《A Musician To Be Reckoned With》| Chapter 9 | Music Band
"Yo! Octave!" A familiar voice shout as I walk down the hallway with Maki and Sung Gun by my sides.
Looking over to the front, I find Estton and Brix waving over to me. A smile appears on my face as I head over there.
But before I leave for sure, I turn back to Maki and Sung Gun, "I'll see you guys back at Chorus Choir?"
"Yup." Maki responds with Sung Gun simply nodding.
With that, I rush over to my recently made friends. They both were staring at my Chorus Choir friends getting me to snap my fingers in front of them.
"Oi. What's wrong?" I ask with a raised eyebrow.
"Huh? Oh, sorry." They both apoligize in sync creeping me out a bit.
"Okay then. So ready for class?" I chirp as we enter the classroom.
"We should be asking you that, Miss Popular. Causing trouble in your previous block too? You're quite a trouble maker." Estton whistles lowly.
I roll my eyes before playfully punching him, "Shush it. I didn't choose to be popular, okay? And this kind of popular for me, isn't the best one."
"It's amazing how fast gossips go through our school. It's only been a minute since class ended." Brix frowns quite impressed.
"Can we just forget it? I wanna try to not get in trouble again." I plead getting the boys to chuckle.
"Sure thing." Estton replies.
We were inside a large room full of musical instruments everywhere. Chairs were lined properly in rows as they all face to the center point which was the front, a man stands there with pride as he watches the whole class. He has the perfect posture and the whole place organized cleanly.
Just need to hope he's not too strict.
"Welcome to Music Band! It's the best class, so far, in my opinion." Estton states with glee.
"It's taught by Mr Prologue. He's the champion for the World International Violin Championship back 5 years ago. And right after that, he became a teacher here. It's said that he was offered to join other higher-class schools but he declined and joined here. No one knows why." Briz adds.
"Some say it's because his lover is here." Estton wiggles his eyebrows.
"If that is true, it means he's gay cause he has been rejecting all the girls in this school. But last time we did ask and he clearly said he was straight." Briz sighs giving Estton a stern look.
"Doesn't mean he can't turn gay." I snap my fingers in argument.
"I'll have you three know, all those remarks are false." A low voice interrupts getting the three of us to look over to the source of the source.
"Hi, Mr Prologue." Estton smiles awkwardly.
"Hello Mr Luvars, Mr Fenland. I hope you're not feeding our new transfer student lies, especially about me." He muses wanting me to smile widely.
I already like this teacher.
"Of course not, Mr Prologue!" Estton chuckles nervously.
"I see. Then, please take a seat as I talk with Miss Reiner here." Mr Prologue instructs as the boys do what they're told.
Looking up to Mr Prologue he gives a small smile, "Like you heard, I am Mr Prologue. I'll be your Music Band instructor. Nice to meet you."
"Pleasure's mine." I respond nodding my head.
"If I heard clearly, from the rumors going around, that you play the piano and the guitar? But I don't want to rely on such gossips, so would you please tell me if they're true or not?"
"They are." I honestly answer getting him smile to widen a millimetre.
"I see. And if my memory serves me right, you played the violin too, isn't that right," he whispers the last part, "Olivia Reigner."
My heart skips a beat hearing that familiar name. A challenging smile on my face lights up as my eyes burn like fire.
He knows.
"That's correct." I answer honestly as he just nods in response.
"Thank you for your honesty. Most people aren't like that, especially with a background like so. You may take a seat with your friends, there are no seating plans. And I hope you enjoy this class."
"Definitely." My smirk widens as he turns away and heads back to his desk.
I begin walking over to Estton and Briz to find them in a group with 3 other boys.
Great. More people to know and remember. How many is that so far?
"Yo Octave, finally finished with talking to Mr Prologue?" Estton greets getting the other boys to look over towards me.
"Yup, I feel like he and I will get along very well." I smile before standing between Estton and Briz.
The three boys were all sitting down as they look up at me with interest.
Going from left to right, the first boy was small in structure. He was only around my eyes height as the word that defined him was just cute. Fluffy pure white hair and bright blue eyes that easily captivate my interest.
