Salvatore Boarding House
Rebekah had been acting weird ever since last night, she wanted time alone after the events of last night so I left and went back to my apartment. Now every time she looks as me she looks nervous as though she is hiding something. She hasn't even let me come over to see her that much.
Currently I was at the Salvatore's house getting ready for homecoming. I was ready wearing my dress and Rebekah was making the final touches to her hair.
"Getting a head start, huh?" Elena asks as she enters the room.
"Embarrassing truth? This is my first high school dance." Rebekah tells her acting nice, what the hell is going on with her?
"Ever?" Elena asks her surprised.
"I never really had time for high school before. Nik and I were always moving around, running. Anyway- I didn't want to leave anything to chance. Have you heard anymore from him?" Rebekah questions her. What is going on? What is happening with Nik?
"No. But I'm sure that when he does return he'll do it with flair." Elena says. And since when was he coming back?
"What the hell is going on, what is happening with Nik." I ask angrily, but I proceeded to be ignored.
"And Damon and my father are all set with their plan?" Rebekah then says.
"What plan." I snap angrily.
"There is nothing to worry yourself with Aria." Rebekah says waving me off, before turning back to Elena.
"Yes." Elena replies simply.
"Rebekah tell me what is going on." I practically cry out to her and she ignores me again.
"Don't tell me. I don't want to know, I just- I want to go to the dance and leave the rest to Mikael." Rebekah says turning back to the mirror. Why in hell is Mikeal involved?
" I know it's really hard. So thank you for helping us get Klaus back into town." Elena says quickly to prevent me asking anymore questions. They are trying to kill Nik?
"Just be careful. I've been running for a thousand years for a reason. Mikael is not a good person and he definitely can't be trusted. No one in my family can." Rebekah says with tears in her eyes.
"Rebekah" I snap angrily my eyes now flashing purple.
"It has to be done Aria." She tells me plainly. I mean I get she is angry as Nik killed her mum but A- she probably deserved it for sealing his wolf side away. And B- what I just said, I really don't have a b. But back to the point, she probably deserves it, and I am not defending him, I am simply stating a point, I still don't like him at all.
"Are you okay?" Elena says now feigning that she cares. I just now stand there growing, to mad to even communicate actual words.
"I've spent my whole life loving and hating my brother with equal measure. I never thought that I'd be the one to help drive a stake through his heart. No tears- I don't want to ruin my makeup." Rebekah states. You know when you reach the peak of anger, that is what I feel right now, Nik is her brother and now she is planning to get rid of him. I calm myself down to think of a plan to prevent the current situation at hand. I now ignore the rest of the conversation that they are having.
Right so if Mikeal is going to be used to kill Nik, he must have a weapon meaning he has the white oak stake. And the Salvatore's must be in on the plan too as well as Rebekah and Elena. So that means that Bonnie, Caroline and Matt are in on it as-well. So that means asking others isn't going to work. So that just means that it is down to me. I would have never thought of the day that I had to save someone I did not really like at that current moment; getting off topic now.
So all I really need to do is either tell him before the plan starts to be set in motion. But that means I have to find him first. Or I have to kill Mikeal before anything else can happen. I think the first option is more likely....
I was cut out of my thoughts by Elena driving a dagger through her back into her heart.
"I'm so sorry. I can't leave anything to chance either." Elena says. Before turning to me with a syringe of what I immediately recognise as wolves bane. I immediately shoot up and rush towards the door, I quickly open the door to be met with Damon who quickly shoved a needle in my neck.
My Vision begins to blur before it goes black. "Can't have you interfering with our plans either wolfie." Is all I here before I pass out.
I enter the stage; the crowd cheers. I was at the homecoming, I scan over the crowd to see that Aria is not here.
"Good evening everyone! I wanna thank you for being here with me to celebrate! It's been a long time coming!" I say into the microphone. I then exit the stage walking straight over to where Stefan is.
"Quite the Homecoming." He states as I turn up next to him.
"I've been planning my father's funeral for a thousand years. Granted, in no version of it were any of these people invited, but you get the idea." I reply as Stefan then turns around to look at me.
"So, what now? Stop running?" He asks me with curiosity.
"Hm- now I reunite my family. And make up with the lovely Aria, talking about my love where is she anyways." I ask giving him little detail of what I play next with him not really needing to know.
"Your family. You mean the people you cart around in caskets? And I have not seen Aria since earlier." He tells me sarcastically, before telling me he doesn't know the whereabouts of where Aria is. I choose to ignore this knowing Aria probably didn't cone as she was still mad.
"None of that matters anymore. Mikael is gone. Bygones will be bygones. Seems the Homecoming Queen still walks among the living, which leads me to believe Rebekah isn't here...Where is she?" I ask him.
