"There's my girl." I say as I see Elena in the hallway at the high school.
"Klaus!" She shouts out in fear. She turns around and tries to run, but I'm already in front of her.
"You are supposed to be dead. What are we going to do about that?" I ask her.
Stefan wakes up. Rebekah's standing near the open back door, I am standing next to her.
"Oh, he lives." Rebekah mocks.
"What happened?" Stefan asks slightly disoriented, squinting his eyes.
"You took a beating. My brother's been breaking your neck all afternoon. Quite the temper." Rebekah tells him.
"Why did he bring us back to Mystic Falls?" Stefan asks stupidly.
"You can stop playing dumb now. It didn't take Aria and Nik long to figure out what you were hiding something. A little magic from Aria and we had the answer." Rebekah tells him.
"I'm not hiding anything. I've done everything Klaus has asked me to." Stefan says continuing his act of stupidity.
"No, you just failed to mention that the doppelgänger's still alive." Rebekah says smugly.
"Where is Klaus now?" Stefan asks.
"With any luck, ripping that cow's bloody head off." Rebekah says with a smile. He rushes at her and they both fly out of the truck and onto the ground, him on top of her. I step out of the truck near them.
"Where is she?" Stefan growls out as I put my hand out to Rebekah to help her stand, once she is up she smiles gratefully.
"You really do love her, don't you?" Bekah asks him.She gets up and pushes him against the truck, punches him and takes a crowbar. She puts the hook of the crowbar behind his neck and pulls him toward her.
"Consider me jealous." She says as She drives the crowbar through his stomach. Before grabbing my hand as we walk towards the school.
I am holding onto Elena's arm and marching her through the school hallways.
"You put a rather large kink in my plans, sweetheart. The whole point of breaking the curse and becoming a hybrid was to make more hybrids. I haven't been able to do that. Now my bet is, it has something to do with the fact that you're still breathing." I tell her.
"If you're going to kill me, just do it!" She whines out to me.
"Not until I know I'm right. But I do have ways of making you suffer." I tell her. I pull her into the gym. A few students are there setting up pranks. I speak with an American accent, the one that Aria hates.
"Attention, seniors. You have officially been busted. Prank night is over. Head on home." I tell them but before everyone leaves I spot the two people I used for my plan when I was last at the school as I get closer to them I speak with my normal voice.
"You two. I remember you." I tell them but they both look confused.
"I'm sorry. Who are you?" The girl asks me.
"Oh, don't worry, I wasn't in my right head last time we met." I tell her before beginning to compel her.
"Lift your foot up, please, Dana." I ask the girl,
She does so.
"If she drops her foot, Chad, I want you to beat her to death. Understood?" I compel Chad and he nods.
"Don't, Klaus. You don't have to hurt anybody." The whiney doppelgänger tells me.
"Oh, come on, love. Of course I do." I tell her with a smirk.
"I'm happy." I hear Tyler say as Rebekah and I walk round the corner of the high school trying to find Tyler. They kiss. Rebekah walks towards them in the hallway.
"You two are adorable." Rebekah says and they look over at her.
"Uh, do we know you?" Caroline asks her as I walk over next to Rebekah.
"You're Caroline, Elena's friend, which makes you Tyler. The werewolf. That is right isn't it Aria?" She asks me to which I nod in reply.
Caroline walks between Tyler and Rebekah.
"And who are you?" Caroline asks her
"She is the new girl." I tell her before Rebekah vamps out.
"Caroline!" Tyler yells out before Rebekah rushes over to Caroline.
"Keep it up." I tell Dana before looking back to Elena.
"Where's Stefan? What did you do to him?" She asks me very worried.
"Stefan's on a time out." I tell him without a care. I look round to see The doors open. Bonnie and Matt enter.
"Bonnie, get out of here!" Elena shrieks out, I can understand why Aria doesn't like her. I do really want to find out the history between them.
I then rush over to Bonnie.
"Ah, I was wondering when you'd show up. Now we can get started." I tell her before looking over at Dana.
"Ah, Dana, why don't you relax? You and Chad sit tight." I tell her, turning around to look at Bonnie.
"I assume you're the reason Elena's still walking around alive?" I ask her.
"That's right. If you want to blame someone, blame me." Bonnie replies snarky. When does this witch ever give up, or do I have to kill her again?
"Oh, there's no need for blame, love. Just your witchy interference seems to have caused some undesirable side effects. And since you caused the problem, I'm going to have you find the fix." I tell her to see Rebekah walking into the room with Tyler. I smile seeing Aria walk in slightly after them.
"Get off of me!" Tyler whines to Rebekah who is dragging him into the gym. As I just walk behind them.
"Hush now." Rebekah tells him.
