《Release Me》Chapter 26


As I am walking through the elegant floors of the ballroom I try to fit in. People around me were wearing expensive tuxes and dresses as well as expensive accessories and makeup. In the middle, a big chandelier hung with people underneath dancing with their dates. There was a bar to the right side of the ballroom and I was sitting on one of the stools. Something tells me I am going to need some alcohol to get me through tonight.

"Getting drunk right now wouldn't be the smartest thing you could do right now Cahill," Asher said as he sat down on the stool right next to me while I finish up my second shot.

I completely ignore him.

I still haven't forgiven him of what he did to me. I don't think he should be forgiven. He hit me and made me feel pathetic. However, I didn't make him see that. The next day I got out of bed like usual and went through the day as if it never happened. I refused to show him that he made me feel weak. That was everyone's ultimate goal if someone is trying to hurt you so I won't give him that.

What really sucks is that Martinez and I are stuck with each other until the end of the day. Leo, Caleb, and Raph are working outside of the ball party that the museum is holding while we work in the inside.

"I think as dates you guys are, suppose to be looking like you two kinda don't want to kill each other," Leo said through the earpiece.

"Like I give a shit," I mutter.

"We need you two to look convincing otherwise this whole plan will fail," Leo said.

"No, we won't I can guarantee you that if I leave right now no one will notice," I said.

"That is true," Asher agrees.

"Okay well, Raph is trying to make the directors think there is something wrong with the Mona Lisa so we could get it out of the bullet proof 1.52-inch-thick glass so you guy's can sneak in there and try to see if there are any clues," Leo explains.

"I still don't understand how he's going to do that," I said confused.


"The painting is at a permanent temperature of 43 degrees Fahrenheit and 50 percent humidity, so Raph is going to change that by hacking into the museum's system and changing it slightly enough to have them remove it."

"In my opinion, if he can hack into the system then their security sucks," I grumble.

"Not complaining right now cause if he couldn't we would be screwed," Asher said beside me.

"Caleb will meet you two when Raph gets it out but until then try not to raise any suspicion,"Leo said ending the call.

"Do you want to dance," he ask after a minute of silence.

I wait for him to take it back but he doesn't which means he is being sincere. However, that still didn't change my answer.


"Good I didn't want to anyways."

I roll my eyes and another few minutes of silence falls.

"I was angry," Asher says after a minute of silence.

I turn and look at him for the first time. Asher is wearing a rich black suit and a white shirt and tie. He has a black apple watch on as well and you could see a beard making it's way on his face making him look very attractive. Sadly all this attractiveness is wrapped in a douche bag personality.

"I was angry and frustrated. You yelling at me was not helping and I took out my anger on you."

"I don't care, Martinez," I said rolling my eyes.

"You may think I am a heartless person and I am. When I hit you I didn't feel any regret nor do I now but I know to complete this hunt we need to be in good terms. We don't have to like each other cause I damn hell don't like you and I don't think I ever will."

I nod my head.

I feel like that is all I am going to get so I decide to accept it. I don't need to like him, once the hunt is over we can go our separate ways and I won't ever have to see him ever again. I drink another shot and I feel Asher glaring at me.

"What now," I groan.

"You shouldn't be drinking."


"If I am going to be with you the whole night I think I need some alcohol to get through."

I turn my head back to look at him and my eyes land on someone behind him. My eyes go wide and my mouth drops open.

"Why the hell is he here?!"

Asher turns around and spots him as well but he doesn't show any signs of being surprised. If I knew any better I would say he expected him to be here.

Walker was standing in the entrance with a black suit and few men behind him. He scans the crowd trying to look for someone and when his eyes land on us he smirks. Walker starts walking over to us and I was feeling both scared as shit but I also feel like throwing my glass at him. Once he is directly in front of me he takes my hand and kisses the top of it.

"Bonsoir. Tu es magnifique comme toujours," He says.

I rip my hand out of his and wipe the memory of the kiss off. I tried really hard not to gag. I really did.

Asher grabs my hand and starts leading me away from him. As we were leaving I look backwards and see he was still smirking.

I really just want to punch that smirk away.

"Something is not right about him."

"When is it ever," Asher grumbles.

We were in the middle of the ballroom and people were dancing around us. Asher turns around and wraps his arms around my waist. Left with no choice I place my hands on his chest.

"Why is he after the Tech anyways?"

"He is my rival and he will do anything to bring me down. If he finds the Tech it will earn him more money and be able to make it his own."

"Does he work for Black?"

"No. He hates him as much as he hates me. You can't trust other businessmen during, this time, you never know when they will double cross you and leave you to pick up your fallen work."

I remember the night in the alley when the women said Black wouldn't succeed to Walker.

Why did she say that to him then?

We remain in silence the whole time while we were dancing. To be honest he was a very comfortable person but I was still uncomfortable by being this close to him. I didn't know how long I could handle the closeness. Luckily Leo cut in saying something made us spring apart.

"It's out."

We both nod and slowly make our way away from the party.

Before we go through the door that leads us away I scan the crowds.

Walker was gone.


Asher and I run through the empty hallways to try to get to the room on time. We have about thirty minutes before we have to leave and get the hell out of here. I spot Caleb near the door when we reach the room.

He smiles at me and I smile back at him.

"Do you have it?" Asher asks.

He nods and turns around and starts typing the passcode to get through the door. He takes out a piece of paper with a fingerprint of the main director which we took out of the coffee cup he used today.

The door slides open and we slip in. The room has two sections. The outer part was filled with computers and paper. The inner section was basically a fish bowl room in the middle of the room. On the table that was in the middle of the inner section was the Mona Lisa.

Caleb enters the code to that room as well and we file into the room. We surround the painting and stare at it.

"This is it," I whisper in amazement.

"Okay, you guys need to try and see if there is a clue on it. You got about five minutes," Leo says.

I look closely at the painting but I couldn't find anything.

"Three minutes."

"I don't think we have enough time," Caleb says.

"So we move to plan B," Asher says.

"Wait what's plan B," I ask.

Caleb unzips his backpack and takes out a replica of the painting. He carefully switches them and rolls the original up.

"Let's go."

I really didn't want to this but I didn't really have much of a choice so I follow them out. We step out of the room and walk through the hallways but we stop dead in our tracks when we hear a gun click.

I turn my body and see Walker standing a few feet away pointing a gun at us.

"I think you have something of mine."

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