《The silver sharingan warrior》V2 Chapter 8 search and destroy/A power stolen
The opening shows the still-horrified faces of Team RWBY upon seeing their guide for the week
Weiss: Professor Oobleck?
Oobleck:(Talking fast, per the norm, as he paces in front of the students.) Yes, I'm afraid those bags won't be necessary, girls, seeing as you've opted to shadow a Huntsman on what is now essentially a reconnaissance mission. I can assure you, we will not be establishing a single base of operations; rather, we will be traversing several miles of hazardous wasteland and making camp in any defendable locations we may stumble upon. I packed all of our essentials myself, plotted our air course, and readied the airship. And… (Zooms up right to Weiss' face.) It's Doctor Oobleck. I didn't earn the PhD for fun, thank you very much! (Quickly backs away.)
Weiss looks over at Blake, who is equally disturbed
Weiss: uh....
Oobleck:Come now, children; according to my schedule, we are already three minutes behind! (Then, as an afterthought to clarify:) …schedule! (He zips off to the airship docked farther ahead in a second.)
Ruby:(Positive and upbeat before suddenly becoming as depressed as her team halfway through.) Well, alright, then! Looks like we're going to save the world with Doctor Oooobleck- okay yeah when you say it out loud it sounds worse hopefully Big bro is having better luck then us
The scene changes to show team CC(Y)AT and summer exiting the bullhead infrotnt of a village as an old man approaches them
Ada: this place is amazing
Summer: hello there sir were the Huntsmen you requested
Old man: yes yes thank you for coming my name is hiruzen sarutobi 3rd hokage of konoha village
Cloud: so what seems to be the problem lord hokage
Hiruzen: ill tell you once we get to my office please follow me
As the team follows hiruzen to his office a shadowy figure is seen watching from the rooftop before dissipearing
The scene then changes to show hiruzen sitting in his office with mounds of paperwork around him
Ada: so what seems to be the problem
Hiruzen: well recently there have been a string of murders of not only civilians but some of our local huntsmen and huntresses have been targeted as well
Cinder: any leads as to who could be behind these murders
Hiruzen: yes actually at the crime scene of one of our most recent attacks the genin were able to find traces of scorpion poison and judging by the report it was from a Faunus no doubt
As hiruzen mentions scorpion faunus cinders eyes widen in shock before she composes her self as only Y/n noticed her small panic
Summer: well don't worry lord 3rd we'll find this killer and have them brought down in no time
Hiruzen: thank you Mrs rose also allow my best hunstmen to lead you all to your sleeping quarters *snaps fingers*
In a puff of smoke a man with Grey hair and a mask covering his right eye appears with a book in hand
Kakashi: you Summoned me lord hokage
Hiruzen: yes everyone please meet hatake Kakashi one of our strongest hunstmen please lead Mrs rose and her team to there sleeping arrangements
Kakashi: of course sir *turns to CC(Y)AT* please follow me
After a 10 minute walk the team say there good byes to Kakashi as cloud and tifa go to rest for later
Y/n: so cinder what happened in that office I saw you had a reaction when lord 3rd mentioned a scorpion faunus
Cinder: its because when I was still under salems control she had a follower named tyrian completely insane and he worshipped her like a goddess if those reports are accurate then we have to be extra careful he's exceptionally skilled in fighting
Summer: well no matter what we'll take him down together *yawn* well I'm gonna turn in for the night don't have too much fun you too~
The scene changes from a blushing Y/n and Cinder to team rwby and Doctor Oobleck as they are seen in the middle of a destroyed city
Oobleck:(Calls the attention of RWBY) Ladies! You still may be students, but as of this moment, your first mission as Huntresses has begun! From this point forward, you need to do exactly as I say! Do you understand? (The girls nod, but he suddenly looks at Ruby, startling her.) Ruby! I thought I told you to leave all of your bags back at school.
Ruby:But, uh, you hadn't told us to listen to you yet. So I didn't.
Oobleck:(To himself) She's not wrong… Very well, Ruby; leave your bag here, we can pick it up upon our return.
Ruby:But I, well uh-
Oobleck:Young lady, what in the world could you possibly have in that bag that could be so important to bring it with… (Stops as the bag's zipper opens and out pops Zwei's head, causing everyone to stare at the uninvited guest.)