"I'd like you all to meet my sister Rebekah. Word of warning...She can be quite mean. Of course you all know Aria." Nik tells everyone in the gym, sending me a sweet smile.
"Don't be an ass." Bekah tells him before She throws Tyler into Nik's arms.
"Leave him alone!" Elena yells out at Nik which he ignores.
"I'm going to make this very simple...Every time I attempt to turn a werewolf into a vampire hybrid, they die during the transition. It's quite horrible, actually. Wasn't it Aria?" Nik asks me.
"It was bad." I say with a shiver remembering what happened whilst we were in the mountains.
Nik then bites his wrist and makes Tyler drink his blood.
"I need you to find a way to save my hybrids, Bonnie. And for Tyler's sake...You better hurry." Nik says before He twists Tyler's head and kills him. Elena, Matt and Bonnie are shocked. Nik smiles.
A girl and boy are sitting on the floor. Matt is next to Tyler's body.
"He killed him." Matt whimpers out.
"He's not dead. Klaus's blood will turn him into a vampire." Elena tells Matt.
"And if Bonnie's successful, he'll live through his transition. Go on, then. Go and fetch your grimoires and enchantments and what-not. I'll hold on to Elena...for safe-keeping." Nik tells them as he grabs Elena's arm and looks at her. Elena makes a sign to Bonnie and she leaves with Matt. Rebekah looks at Elena.
"So this is the other latest doppelgänger. Aria is much prettier." Bekah tells Elena.
"Enough, Rebekah. As much as I agree, it is enough. Take the wolf boy elsewhere, would you? Aria you can stay here with me, don't want you getting hurt, do we?" Nik says before coming over to me wrapping his arms around my waist pulling me close to his body. Rebekah then drags Tyler behind her by his arm and leaves. Nik looks at Elena.
"Just ignore her. Petty little thing." Nik says before burying his head into my shoulder.
Elena is comforting Dana. Stefan enters the gym.
"Stefan..." Elena whispers out.
"Klaus." Stefan tells Nik completely ignoring Elena.
"Come to save your damsel, mate?" Nik asks him still holding onto my waist.
"I came to ask for your forgiveness. And pledge my loyalty." Stefan tells Nik. LIES!
"Well, you broke that pledge once already." Nik tells him.
"Elena means nothing to me anymore. And whatever you ask of me...I will do." Stefan tells him, I mean Stefan spent practically 4 months moping about having to leave Elena. I mean get real Stefan, Elena means everything to him even though she is a little Bitch. Getting off track...
"Fair enough. Let's drink on it." Nik says before kissing my forehead then walking over to Stefan. He then Points to Dana and Chad. "Kill them. What are you waiting for? Kill them." Nik says to him.
"No! Stefan, don't. He's not going to hurt me. He already said..." Elena says, right now I have has enough. I walk over to her and hit her so hard that she falls on the floor. Stefan rushes over to me his fangs out. But before he can get me Nik grabs him by the throat.
"She means nothing to you? Your lies just keep piling up." Nik tells him angrily.
"Let her go! I'll do whatever you want, you have my word!" Stefan says now worried.
"Your word doesn't mean much. I lived by your word all summer, during which time I never had to resort to this..." Nik tells him before looking into Stefan's eyes.
"Stop fighting." Nik says starting to compel Stefan.
"Don't do this, don't do this." Stefan quietly begs him.
"I didn't want to. All I wanted was your allegiance. Now I'm going to have to take it." Nik tells him, sounding a little upset about this situation.
"Don't...Don't..." Stefan whimpers out.
"You will do exactly as I say when I say it. You will not run, you will not hide, you will simply just obey." Nik compelled him.
"No. Stefan!" Elena shouts out.
"Now kill them. Ripper." Nik says, Stefan vamps out, rushes over to Dana and kills her by drinking her blood.
Stefan is feeding on Chad. And Dana's body is just lying on the floor.
"It's always nice to see a vampire in his true element. The species has become such a broody lot." I announce to the room, looking over to Aria seeing her stare into space.
"No. You did this to him." Elena tells me accusingly.
"I invited him to the party, love. He's the one dancing on the table." I tell her. Rebekah marches in and rushes toward Elena.
"Where is it?! Where's my necklace?" Rebekah comes into the gym screaming.
"What are you talking about?" I ask her confused.
"She has my necklace. Look." She tells be passing me the phone, so I can see the photo.
"Well, well. More lies." I tell Stefan.
"Where...is it?" Rebekah asks Elena, in the corner of my eye I see Aria walking over to us.
"I don't have it anymore." Elena tells Rebekah shakily.
"You're lying!" Rebekah screams before She vamps out and bites Elena's neck but Aria stops her and takes her aside.
"Knock it off!" I tell Rebekah, as Aria holds her closely.