"I have no idea. I thought she was coming with Matt." Stefan replies in a monotone voice.
"Oh, be honest now, Stefan. Where is my sister? And Aria?" I ask him, to ensure that he was telling me the truth.
"I said I have no idea. How would you like me to take you to your father?" Stefan tells me.
"Well, it wouldn't be a party without the guest of honor, would it? Bring him to me." I tell the ripper.
"All right. Perhaps there's something in it for me...? My freedom from your compulsion?" Stefan asks.
"Oh, you want your freedom. Well, once he is dead and his weapon destroyed, you'll have your freedom. It'll be my pleasure to give it back." I tell him with a smirk.
I wake up like I had a massive hangover, I swing my head over to the side to see that I was chained to the wall. I instantly wake up completely and scan my surroundings.
"That damn Salvatore." I mutter when I finally realise that I am in the basement. I tug on the restraints in the hope to break them but nothing happens.
After about 10 minutes of trying I finally give up. There has to be another way out of this.
Then an idea comes into my head. I will have to shift. I mean I can control my wolf well so I won't kill anyone by accident which is a positive in my book. But if anyone asks why Damon is dead when I kill him in the next few hours, it was 100% an accidents.
At this I will myself to shift and the sound of breaking bones fill my hearing.with the last thought on my mind being I really liked this dress.
"Change of plans. Klaus is back. He is at the Lockwood's and he wants your body delivered to his doorstep." Stefan tells his brother and the Mikaelson Father.
"I'm afraid he is in for a colossal disappointment." Mikael tells him.
"Well, he's certainly not gonna come here. I hope your plan didn't depend on that?" Stefan asks sarcastically.
"Didn't depend on that." Damon replies.
"But you do have a plan, right?" Stefan asks him.
"Oh, yeah. We have a plan, right. Just doesn't involve you." Damon says as Mikael leaps forward, grabs Stefan and starts to feed on him; Stefan falls to the floor unconscious.
"You couldn't just break his neck?" Damon asks sarcastically.
"Well that certainly occurred to me." Mikeal says in reply as he begins to leave. Damon looks at Stefan then grabs his jacket and a bag and leaves.
Aria PoV
I was bashing up against the basement door trying to get out but it won't give. I stand back from the door growling at it like it had insulted everyone of my past ancestors.
I swear that I am literally my own worst nightmare, I mean why do I forget that I can use my witch powers in wolf form.
I glare at the door and it suddenly flies of the hinges and I walk up to the Salvatore's library. When I get in I see Stefan unconscious on the floor and Kathrine standing over him. I stay quiet not letting anyone know I was there yet.
"Stefan!" Kathrine says slapping his cheek to wake him up.
"Elena." Stefan mutters.
"Not exactly...[She drops a blood bag next to him.] Pep up! I only got a minute before they realize that I'm not at the party... Aria you can come out now, we need your help, and shift back I don't understand wolf." Katherine says as Stefan begins to drink the blood bag.
"You seem nervous." Klaus tells Kathrine who he thinks is Elena.
"I'm not nervous, I just don't like you." She tells him.
"People have been after me for a thousand years and I'm always one step ahead: So whatever it is you're thinking of trying, go for it. Give it your best shot. You won't succeed." Klaus tells her suspicious.
"It won't be for lack of trying." Katherine replies.
"Ah you'd be smart to tell Damon to mind his manners tonight, because if I die, I've already ensured that he'll die along with me! Even in death my hybrids have their orders. So, you kill me you're killing him too." Klaus tells her smugly.
"If Klaus gets killed he is taking Damon down with him." Katherine says after telling us what happens at the party.
"I don't want Nik to die." I say putting my hand up.
" I think we all know that Aria. So pull the plug on the plan." He tells me before turning back to Katherine.
"And face the wrath of Mikael? We'll all be dead! Okay look. I know that you've turned off your humanity and that you don't care, so there's only one solution." Katherine tells him annoyed.
"What's that?" Stefan asks clueless.
"Care, Stefan. Care enough to safe Damon's life. Because I am going back to that party and I'm seeing this plan through. Klaus will be killed. We'll have our freedom. But then Damon will be dead. Your brother will be dead, Stefan. Unless you care enough to do something about it." She tells Stefan before turning back to me.
"Now you shift back, you will be needed and if you want to save your soulmate you will come." Katherine tells me with no room for discussion. Guess I am back to a wolf again then.
"You have a visitor." Mindy tells me as I was playing beer pong against some drunken teenager.
"Well, tell my visitor I'm on the brink of victory here." I tell her slightly annoyed.
"He said his name is Mikael." Mindy goes on to tell me, disappointed I throw the ping pong ball into a cup.
