《Emilia ✔️ NOW PUBLISHED!》18



Aiden lifts my head, laying it across his lap and cradling me in his strong arms. My eyes roll over the swirls of ink on his arms, admiring the chaotic scenes on his skin. I begin to rub the tips of my fingers over them. Aiden is a quiet man, besides when he is with me but I've noticed the way his tattoos speak something for him that words could never say. My fingers linger on a dark raven tattoo on his forearm, I close my eyes and imagine the dark bird flying, like we are in the plane.

I almost fall asleep to the feeling of him playing with my hair but after a half hour the men begin to talk in hushed but deep tones.

"You can be mad at me, but don't be mad at her. She would have gone without me." Leo says, his voice quiet.

I can feel Aiden's body tense, "Please, for your own sake don't tell me how I should feel towards her. She should have never been allowed to come here."

"With all due respect, she can make her own decisions."

Aiden laughs, I can feel the movement throughout his body. His voice at a whisper as to not disturb me, I want to tell them I'm awake but I kind of want to see where this conversation goes.

"I don't know you. I don't want to fucking know you but if there is one thing that I will not tolerate, it's you thinking you have any say so in any decision involving what is mine." I feel his hand clamp around my arm gently, but protectively. "This girl right here. Mine." He growls, leaning forward slightly.

"Don't you think that's a little outdated?" Leo challenges him with a casual tone.


"Fuck all this new age bullshit, I support her. I care for her, so what if I own her heart and soul? She owns me, heart and fucking soul. That's just how we work." He leans back slightly, his hand gently running through my hair. It's such an exquisite feeling it brings tears to my closed eyes.

I can tell Aiden is struggling to hold control against fighting Leo as he speaks so freely about me. I can feel that he's on edge, but as long as I'm here on his lap, he won't move.

I can imagine Leo pinching the bridge of his nose, and then Aiden doing the same. Their more alike than they think. If Leo wasn't being all weird and talking about me, I think they could be friends.

A long silence takes place then Leo says, "She's stronger than you think."

Aiden scoffs, "Yes, of course she's strong I know that better than anyone, but this is too fucking much. Too fucking much, you don't understand her. She just had a fucking panic attack because of YOUR actions."

Leo's tone is cocky, why is he doing this? "Her actions saved your life."

"You don't think I know that?" Aiden sighs.

"Exactly. She's a strong girl, let her be strong."

Aiden throws his hands in the air, "That's not the fucking point! She doesn't HAVE to be strong with me, she is protected with me. She is free to do as she pleases with me, she doesn't have to be strong because I'm strong for her."

"Lo-." Leo begins to speak again but Aiden cuts him off, "I'm going to let you in on a secret about Emilia." Aiden says, his tone laced with venom. "She won't admit it to you, or anyone else besides me but she craves structure and order."


Aiden raises his voice slightly, his tone the usual bitter melody he uses when talking business. "And I am her structure and order."

Before Leo can utter another word Aiden says, "I'm done with this conversation. I just have one question for you."

I peek my eyes open, Leo and Aiden are in a staring match. Aiden's tone is cold, "Did anyone know you brought her? If Howard is alive I can't imagine him allowing this."

"Howard is alive, everyone is safe." Leo informs him, I feel Aiden relax slightly. "We went on our own, no one knew." He adds.

"And why did you think that was okay?"

Leo moves to the edge of his seat, clasping both of his hands together in a challenging motion. "Because I can protect her."

"That's not your job."

"I'm sorry you feel that way sir, but that's exactly what my job is."

Aiden stands, holding me in his arms. "Thank you for keeping her safe even though she should have never been here in the first place but It's not your job anymore, I'm home." He states. Carrying me to the bed.

Once he gently lays me down, I snuggle against his chest. Sleep taking over my body, but I don't let it. Not yet, there's something eating me inside.

"Aiden." I look into his eyes; he raises his eyebrow at me.

"Sleep." He orders, his tone not gentle. I can tell he's still on edge from his conversation with Leo.

"I need to tell you something." I feel his body tense and I lean up slightly to get a better view,

"I believed you were dead, I should have known better." I admit with an ashamed face.

He shrugs, "You were supposed to."

I shake my head, "No, not when I buried you. I did think you were gone then, but after when I found the locket and came here." I pause. "And then I found the necklace in that dark room." I cringe remembering how lonely it felt there. "I just gave up, I thought you were gone. I almost quit looking but Leo... he made me continue." He cocks a brow at me and kisses my forehead.

"I'm sorry I gave up on you." I say through tears.

He chuckles, grabbing my face with his warm inked hands. "Are you kidding me? You run off to Italy after thinking you buried me, you found me baby girl. Do you know how amazing that is? It was fucking stupid and I should make it to where you can't walk for a week after my hand makes your ass raw but I'm too happy." He pulls me close and I give him a sleepy smile.

"I love you." He tells me. "You are mine." He reminds me with a deep tone. I reply with the same sentiment and fall asleep in his arms, this is home.


I wake to the feeling of warm hands caressing my body.

I look at Aiden with tired eyes, "Couldn't sleep?"

He looks me up and down, one dim light is on in the bedroom that cast a golden hue over his perfect frame. "Not with you right here, looking absolutely perfect." He bends down, kissing the soft spot on my neck.


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