《Blood Alpha (Completed)》Chapter 15


Today is the day, Damien will be meeting Marty and I am sick with nerves. All I can do is hope that they like each other because I don't know what I will do if they don't. I love Marty but I am also beginning to get strong feelings for Damien.

I shake the thoughts away and leave my office, Damien will be here soon and I need to eat something. We decided to keep the visit short today so we don't overwhelm Marty, plus we have some issues to sort out.

Entering the kitchen, I see Marty sitting at the counter with Brooke, eating his lunch and reciting the alphabet.

“Good job little wolf, you're getting better” I ruffled his hair as I passed.

“Thanks momma Ally. Is Damien still coming over today?”

“He is, he should be here soon actually. Are you nervous?”

“Not really. I think I will like him because he's your mate, and anyone who is good enough for you is good enough for me”

Marty then informed us that he was going to play and ran out of the room.

“He's very mature for his age isn't he? There's a sandwich in the fridge for you as well Alyssa” Brooke asked as she cleared their dishes.

“Thanks Brooke, you're the best. And he is mature, but after what he's gone through at his age I think it's expected. I'm just surprised he's doing as well as he is” I replied as I got the sandwich out

“Well, that's because he has you. You two have a very strong connection I haven't seen before. But I must be off, make sure he doesn't get up to any trouble”

“Thanks for all your help Brooke, I really appreciate it” she waved as she left the kitchen.

I was left with my thoughts again, thinking on what Brooke said about us having a strong connection. It's true that we have a bond that is rare in wolves that aren't related, sometimes I can feel his emotions if they are strong enough. Alice did say that he was always destined to be in my life so I just put it down to that. I finished my lunch and checked the time. Seeing it was time to go meet Damien at the border, I put my dish in the sink and left through the back door.

My nerves aren't helped by the fact that we haven't seen each other since the party two days ago. My wolf is missing her mate and it's putting me on edge.


I walked through the woods that border our territories and felt my nerves fade away, like all wolves, being in nature is incredibly soothing. The smells of the wildflowers and the sound of the birds singing brings back fond memories of my family when I was younger.

I made it to the border and was surprised to see no patrols, Damien must have done the same as me and told everyone to avoid this area for awhile.

“M’anamchara, you look beautiful today” Damien stepped out from behind a tree with a bouquet of beautiful lilies held in front of him. He's looking exceptionally sexy today, his hair looks washed and brushed, his beard is still large and bushy. A tight black shirt hugged his muscles and black trousers clung to his legs. His eyes were lit up with happiness and a large smile lit up the rest of his face.

He stepped forward over the border and held out the flowers to me. A series of howls went up and Damien instantly went into defence mode, standing in front of me, crouched slightly.

I chuckled as I moved in front of him and took the flowers from him “thank you for the flowers and don't worry about them. They are welcoming you to our land”

“Oh, that's never happened before” he looked perplexed but it quickly passed as he stepped closer to me

He laid his hand on my cheek and gazed at me in wonder, like he still couldn't believe I existed. I meant into him, my skin tingling wherever we connected. He wound his arms around me and my wolf sighed in happiness, I took big breaths trying to get as much of his scent as I could.

I could feel my wolf pacing and howling in my mind the closet I got and the more I breathed in his scent, it was sending us both crazy.

I could feel desire swirl in my gut and an involuntary growl slipped out when Damien shuffled closer and his erection pressed against me. Damien's nose buried into my neck and I could feel him shaking, both of us trying to resist the mating pull.

I stepped away before our wolves took control and mated right here. I grabbed Damien's hand and led the way back to the pack house.

“Marty is waiting to meet you” I smiled over at him

“I'm nervous to meet him, what if he doesn't like me?”

“He'll love you. It might just take a while to warm up as he doesn't trust many people”


“That's understandable, considering what he went through. Can I ask what happened to the wolves who attacked them?”

“Dead and left to rot where they died” I shrugged

Damien looked over at me but thought better to ask anymore questions “they deserved it”

I only nodded and continued walking. I didn't like thinking about that day to much, I didn't like what I became.

We arrived back to the pack house in silence, I noticed everyone had left. I remind myself to thank Thrain.

We walked into the lounge room and I could see Marty playing with his train set with Brooke. She looked up as we walked in, she said a quick goodbye to Marty then turned to us.

“Alpha Shaw, good to meet you. My name is Brooke” she bowed her head in respect before turning to me

“Alpha, call me if you need anything. Have a great time” Brooke shot me a smile and left the room

“Is everyone always so formal here?” Damien asked quietly

“Oh god no, they are just being respectful to you as they don't know you just yet. Plus it's a big day, everyone here loves Marty and are extremely protective over him”

“Huh, at least he has plenty of people to keep him safe”

I gave his hand a squeeze and walked over to Marty, I ruffled his hair to get his attention “hey little wolf, I have someone here to meet you”

Marty smiled widely and jumped up facing Damien. It looked like several different emotions passed over his face before it settled into a neutral expression. He put a small frown on his face and stepped forward with his hand outstretched.

“Hello Alpha Shaw. My name is Martin, but you can call me Marty and I am momma Ally's adopted son because my birth mommy and daddy were killed trying to save me”

Damien didn't miss a beat as he crouched down and took Marty's hand and gave it a firm shake.

“Hello Marty, my name is Alpha Damien Shaw but you can call me Damien and I am you're momma Ally's mate”

“I know, my mommy told me all about mates” he took a step forward “ are you going to love momma Ally until she dies?”

Damien looked up at me and nodded “and for a long time after that buddy”

Marty nodded and patted Damien's shoulder “I like you Damien, but please don't hurt momma Ally, she's very special to me”

My heart swelled at Marty's words, not because he called me special but because he is finally starting to slowly let more people in, his confidence is growing and his real personality is starting to shine through.

“Well, I like you too, and I promise to take very good care of your momma Ally”

Marty nodded and grabbed Damien's hand “come play trains with me, you too momma Ally”

For the next hour we played trains, taking turns being the conductor. After a particularly large yawn from Marty, I mind linked Brooke.

“Alright little wolf, time for a nap. Can you pack up for me?”

“Okay momma Ally. I am a little tired”

“I bet you are” Damien and I helped pack up, we had just finished when Brooke walked in. She laughed when she saw how tired he is.

“Someone had lots of fun didn't they? Okay, come on mister, let's get you to bed and you can tell me all about your day on the way”

Marty crawled over to me and laid his head in my lap “I love you momma Ally. Thank you for bringing Damien over, I really like him”

“That's okay buddy. I'm sure Damien really like you too. I love you so much, I'll see you after you're nap okay?” I brushed his hair off his head and gently kissed his forehead.

Marty looked over at Damien “thank you for coming to play with me today. You'll be a great daddy Damien”

I looked over to see Damien's eyes tearing up, who knew the big wild alpha could have his heart melted by a three year old.

Brooke picked Marty up and bowed her head, she left the room with Marty talking quietly to her.

“She seems like a big help”

“Brooke? She's been fantastic, besides me and now you, she is the only other one who Marty has taken to. He's slowly starting to open up but it could be a while yet” we both got up and began walking to my office.

“He seems much older then three”

I nodded as we entered the office. Thrain wasn't here, he was taking Delilah to the doctors today. She told him last night and I could hear him cheering from my room.

We sat on the couch and I could feel the apprehension from both of us, we both weren't sure what would happen today.

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