"Then we mustn't keep him waiting. Move everyone out back. I'm gonna have a little chat with my dad. Tony, you know what to do." I say turning towards the front door.As I reach the door Mikeal is in the door way.
"Hello, Niklaus." He says smugly.
"Hello, Mikael. Why don't you come in? Oh, that's right. I forgot you can't." I tell him.
"Or you can come outside if you want." Mikeal responds.
"Or I could watch my hybrids tear you limb from limb." I tell him with a smirk plastered on my face. A group of hybrids gather behind Mikael on the lawn.
"They can't kill me." Mikeal tells me without any emotion.
"True. But it'll make a hell of a party game. All I have to do is rub these two fingers together and they'll pounce." I tell him with confidence written all over my face, he won't win tonight.
"The big bad wolf. You haven't changed. Still hiding behind your playthings like a coward. You only forget. They may be sired by you, but they're still part vampire. And they can be compelled by me." He tells me with a smirk of his own.
I was hiding away in the tree line of the Lockwood mansion in wolf form. I was waiting for my signal, once Mikeal kills 'Elena' it is my time to go. I watch as Mindy walks up behind Mikael and pushes Katherine to Mikael.
"Come out and face me, Niklaus. Or she dies." Whilst Katherine hrine feigns a struggle.
"Go ahead. Kill her." Nik says trying to act that he doesn't care.
"No, Klaus. He'll do it." Kathrine says continuing her act.
"If she dies, this lot will be last of your abominations." Mikeal says to him.
"I don't need them. I just need to be rid of you. And I have Aria, she is all I need." Nik says to him. I think he may need more than just me I can be quite annoying at times.
"To what end, Niklaus? And that soulmate of yours will see your true colours eventually and she will leave you just like everyone else. But maybe she might stay, the abominations stay together. I could not get ahold of your precious Aria, she meant to much to Rebekah. But just remember one day you will be alone again Niklaus." Mikael tells him and all I want to do it rip his throat out with my teeth. I let out a low growl, but making sure no-one else will know. Nik's eyes start tearing.
"I'm calling your bluff, father. Kill her." Nik says teary.
"Come outside and face me, you little coward. And I won't have to." Mikeal says, my Nik is not a coward.
"My whole life you've underestimated me. If you kill her you lose your leverage. So go ahead. Go on. Kill her. Come on, old man. Kill her. Kill her!!!" Nik says angrily Mikael laughs.
"Your impulse, Niklaus. It has and will forever be the one thing that keeps you from truly being great." Mikael says before he stabs Katherine with a dagger and pulls it out. She falls to the floor. I take that as my signal and come out of hiding. I release a deep growl and come out and pounce on top of Mikeal.
Nik looks on shocked about what I'm not sure. Damon rushes up behind Nik, twists him around and stabs the White Oak Tree dagger into his stomach. Katherine gets up from the floor. I continue to bite Mikael as he repeatedly tries to get me off.
"Katherine..." Mikael says in shock and stops moving.
"Aria move." Katherine semi shouts as I quickly move.
"Kaboom." Katherine Katherine has two wolfsbane grenades in her hands and throws them at the hybrids. I can't make out anything going on in the house but I immediately start to pin Mikael back to the floor to get ready for when my Nik kills him.
"What are you doing?!" I overhear Damon say from the house.
Then all of a sudden Nik comes through the door with the stake gently nudged me off of Mikael and drives it through Mikael's heart; he bursts into flames and dies.
"What the hell did you do?" Damon asks in irritation.
"He's earned his freedom." Nik tells him. Stefan stops clutching Damon, gets up and faces Nik.
"Thank you my friend. You no longer have to do as I say. You're free." Nik tells him as he un-compels Stefan. Stefan looks where Damon was, but he has fled.
Nik then looks over to me. "Come here little wolf." He tells me gesturing for me to follow him upstairs. Once we reach a room he gives me clothes to change into and I let him know when I am done.
He walks in with a smile on his face. "It is good to see you love." He tells me wrapping his arms around me.
"It is good to see you to Nik." I reply with a cheeky smile.
"You do know you mean the world to me Aria don't you." He asks me with a sudden serious mood.
"Of course I do Nik. You mean the world to me as-well as Elijah. I will never leave you, ignore Mikael, I will absolutely never leave. I know it took me a long time to accept that we were meant to be together, but I could not imagine a world without you in it Nik." I tell him as he has tears run down his face.
"I couldn't either Aria. I promise to reunite you with Elijah. Now get some sleep it has been a long night and you will see Elijah in the morning." He tells me as I snuggle closer to him and slowly drift to sleep.
"Rebekah, where are you? Pick up the phone, darling. Daddy is dead. It's time for a family reunion." I ask Rebekah over voicemail as I prepare to wake my siblings. I then receive another call and switch to it.