Ruby:(Whispering to her dog through the side of her mouth) Get back in the bag.
Zwei merely barks in response.
Oobleck:We're here to investigate an abandoned urban jungle teeming with death and hostility, and you brought… a dog?
Ruby:I, uh…
Oobleck:Genius! (Backs away long enough for Ruby to give a confused shrug before speeding past and snatching the pet away from Ruby, who tumbles to the ground as Oobleck spins Zwei in the air.) Canines are historically known for their perceptive nose and heightened sense of sound, making them excellent companions for a hunt such as ours! (Zwei barks happily in his hands.)
Ruby:(After being stunned for the unexpected reaction, she proudly states) I'm a genius!
Weiss and Yang both facepalm at their grinning leader.
Blake:So, what are your orders, Doctor?
Oobleck:Ah, yes, straight to the chase; I like it! (Suddenly lets go of Zwei, suspended in the air for less than a second before dropping down, to put his hands behind his back for a serious pose.) As you've been informed, the southeast area has been marked as a recent hot spot for Grimm activity. Now, there are several possible explanations for this behavior, one of which being… Grimm.
Ruby:(Just as confused as her teammates for the redundancy) Uh, what?
Oobleck:Grimm. A creature of Grimm approximately one hundred yards from us at this very moment.
She turns to look, like the other girls, at the lone Beowolf wandering into the street, joining them in unleashing their weapons.
BlakeHuh? (Lowers her Gambol Shroud like everyone else to listen.)
Oobleck:There are a number of reasons why Grimm will congregate in this particular area, the most likely of which will be their attraction to negativity: sadness, envy, loneliness, hatred. All qualities that are likely held by our hidden group harboring ill intent.
Ruby:So… What now?
Oobleck:We wait. We track. If this specimen leads us to its pack, that pack may subsequently lead us to our prey.
Blake:How long do we wait?
Oobleck:It's uncertain. Hours, days, weeks. Why, lone Grimm have been known to stay isolated from the pack for months - and there's the whole pack.
His sudden realization is true: Five Beowolves are already following the first.
Oobleck:(Continuing to state the obvious) And now they've seen us.
Weiss:(Louder) What?!
Oobleck:(Coming right up to Weiss' ear to shout) AND NOW THEY'VE SEEN US!
Ruby I take it tracking them is out of the question?
Oobleck:An accurate assumption, yes.
Yang:What's the plan, then?
The team turns to their teacher as the creatures close in, black bars converging dramatically over the approaching animals.
Oobleck: Show me what you're capable of.
Team rwby then brandish there weapons and prepare for battle as the screen changes back to konoha village as summer and team CC(Y)AT walking the streets as merchants are selling food and children playing in the street as a blonde boy with whiskers is seen looking at a white and red mask
Mask seller: hey you want the mask then take it you demon *throws mask at kid*
Blonde boy: hey what the heck
Random woman: looks its the demon child
Random man: kids don't play with that boy he's dangerous
Y/n: hey buddy leave him alone he's just a kid
Mask seller: hes no kid that's a de- AAH
Y/n then points Crimson yamato at the mask sellers throat as he shakes in fear
Y/n: ALL OF YOU ARE SO WEAK TO PICK ON A DEFENSLESS YOUNG BOY DISGUSTING *picks up mask* here kid what's your name
Blonde boy: im naruto Uzumaki and I'm gonna become hokage *starts to leave* thank you sir *runs off*
Y/n: well then ill be waiting for that day to come lord hokage see ya naruto *walks off with his team*
Tifa: that was nice of you Y/n
Summer: yeah nice job son
Y/n: it was no problem besides *looks back to where the kid went* i felt a connection with that kid
Kurama: [Y/n be on guard im sensing 2 strong embodiments of negativity it might that tyrian guy and a possible comrade]
Y/n: "thanks for the heads up kurama also where were you for the past few days"
Kurama: [I was asleep]
Suddenly an explosion can be heard as civilians are seen running away from the danger as a horde of Grimm start to enter the village
Cloud: this isn't good *draws buster sword*
Tifa: *activates OFA* let's do this guys
Cinder: *materializes midnight* okay me and Y/n will handle the Ursa majors and alpha Beowolves
Summer: and me Tifa cloud and Ada will handle any Grimm that get past you 2
Ada: and evacuate civilians
Cinder: oh no
Ada: thats tyrian
Summer: alright new plan me and Y/n will handle this guy while you 4 focus on the Grimm and civilians
CCAT: On it *run off to go help people*
Tyrian: oooooh 2 silver eyes for the price of one my goddess will be pleased after I kill YOU AHAHAHA
Summer: ready to take this guy down
Y/n: you know it
Summer and Y/n then charge at tryian as he does the same and charges at them as the screen freezes before switching back to team rwby as it is night time
Yang:I can't believe we didn't find anything…
Blake:We've always been fortunate enough to be in the right place at the right time. I guess we can't always have luck on our side.
