《Blood Alpha (Completed)》Chapter Thirteen


Alpha! We need you outside now!

Thrain yelled through our mind link, he sounded distressed and angry. I quickly jumped off Damiens lap and headed to the door but before I could open it, my hand was pulled into a large one.

“What's wrong Alyssa?” His beautiful eyes were full of concern and a little bit of hesitation. I hope he doesn't think I am leaving him after he asked to meet Marty.

“My Beta needs me outside, somethings wrong. Come on” I entwined our fingers and pulled him out of the now open door. We walked to the back door and stopped, I was glad he was still holding my hand, I didn't know what what going on out there but I felt better with his support.

“Do you want everyone to know we are mates tonight Alyssa?” He looked down at me and I had to stop myself from swimming in his eyes. The sparks were shooting up my arm and I was loving it.

“Come on” I held his hand tighter and tugged him outside.

As soon as we stepped outside, his hand dropped from mine and he went into fighting mode. I placed my hand on his back to soothe him, I didn't need an Alpha to fight on my lands. I looked around and noticed everyone was in a fighting stance, my pack were stoney faced with their canines bared, while the other Alphas were trying to get them to stand down. I saw Thrain at the front, standing protectively over something. I walked further towards the front and what I saw had my wolf almost taking control. My vision turned red, my canines extended and I could feel a half shift coming on.


My Marty was sitting on the ground behind Thrain, crying his little eyes out.

“What is going on here?” My voice was low, gnarly and almost sounded like a feral growl. My wolves heads bowed with the power, I could feel Damien’s eyes on me. He didn't know what he was seeing right now and he didn't know how to react.

Thrain turned his head to the side, keeping his eyes on the other wolves.

“Marty was running around playing and accidentally ran into Alpha Burke, who then threw him onto the ground and back handed him”

My heartbeat increased and my body thrummed, my eyes snapped over to Alpha Burke who looked like he was the cat who got the cream. He didn't even care that he smacked around a three year old. In an instant I was in front of him, the other wolves gasped when they got a close look at me, fear shooting down their veins. The haze was thriving on their fear. I snarled loudly and wrapped my hand around his throat.

“Give me a reason why I shouldn't snap your puny little neck right now” I have never felt this much power within me before, meeting my mate and then having my pup smacked around was all a bit to much for my emotions.


“He's just a pup, I don't see why you're so upset. You need to put me down right now!” Alpha Burke had started to feel a bit of fear and it made me smile in glee.

“You just backhanded my pup!” I roared in his face. I watched as the colour drained from his face and he started stuttering.

Everyone knows to never mess with an Alpha’s pup, we will kill for just a wrong look but to put their hands on them is a death sentence.

“I-I didn’t know Alpha Bowers, I am s-sorry. Please” My grip tightened, I could hear shuffling in the background but didn't pay any attention to it, my sole focus was the scum who touched my pup.

“Alpha Shaw! Don't go near her right now. We need to get her into the room!” I heard my Beta’s voice and a niggling was at the back of my mind, I knew that other name but couldn't quite put my finger on it.

I could feel someone at my back, I turned my head slightly and snarled, my grip tightening a little more. Alpha Burke had started going purple, his air being cut off.

“M’anamchara, let the man go. You need to tend to Marty” That voice sent shivers down my spine, my mind turning over, trying to place where I know it.

Sparks flew from my forearm travelling up and into my heart. Damien. The name flew into my mind and my vision cleared almost instantly. My grip loosened until I dropped Alpha Burke on his ass on the ground. The sparks were still shooting up my arm, I looked up into Damiens eyes and found myself calm. I heard spluttering from the ground and looked to see Alpha Burke getting to his feet with help from his Beta.

“The King and Queen will hear about this! You will not get away with attacking another Alpha!” He bellowed out.

“You smacked my pup, that is a death sentence in most books. You're just lucky I didn't kill you. Now. Everyone get off my lands! The party is over” I turned around, grabbing Damiens hand and stalked over to Marty. He was still on the ground, the tears dried up now. As soon as he saw me, he launched himself into my arms and started crying again.

“Little wolf, I am so sorry I wasn't there for you. Are you okay?” I gently took his face in my hands and turned it side to side to check for any damage. There was a faint red mark that had me snarling again until I felt the sparks on my lower back. I took a deep breath and breathed in Damiens scent, I felt myself calming down again.

