《【Low Life】ReverseHaremxBroke Reader》One


The bitter stench of cheap cigarettes slowly filled the room as you sucked in the smoke. You felt a small burning sensation in your lungs that you had long grown accustomed to and frankly grown a liking to it. You didn't smoke too often, only when you had gotten laid off or when you had a stressful day and needed release. Today I was your 2nd week of being fired from your job after being sexually harassed by your manager. The thought of him made you grimace and you stuffed out he cigarette, letting the air around you cool, and the smoke fade.

"This is the life" you mumbled, you collapsed in to the swampy and worn couch, hoping to melt away, like how your money melted away so quickly. Your dozing off was impeded by a sharp pain in your back, you immediately looped off the couch and raised the cushion, there sprung a sharp price of metal that had torn through the couch cushion. A spring.


"aaUuUGH" you groaned, your hands grabbed at your face in frustration. You were standing in a local furniture store, and frankly you were surprised they didn't charge you for being in there. The couch prices were fair, but in the eyes of an unemployed drunk, they were very pricey. "Come again name!" Said the the store owner, who came to the living room department of the store to watch you complain about prices.

"Thanks Rob" you said, loosely waving your hand in his direction.


After limping out the store, you went to the library, in hopes to find a roommate for your apartment online. Once inside, you realized how horrific you looked. the moment you stepped in side, re heads of small children turned towards you, and their eyes almost frightened. The parent's eyes averted, only thickening the awkward atmosphere. You shrugged it off the best you could and waltzed over to a computer. You weren't used to typing, so awkwardly fumbling with the keys, you typed in "roommate finder". You found multiple sites with a tinder-like format, and clicked on the first site that popped up. After creating an account, you picked and chose suitable roommates, hoping to find a match. After waiting 30 minutes, to no surprise, you had no matches. "Great" you mumbled and shut off he computer, rolling back in the roller chair. A library volunteer shuffled over "ma'm we're going to have to ask you to leave" he said, gesturing to the mortified parents and children huddled in a corner "you're causing a..." he seemed to be choosing his words carefully "..a disturbance" he gave a nervous smile, which you returned with a special finger.

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