Beside him was a boy with messy blond hair that reaches all the way to his collarbone. Grey eyes stare at me with fascination getting me to feel a bit uncomfortable, but I just push it aside.
And the last one had dyed pink hair popping up from a black beanie hat as his headphones also hide inside there as they're on his ears making me wonder if he can hear us. His bright grass green eyes watch my every move in caution as I know I've seen those eyes before from one of my own dear friends.
They're afraid to trust others who they don't know that well.
"Octave, meet our friends." Estton gestures to the three boys, "Aeron Kingson." he gestures to the white hair boy first before going to the next, "Cris Austin and finally Oustin Flier."
Is it just me, but why are there so many foreigners in this school? I swear there's more foreigners than Japanese people.
"Nice to meet you three. I'm - " I begin before Cris interrupts me.
"Octave Reiner. No need to introduce yourself. You're quite famous around here." He smirks getting me to instantly remember a friend of mine who has a similar personality like him.
"Quite?" Brix asks.
"Yes, quite. She's not as famous than me! The whole school knows me and probably the whole country!" He gleams getting me to balance on either anger or laughter.
Right. You're famous buddy. If you were, I would have heard of you already.
"The whole school always talks about me!" He continues pointing his nose up.
I would have heard of you.
"The whole city always talks about me!"
I would have heard of you.
"The whole country always talks about me!"
I would have heard of you.
"The whole continent always talks about me!"
I would have heard of you.
"The whole world always talks about me!"
I would have heard of you.
"Octave, you okay? You're putting on a scary face..." Estton gulps as I finally snap with that guy's attitude.
"Oh? So the whole freaking world knows about you. That's great! If they did, I would have probably heard of you, but I never did. And no, I did not live under a rock. Let's go around the school right now and ask random students who they know more. You or me. Wanna go?" I snap as I continue ranting with the silence around us, "I'm sorry to be rude and everything, but you're just pissing me off with your attitude, dude. My snapping point is very high so I barely get angry, but. You. Just. Piss. Me. Off."
"Brix. Call Kafe." Estton whispers behind me as I continue to rant.
"Hey, Kafe? Um, you know when we laughed at how Octave won't even snap or get angry. Well, she did. And we're sorry. So can you, um, possibly calm her down?" Brix's voice whispers.
"Has anyone ever told you how your personality is like? I know it's rude to judge a book by its cover and all but you just literally acted like you were the freaking king of the world!" I continue as the three guys all stare at me with fright.
"Octave." Brix calls.
"You remind of a guy I know. He's exactly like you. A snob up attitude thinking that they're better than everyone! Guess what happened to him, he got kicked out of the window and into the trash. And guess who kicked him?"
"Octave." Estton tries.
"Not the teacher! Not his friends! Not the classmates! It was - "
"Octave, we'll buy you lunch for a whole month." Brix and Estton both say getting me to shut my mouth and spin myself to face them.
"Okay." I smile at the two, "No backing out on the promise! Pinky swear on it."
I point out my pinkie towards them getting them to look at each other before intertwining their pinkies with mine.
"You've just made a deal you can not back out of." I chirp.
"I wish you both good luck and hope your wallets don't go too empty." Kafe prays getting both of the boys to look down at the phone.
"Kafe? What do you mean?" They both ask before the sounds of hanging up rings getting them to panic as they try to call again.
I face the three boys who were still in fright getting me to smile innocently.
"Sorry about my outburst. But I get really pissed off when it comes to people thinking too highly of themselves." I apologize, "I hope you'll forget that incident and hope we can become good friends. If not, as least classmates."
"No, it's not your fault. I went overtop with my speech." Cris apoligizes rubbing the back of his neck, "I'm very competitive when it comes to ranking and so on. One reason why I never get along with teams during gaming."
"What game?" I suddenly ask.
"Well, the one I'm playing recently is Overwatch. Though I just started recently because my brother got me into it." He answers as my eyes turns to stars.
Grabbing his hands, I smile with glee, "Who's your favorite character?"
