustin realizing this.

He smiles, "Good."

My eyes widen along with the three other boys as they gasp and look over to each other.

"He smiled!"

"I saw, you idiot."

"Did you take a picture?"

"No, why?"

"Because you're always the one with the phone, dimwit."

I laugh weakly hearing their conversation before taking my attention back to Oustin who's looking down at his phone ignoring his three friends.

Looks like this won't just be a life with trying to jump over obstacles, but also complete quests.

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