Weiss:(off-topic) That's not what I meant.
Blake: Huh?
Weiss: Earlier, about… upholding the legacy. There's more to it than that.
Yang: Yeah… No, me too. I mean… I don't know.
Blake: I don't know, either. I know what I want to do, but I figured I'd always take things one step at a time.
Yang: Well, it doesn't matter. We know why we're here. Right?
The girls merely stare in silence.
Oobleck:(Suddenly comes rushing into the room) Ah, wonderful; a textbook campfire!
Ruby Fire! (Comes in behind Oobleck and immediately sits next to the blaze alongside Zwei) So… warm…
Oobleck:Very good! Eat your dinners and hurry to bed. We have a lot of ground to cover tomorrow and we'll need you to take turns keeping watch over our temporary abode. Any volunteers for first watch?
Ruby:(Lifts an arm while still looking into the fire, simply answering) Yo.
Oobleck rushes off, and Ruby gets up to go over to her lookout point.
Yang:(As her sister passes, stopping Ruby) Hey, did Oobleck ask you why you wanted to be a Huntress? I mean… what did you tell him?
Ruby;Hmm… No, he didn't. Weird. Oh, well; good night, guys!
Without a second carefree thought, she continues on her way.
Yang looks disappointed in the lack of an answer. Blake is similarly troubled as she unrolls her mat, Weiss tries lying down but fails to sleep, Yang half-heatedly eats her dinner of bread rolls. Soon, all three Huntresses are on their backs around the fire, weapons within easy access, wondering why they are there.
Ruby, meanwhile, is sitting in the vacant windowsill of the room as Zwei goes over to her upon hearing the howling of Beowolves. She pets her pooch on the back.
Ruby:Don't worry. Things will be better tomorrow.
Master and pet look out onto the rubble and stare in silence until the scene goes dark as it reopens to blades clashing as Y/n and summer can be seen doing battle with tyrian as summer is using her sword/scythe Excelion
Tyrian: Yes yes this fight is most exceptional oh hoohoo
Summer: ergh I can't get a good hit on him he's too quick
Y/n: I have an idea cover me
Summer: on it
Tyrian then jumps over her slash only to get kicked by a orange flash as he crashes threw a brick wall
Y/n: what's wrong tyrian
Y/n: can't keep up
Tyrian then looks at y/n in rage before laughing maniacally as Y/n and summer look on confused
Tyrian: do you really think that I was supposed to kill you oh no that honor goes to the prince I was mearly a distraction
Summer: distraction......
Tyrian: tell me where is your maiden
Y/n's eyes then dilate in shock as a scream of pain can be heard as he turns around he sees cloud Tifa and Ada all knocked unconscious with a masked man draining cinders maiden power from her
Masked man:..........
Y/n: (enraged)
Y/n then lunges forward as the masked man has a ball of fire like energy in his hand as he is then kicked in the face by Y/n as his eyes turn from orange to a deep red as a Crimson aura begins to envelope him and he grows 4 tails
Masked man: interesting maybe you will be the one to cure my boredom
Summer: Son is that you
Cinder: Y/n......I'm sorry.......i....was....too weak *falls unconscious*
Y/n and the masked man then lunge at each other and start to trade blows as y/n slaps him outside of the village with his tails as summer turns to see tyrian has dissapeared
Summer: my son hes the 9 tails jinchuriki and this masked man injured his team and he suddenly became enveloped in this red aura and attacked him
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