"Um. Well, I like Tracer. But I'm better with Hanzo." He once again answers but more hesitantly.
"We'll get along just fine."
"Wait. You play?"
"No duh! It's been a popular game recently, and for some reason I just got into it. But I only play time to time cause it can be time consuming." I shrug before asking once again, "What's your username?"
"Cr33rp3rNight3." He answers as my eyes widen.
"Creepsie?" I gasp as his eyes widen.
"Wait. The only person who calls me that. TwilightSparklesWillKill2Rule?"
Brix and Estton stop trying to call Kafe as they look at me, "What?"
"Don't ask. I allowed my younger brother to choose my username and promised not to change it." I sigh remembering how I was in disbelief with him.
"I didn't know you were a musician?!" Cris frowns nearly shouting.
"I didn't know you were too, so ha!" I stick out my tongue.
"They get along so well." Estton sniffles wiping off a tear.
"Shut it, you dwit." Cris and I snap getting Estton to gasp in hurt.
"Mommy! They called me a dwit!" Estton looks over towards Brix while pointing to us.
"Because you are one." Cris and I shrug getting Estton to pretend to cry.
"Mommy..." Estton clings to Brix.
"Don't call me 'Mommy'. Call Octave that since we've now finally got a girl in the group." Brix pushes Estton off.
"Ha. Right. Try and you're dead. I'm the least like a mother." I laugh.
"She's got that right. She nearly threw one of my brothers down the stairway because he was calling her 'mom'." Aeron speaks up getting us all to look over to him before the boys turn towards me in disbelief.
"I did? Your last name. Kingson, right? Ah. You're brothers with Seron?" I ask getting him to nod, "No wonder you look simular to him. I thought it was just me hallucinating. You're youngest of the triplets, right?"
"Yup." He answers.
"Wait. Triplet? You never told us that!" Estton frowns.
"You never asked." Aeron shrugs.
"You should have told us!" Estton nearly shouts getting me to smack him I'm the head, "Ow! That hurts!"
"Good. It's suppose to. And don't be so mean to him!" I lecture.
"Why?! He's my friend! And why are you being so nice to him when you weren't like that to me?" Estton pouts.
"Because, his brother, the one I know will literally slaughter you with a pencil if he knows you're snapping at his younger brother." I roll my eyes.
"How would you know that?"
"Because he threatened me once during our graduation since he knew I was going to go to this school where his brother went." I mumble but loud enough for them to hear.
"Seron can be overprotective, so don't worry about it." Aeron smiles innocently getting a stab right through my heart.
He's so cute.
"Wait. Let's take as picture. I wanna make Seron jealous." I smile with mischief getting Aeron to chuckle.
"He's talked a lot about you before." Aeron states as I sit beside him.
"What he say?" I wonder.
"You're a person to never mess with especially when you're angry. It's like facing King Kong." Aeron honesty answers getting the boys around us to begin laughing without any limits.
Well, now I know what I'm going to do during my free time. Send death notes to that idiot.
"But he also said that you were a friend that can never be replaced." Aeron continues getting the boys to stop laughing as our attention is to the little boy, "You're funny, generous, caring, and so many more other personalities. The one he loves the most is that you would sacrifice anything for your friends. But not in a harmful way like you did when you jumped off the cliff. He especially loves how equal you are to everyone and being so unique."
Silence fills the small group as I keep quiet. Tears dare itself to drop down from my eyes as I look away and try to blink those water works away.
"Octave, are you crying?" Estton asks peeking at my face.
"No. But going to, maybe." I answer honestly getting him to smile gently before bringing me into a hug to his chest, "I hate your brother, Aeron."
He laughs hearing this as I feel hands smoothing my back.
"Wait. What did he mean about jumping off a cliff?" Estton asks getting me to instantly push myself off him as I take out my phone.
"Let's send him a video, Aeron." I ignore Estton's question.
"Oi." he slaps my head gently but I already began taking a video.
Positioning it so it can have both Aeron and I in it, I smile while putting out a peace sign with my other hand as Aeron smiles slightly.
