《Emilia ✔️ NOW PUBLISHED!》15



I watch the scene in front of me unfold, I'm helpless to stop what's happening. Aiden has Leo pinned to the wall.

"Who are you? I'm assuming during your little charade your name isn't really Luca." Aiden spits, his tone saturated with anger. Is he mad at me? When Leo looks to me Aiden pins him harder.

"My name is Leo." With Aiden's hands on Leo's shoulders I notice the deep cuts in his wrist, I graze my fingertips over them.

I interrupt them, "I need to help you." grabbing his arms in my wrist. His eyes move to me and then back to Leo, fury burning behind them.

"Why in the fuck are you with my girl." He spits.

"Howard hired me."

I grab his arm again and he flinches from the pain.

His eyes cut back to Leo and after a moment of thought he releases him, "I'll deal with you later." Why is he being so hostile with him?

Holding my hand in his we make our way down the dark streets, I keep peeking my head over in a paranoid state, but Aiden moves my head forward with his hands, pulling me along the sidewalk. "You're safe babygirl. I've got you." With each step a fog takes over my brain, everything feels like a dream. My chest is tight, what is happening?

Chills take over my body. I'm not cold but my teeth chatter, I'm terrified of being caught and them hurting Aiden but I'm also so relieved to have him by my side. There's too many emotions coursing through me for me to even comprehend what's going on.

Then I feel a warm blanket being draped over my shivering shoulders.

Not a blanket, a jacket.

I look to Aiden's bare chest and lift my brow. He only took the pants from the dead guy. I turn my attention to Aiden's emerald eyes and I see a boiling look of pure rage behind them.


I touch the fabric, knowing what it is but not wanting to turn my head in Leo's direction. Leo doesn't understand how protective Aiden is and the state Aiden is in right now is one who shouldn't be fucked with.

He brings a hand to the jacket remove it but stops himself, his warm handing ending on a grip on the back of my neck as he continues to guide me down the road. "I'm sorry I don't have anything to give you right now." He mumbles in a low voice; I don't think he knows I heard him.

I want to hail a cab but Aiden refuses, he helps me as we walk down the cobblestone streets in the dark until we arrive in front of the Condo.

I watch Aiden's face fall at the site of the small room, the one bed, the open bottle of wine and glasses beside it. His fist clench and unclench while he gathers my things quickly.

"Let me help." I say in a small shaky voice, my body realizing what I've put it through. I'm so scared, I'm so relieved to have him back and now I can feel safe again, but I put myself in so much danger. It was worth it, of course. But my mind is done right now.

Leo steps onto the balcony to smoke. My eyes worriedly watch Aiden as he hastily packs, his chest rising and lowering harshly. I need to comfort him; I don't know what he's been through and he needs me.

He breaks my heart by shrugging my hand off his shoulder, he's hurt. He needs to be bandaged. But the way he looks so distant, does he not...

"Do you still... love me?" I ask him, with a small voice.


He grabs my face in his hands, protectively. "Sweetheart, yes." He pulls me close, his head in my hair. "More than anything that's why I have to get you the fuck out of here. Now."

"But you're hurt. We need to go to a hospital." Leo walks into the threshold of the room nodding in agreement, his gray eyes distant from the conversation.

Aiden shakes his head, standing his ground. "You can fix me. On the plane."

With both of his large hands he pulls me in close, kissing my forehead and adjusting my dress as well as he can. "Go change." He orders in a soft voice. I don't want to argue with him and honestly I'm over this dress and gaudy jewelry.

I walk back out, wearing his t shirt and a pair of jeans. Aiden smiles in approval and grabs my bags refusing to let me help as we walk out of the rental house.

A discreet car pulls up and I climb in the back with Aiden. Leo takes the front. My arms begin to shake, we're almost there but what if something bad happens. Aiden senses my terror and pulls me onto his lap, rubbing my arms.

I lay my head on his chest, breathing in his scent as he lights a cigarette and blows the smoke out the open window. He doesn't smell like mint; my poor man probably hasn't showered in weeks. I can't imagine what he's been through.

"Emilia, baby its okay." His voice is calming in my ear, he holds me to him with force. I didn't realize I was shaking violently.


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