《The Light Within the Sharingan》8


"Aw come on!" Naruto shrieked. I'm pretty sure that boy didn't know how to speak at a normal voice level. He was frustrated, we all were, I should be used to Kakashi's tardiness but I'm not, and it really pisses me off. Sasuke was throwing kunai at a target not so far away, Sakura was still asleep, despite Naruto yelling every five minutes and me, well, I was doing nothing. Daydreaming as usual, head in the clouds. I brought my attention to Sasuke, he was wasting energy, yet he was so bored, I could understand why.

A breeze blew through the clearing, giving the summers day a cold nip in the air. A shiver ran up my spine, making my torso tremble as I pulled my jacket closer. A cloud of smoke appeared, choking us, with Kakashi in the middle.

"YOU'RE LATE!" Naruto and Sakura yelled in unison pointing their accusing fingers.

"Sorry guys, a black cat crossed my----"


Sasuke twitched at the sudden change of peace, chuckling I got up and poked his arm.

"Don't be so emo." I smirked.

He pouted, before joining the line of Genin sat before Kakashi, waiting for their aim. Today was definitely going to be a long day.

"Today's task is to retrieve one bell from me." Kakashi announced, waving the bells in the air, making his point clear. By the time Kakashi had shown up, the sun was beating down on our backs, high in the sky.

"If you don't," Kakashi warned, "you'll get sent back to the Academy."

Great. What a way to wind Naruto up. As Naruto ranted at Kakashi, I noticed Sasuke and Sakura looking like they'd seen a ghost. Pale as a sheet.

"Pssssst," I hissed. Sakura turned her attention to me and Sasuke grunted. Typical Uchiha.

"It's all about team work." I whispered, glancing at the busied Kakashi.

"We need to work together because there's no way in Hell we're all as strong as Kakashi, so there's no way in Hell that we could take him on individually."

Sakura processed the information, smiling. She conjured up a plan in her mind. I smiled, seeing the cogs turning in her head, Sakura wasn't a great Kunoichi physically from what I'd seen, but mentally she was the best out of us all.


"I work alone." Sasuke stated, turning away from us waiting for Kakashi's signal to begin.

What the Hell?!"

Kakashi eventually shut Naruto up and the exercise began. Naruto had already jumped straight in, not thinking as per usual. Sasuke was nowhere to be seen and Sakura was the only one who took my word and trusted me enough to work with me, which was, let me tell you, surprising.

"Okay, here's the plan," Sakura whispered, "when Naruto is keeping him busy being an utter idiot, you clone yourself, sneak into that bush there," she pointed at shrubury directly behind Kakashi, "that way you'll have clear view of the whole clearance and more importantly, Kakashi-Sensei. See his pervy book in his pocket?" she questioned, then it clicked. We were gonna steal hiss Makeout Makeout Paradise and not give it back unless he surrendered one of the bells!

"This is genius, Sakura!"

She grinned at the praise, obviously proud of herself. I got to work cloning myself, my clone would wait in the bush next to the one I would be in, waiting to ambush Kakashi.

"Go!" Sakura hissed.

I took higher ground when my clone took the lower ground. As I got closer to my position, adrenalin started to pump. I could feel my heart beating against my ribs, threatening to burst from my chest. Naruto was currently hanging upside down from a tree when he spotted me. He was about to shout when I threw a shuriken at him, silencing him with fear.

There's no way he's gonna ruin this.

Sasuke was now in the clearing with Kakashi, throwing attack after attack at him. Working alone. He wasn't bad, he'd managed to graze his fingertips against one of the bells, but that wasn't enough. Kakashi had quickly dodged him when he noticed this. As Kakashi recoiled from one of Sasuke's attacks, I stuck my arm out at ease from the bush, snatching the book from his back pocket. Using my headband, I signalled Sakura to let her know I had it. Now it was up to my clone. I gave her a thumbs up and she pounced on Kakashi's back like a hungry wolf. As he struggled against her power, Sakura swooped down and I stood up holding his book. Kakashi's eyes grew wide.


"How did you get that?" He shouted, anger starting to leak into all of his features.

"More importantly," I winked, "do you want it back?"

Kakashi glared as if to say "you know damn well I want it back."

"Surrender two bells and I won't rip it to shreds." I smirked.

It didn't take that much persuasion. After Sasuke tried attacking him and my clone disappeared into nothing but matter, Kakashi had used an Earth jutsu to secure Sasuke neck down in the ground so he needn't worry about any interuptions when he tried getting his book back. He was reluctant at first to give up two bells, so I took a corner of his book and started to tear really slowly. I'm lucky to be alive. With a begrudging grunt, he threw a bell each to Sakura and I, and I threw his beloved book back.

"For a daughter, that was really cruel." Naruto commented, arms crossed and still upside down. I smiled at him, swiftly cutting the rope that he was trapped in. With a yelp Naruto fell to the floor and a lump began swelling on his head.

"OWWW!" He howled, clutching the lump. The timer had gone off indicating it was time for lunch. We all went and sat in front of the K.I.A stone and retrieved our lunch boxes, all but Naruto, that is.

"Naruto," Kakashi said, authority dripping from his words, "you did the least today, so you're going to be tied to the post when your team mates eat lunch. The rest of you, if you give any to Naruto, there will be severe consequences."

I heard everybody gulp in fear and rolled my eyes. Kakashi had just gone and I dug in to my punch pack.

"It's okay you guys, I can go all day without food, believe it!"

A grumble echoed through the silence of the clearing. Sasuke looked at Naruto. Naruto was grinning sheepishly and chuckling awkwardly. Sasuke held up his food.

"Here, quick, eat it."

Naruto's mouth dropped.

I smiled, Sasuke was finally getting it. "No Sasuke, he can have mine, you both need your strength, Sakura and I already have bells." I started shovelling a mouthful into Naruto's mouth.

Just as he swallowed, clouds covered the sky and lightening struck. Kakashi appeared in a circle of black smoke pointing at me.


The damp smell of a storm lingered in the air as Kakashi's shout echoed through the thunder. Rolling my eyes, everybody else shuddered.

"Listen," I said to Kakashi, "I gave Naruto my lunch because we are a team. If he's hungry then he'll be weak, thus jeopardizing the mission." I snapped.

Sasuke and Sakura were stood in front of Naruto, kunai at the ready to protct their comrade. Kakashi was still playing the intimidating, scary, sensei.

"Believe it! The four of us are one!" Naruto called.

"THE FOUR OF YOU ARE ONE?!" Kakashi bellowed.

The sky started to clear again.

What is he playing at?

"You pass."

"WHAT!" Naruto and Sasuke exclaimed.

"You. Pass." Kakashi said, emphasising the seperate words.

I turned and smiled. Bewilderment washed over Sasuke's face.

"I told you it was team work."

Kakashi chuckled.

"Take the rest of the day off."

We cut down Naruto and started to go our seperate ways.

Maybe today has showed Sasuke a thing or two about listening...

Smiling to myself, I started walking towards town, letting the cool summers breeze cool my sunburnt neck as I walked.


Sorry it took so long, I did an extra long update today because I've got an exam coming up so I won't be able to get another one written and typed out by next week, week after at the latest. Hope you enjoy it, feel free to comment and let me know your opinions, ideas and don't forget to vote! Thank-you!

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