"Stefan! Miss me already?" I ask Stefan once I picked up the call.
"I'm just calling to thank you for my freedom." Stefan says.
"Oh, I like to believe I'm a man of my word, more or less." I tell him smirking.
"Thing is, it came at too high of a price. You took everything from me, Klaus." He tells me, what is he getting onto.
"Let bygones be bygones, trust me. Resentment get's old." I tell him as I approach my truck in which I transport the caskets.
"You know what never get's old? Revenge." He tells me as I open the truck; it's empty; the caskets are all gone.
"No." No I mutter angrily.
"What's the matter, Klaus? Missing something?" He asks smugly.
"What are you doing?" I ask with anger.
"Just enjoying my freedom." Stefan says still smug
"I will kill you and everyone you've ever met!" I tell him still angry.
"You do that, and you will never see your family again. I wonder Klaus, as someone who has been one step ahead for a thousand years...are you prepared for this?" Stefan asks.
- In Serial155 Chapters
The Eighth Warden
Cast out from his knightly order for using magic, Corec has no idea what lies ahead. Leaving his homeland to make his own way in the world, he finds himself linked to a beautiful woman through a mysterious rune. With otherworldly forces manipulating events behind the scenes, the two must seek help to free themselves from the unknown magic. But when the runes continue affecting others, Corec and his companions—an elven druid, a con man with a hidden past, and a thief who wants to be a bard—must work to discover truths about themselves and the world in which they live. I post the chapters here as I write them. There's also a revised version of each book that's collected and published as an ebook and paperback. That version is compatible with the version posted here—the story itself hasn't changed; it's just gone through additional rounds of editing.
8 822 - In Serial39 Chapters
Aether Academy
Magnus Ward has been chosen as one of the first students of the new Aegis Academy, a school for those talented in the art of binding.With a rare talent for seeing the flows of Aether he sets his sights on graduation and becoming an Aegis operative for the alliance with one goal: To find and rescue his mother. There are some gamelit elements but this is not a true LitRPG (but does draw inspiration from CCGs) [participant in the Royal Road Writathon challenge]
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Imperatrix: Rise of Theadora
At a turning point in history the efforts of a dozen can shift an Empire. For a thousand years the Amazons have lived in a secret diaspora their Sisterhoods have worked for generations for power. They have faced set back and roadblocks as well as victories and achievements. For their goal they have topled Empires and fracture nations with thousands dead, all to creat just a single moment that none knew would look like but would reconized. Now at the turning of the year the moment has arrived and the Amazons are reaching to take hold.
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Fate and Destiny decide the path that rest ahead, but who's to say someone can't save you from either of those?Who's to say your story ends there?(Team Bucciarati x reader)Disclaimer: There will be spoilers. (Following the anime)I do not own JoJo's Bizarre Adventure. JoJo belongs to Hirohiko ArakiAchievements:#1 jjba 02/12/2021#1 jojosbizarreadventure 03/22/2021#1 Fugo 04/04/2021#1 GoldenWind 04/25/2021#1 Brunobucciarati 04/27/2021#1 Mista 05/08/2021#1 ventoaureo 05/12/2021#1 jojosbizarreadventure 05/20/2021#1 GoldenWind 09/03/2021
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My meme collection
Look, I'm bored okay.This is my meme collectionNot my memes bye luwlThank you Pinterest
8 176 - In Serial107 Chapters
𝗕𝗼𝗼𝗸 𝗧𝗶𝘁𝗹𝗲: Transmigrated as the Stepmother of the Male Protagonist in a Campus Story (TSMPCS)𝗥𝗮𝘄 𝗡𝗮𝗺𝗲: 穿成校園文男主的后媽𝗔𝘂𝘁𝗵𝗼𝗿: Lin MianMian𝗗𝗲𝘀𝗰𝗿𝗶𝗽𝘁𝗶𝗼𝗻⤵︎Jiang Jinjin transmigrated into a book, a campus story and became the stepmother of the second male protagonist, and throughout the text, the description of this stepmother is very little, with a rough estimate of no more than two hundred words.The male protagonist was sixteen years old this year which was the most rebellious period in a person's life.The male lead's father was thirty-nine years old this year, mature and refined, self-sufficient and unfathomable.He was not someone she can handle, so she slipped away.Jiang Jinjin, who was very self-aware, was obsessed with money under the identity of Madam Zhou, but she didn't expect that along with money, she had to manage the father and son at the same time.Jiang Jinjin was stunned. Does father and son have some kind of weird habits. Obviously she only treated them as her tools.📌 Description from NovelUpdates.📌 All Rights Reserved to the Author. 📌 MTL Translation
8 102