"Guess what Seron? I'm with your little brother." I stick out my tongue, "And we're in the same class together. Sucker. Say 'hi' Aeron!"
I hug him tightly with my free arm getting him to chuckle before waving over to the camera, "Hey Seron, hope you're doing well!"
He is for sure.
"Anyways, look forward to getting pictures sent to you with us having fun together! Be jealous buddy." I snicker evilly as I can imagine already being pissed off, "I just wanted to say 'hi' with your little adorable brother! Bye!"
Aeron waves as he laughs nervously before I stop the video and begin sending it to Seron.
"You're evil." Estton comments.
"I never said I was not." I stick out my tongue towards him.
"You suck." he frowns slightly glaring at me.
"Right back at you, buddy." I respond before the bell rings signalling class beginning, "Let's all pray that I don't get in trouble in this class. Cause I rather stay unpopular and become an outcast."
"Dude, that's dark." Estton comments.
With that, Mr Prologue begins class, "Everyone, please grab your instruments!"
Estton and Oustin head over to the guitar, Brix heads over to the violin, Cris heads over to the trumpet, and Aeron to the flute.
That's when I noticed that this class were all boys, and I was the only female.
Oh shucks.
"Miss Reiner, do you have any instruments you're wanting to play?" Mr Prologue asks.
"Not really?" I reply unsure.
"Then you won't mind me placing you in violin, would you?"
"Not really." I shrug.
"I'm glad then. And if you won't mind, I believe you have created a few of your own music?" he suddenly pops the question in getting my eyebrows to furrow.
"How - "
"Miss Reiner, your YouTube account is quite popular with musicians who have interest with your music. There's still many who secretly follow you."
Many confused looks appear on all the students as they look at me as I stare right down at Mr Prologue's eyes.
I did not know that.
Sighing, I stand up, "Well, I have finished my next piece which I was hoping to post soon after I was used to my life here, but I won't mind showing it. Though, the new piece involves both a violin and guitar, so I'll only be playing the violin."
"Do you possibly have the music sheet for the guitar?" he asks getting me raise an eyebrow wondering what he's planning.
"Yes, I do have it."
"Then no worries. Since you're friends with Estton, he won't mind helping you." Mr Prologue suggests surprising my new-made friend.
"But - "
"Miss Reiner, our students here aren't as untalented as they are. Especially this room. My ten students here that I've been teaching for only a few months are very talented, I keep my words honest." he nods getting me to find no hint of worry in his eyes.
"I'll trust you then." I look over to Estton, "Will you help?"
"Sure." he shrugs, "Acoustic or electric?"
"Electric." I answer as Mr Prologue takes out a electric violin guessing I'll using it.
As Estton brings his whole set to the front of the class, I rummage in my bag to bring out my computer before taking out two cables. Connecting his amplifier with one of my cables to my computer, I do the same with the violin amplifier. Adding effects so that I can control when which instrument should be louder or quieter and so on, I look over at Estton's amplifier.
"You won't mind me changing it, will you?" I ask in case.
"Nope." he answers before I begin tinkering with his before mine.
Taking out the music sheets from my bag, I hand him the guitar sheets placing them on the stand before the violin ones in front of me just in case.
"Are you ready?" I ask Estton as he scans for sheets.
"No problem. Doesn't seem too hard." he shrugs as I smirk.
"Okay then. But don't suddenly stop from the sudden changes to the amplifier." I warn getting him to nod not questioning me, "We're ready."
"You may begin then." Mr Prologue nods.
With that, I begin the playing the violin as I don't look at the sheet since my eyes close imagining the story I put in this piece. And to who I wrote it for.
And with that, I take a deep exhale finishing the piece before looking over to Estton who was in a daze staring at the music sheet. Estton did really well with his parts as it didn't seem like he made mistakes despite I knowing that he was off guard with a few changes to the music.
Looking over to the class, their faces of being impressed was shown clearly as Mr Prologue had an approving smile.
"Amazing job like always." he nods getting me to nod back.
It's like he doesn't only just know me from my performances, but also personally. How though? I don't recognize him.
I wonder how much he knows about me, and how many more know.
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