Everyone was crowded around us, watching Marty with concern but also looking at Damien with curiosity. They weren't sure what was going on but they wouldn't interfere right now.


Standing up with Marty in my arms I nodded to my pack, and walked inside with Damien at my side. I'll tell them once I have Marty in bed.

I tucked Marty into bed and gave him a kiss, he was already asleep. The door was almost closed when I heard a small voice.

“Who's that big man mumma Ally?”

“Don't worry about that now little wolf, I'll tell you tomorrow. Get some sleep okay, you've had a big day” I saw his head move and then his breathing even out.

I closed the door softly and leant back against it, all my energy had left me and now I'm exhausted. I still have to go and tell the pack about Damien. Speaking of, I could feel his presence in front of me, I'm so very aware of him now. His smell is ingrained in my mind.

His arms wrapped around me and I fell into his embrace, it felt nice to have someone to support me when times became tough, but I know the tough times haven't really began yet.

“You need to get some rest M’anamchara. You look dead on your feet” Damien's voice rumbled through me and awakened something deep within.

“I need to go talk to the pack first. Let them know what is going on”

“Is it really a good time right now?”

“I never keep secrets from my pack Damien” I pulled away a little and looked into his eyes. They were showing concern and love.

“Okay, come on then. Let's do it together, then we get you off to bed”

The thought of going to bed with Damien sent my mind racing in all different directions, the most prominent however was the thought of us fully mating, which excited me immensely. But I knew it wouldn't be happening tonight, we have too much to sort out between the packs.

We made our way downstairs and back outside, the pack were all tidying up, some of the kids were still eating the leftovers. When they noticed us, they all stopped what they were doing and faced me.

“Thank you all for your patience, I know you are all wondering what is going on” I saw some heads nodding. “You all know that the man standing beside me is Alpha Damien Shaw of the Silver Thunder Pack, but as you can most likely tell from earlier, he is also my mate”

Cheers rang out across the yard making a smile appear on my face. Damien's hand slipped into mine while I motioned for quiet.

“We will be working out the logistics of the packs in the coming days so continue as you normally would. Tomorrow we will be having a welcoming ceremony for all the new pack members we gained tonight. Thank you and enjoy the rest of your night”

I walked back inside with Damien by my side, I needed to talk to Thrain but didn't want to leave his side.

“Come to the office with me? I need to talk to my beta”

“Of course”

Thrain was waiting when we arrived, he stood up and bought me into a big hug. A laugh escaped and I hugged him back.

“I'm so happy for you Alyssa. You're parents would be so proud of you”

A loud snarl had us breaking apart, I looked at Damien only to see him looking at Thrain like he wanted to kill him. I gently pulled his hand toward me and rubbed circles on his palm. I could feel him starting to calm down.

“Sorry man, I forgot about that. The names Thrain, I'm Alpha Bowers beta, my mate, Delilah is ill right now. I'm also a pseudo big brother to Alyssa” Thrain had a big smile while he reached his hand out to shake Damien's.

Damien shook his hand with a small smile “Sorry Thrain, I'm still getting used to the whole having a mate thing”

“Don't blame you, I don't know how you've gone so long”

“Not easily that's for sure. But enough about that, I think Alyssa had something she wanted to talk about”

“Thanks for remembering me guys” I rolled my eyes and went to sit behind my desk, Thrain sat in front of me, while Damien stood behind me, his hands on my shoulders. “I just wanted to thank you for protecting Marty when I wasn't there”

“Ah, it's fine. He is going to be our future king, so of course I'm going to protect him”

“Future king?” Asked Damien

“Yeah” I sighed “Turns out Marty is mates with the king and queen's daughter”

“How did you find that out?”

“He almost shifted when we introduced them this morning. It took an alpha command for him to calm down”

“Shit, that's not good”

“It will be fine. But we all need to get some rest, we have a big day tomorrow. Thrain, you need to go be with your mate”

“Yes I do” Thrain replied, he quickly stood and hurried out of the office.

I leant back in my chair, I was struggling to keep my eyes open. It has been a long and emotional day. I heard Damien chuckle and then I felt my body being lifted. I snuggled deep into his arms and let myself drift off with my mates scent surrounding me.

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