"Make her tell me where it is, Nik!" Rebekah whines to me. I look at Elena. She has her hand on her neck.
"Where's the necklace? Be honest." I ask her.
"I'm telling the truth. Katherine stole it." She whimpers out.
"Katerina. Of course. Well, that's unfortunate. If we had the necklace it would make things a whole lot easier for your witch, but since we're doing this the hard way, let's put a clock on it, shall we?" I say before I turn on the gym clock. There's a buzzer sound when the clock appears on the board. Then I go over to Stefan and compels him.
"Twenty minutes. If Bonnie hasn't found a solution by then, I want you to feed again. Only this time, I want you to feed on Elena. You know you want to." I tell him.
"No, Klaus! Don't do this to him!" Elena screams out.
"No one leaves. If she tries to run, fracture her spine. Rebekah take Aria back with you" I say as Rebekah grabs Aria's hand walking them out.
Caroline, Tyler, Rebekah and I are in a classroom. Rebekah checks how much time is remaining on Caroline's phone and sees there's three minutes remaining. Suddenly Tyler wakes up.
"Where am I? What happened?" Tyler asks disorientated.
"Tyler." Caroline says rushing over to Tyler.
"Don't be shy about it." Rebekah tells her.
"What's going on?" Tyler asks stupidly, like think back Tyler, what do you think is happening.
"Klaus is turning you into a vampire. A hybrid. You're in transition." Caroline tells him softly, it not really gonna get any better.
"Don't leave out the hard part, sweets. You'll only survive if your witch is successful. If not...You're pretty much dead." Rebekah tells them.
"You're going to be okay. Okay? It's going to be okay." Caroline says still cradling his body.
"I wonder how she's doing." Rebekah asks.
She looks at the clock on the phone and turns it round to show them. Then she turns the phone to show me. I just then bury my head into her shoulder, I slowly close my eyes. It has been a really long day.
"Tick tock goes the gym clock." I hear Bekah say before drifting off.
"I wouldn't be too sure about that." I tell Matt and bonnie hearing there conversation from earlier.
"Given the choice, doppelgänger or a hybrid, I go hybrid every time." I tell them, I hear the gym alarm go off and begin to walk back towards the gym.
I then see Elena bolting way from Stefan along the hallway, she looks behind her before running straight into me.
"We've got to stop meeting like this." I tell Elena crashes into me I enter the cafeteria with Elena, and Stefan looks at them.
"Now this is fascinating. I've never seen this before. The only thing stronger than your craving for blood is your love for this one girl. Why don't you turn it off?" I tell him before letting go of Elena.
"No!" Stefan screams out.
"Come on. Your humanity is killing you. All the guilt must be exhausting. Turn it off." I tell him.
"No!" Stefan tells.
"Stefan..." Elena mutters out.
"You're strong." I tell Stefan before pulling the stake out of Stefan.
"But you're not that strong. Turn. It. Off." I compel him again.
"No!" Stefan screams before pushing me away. But I the push him against the wall.
"Turn it off!" I yell compelling him. All the emotions come away from Stefan's face.
"What did you do?" Elena asks quietly, in shock.
"I fixed him. But I think a test is in order, don't you?" I tell her I walk behind Elena and look over at Stefan.
"Ripper...Perhaps you'd like a drink.. from the doppelgänger's neck?" I ask Stefan his face then changes and he rushes over to Elena and bites her neck. She screams.
I wake up hearing the doors to the science room open, I look to see Nik enter the room holding a vial of blood.
"Well, the verdict's in. The original witch says the doppelgänger should be dead." Nik says walking into the room. Rebekah gets up and seems happy.
"Does that mean we can kill her?" Bekah asks happily.
"No, I'm fairly certain it means the opposite." Nik says confidently.
"What?!" Rebekah asks stunned. She then puts her arms around Caroline from behind and pulls her back, restraining her.
"Call it a hunch..." Nik says. He shows a test tube containing blood to Tyler. Rebekah holds Caroline so she can't move.
"Elena's blood. Drink it." Nik tells them.
"No! No, no, no, Tyler, don't!" Caroline seems to beg.
"If he doesn't feed, he'll die anyway, love. Consider this an experiment. It's okay." Nik says. Tyler struggles but he finally drinks it.
"There we go. Good boy." Nik says. Tyler begins to cough, rolls over the desk, and falls to the floor, screaming and groaning and writhing. He holds his head and screams and his face finally changes. His eyes are yellow, he has fangs and veins under his eyes.
"Well, that's a good sign." Nik announces.
Nik, Rebekah and are in front of the hospital.
"So the doppelgänger isn't the problem. Her blood is the solution." Rebekah asks Nik as she leans against the truck.
"Seems so." Nik tells her.
"How did you know?" Rebekah asks him slightly confused.
"Well, you know how much the original witch hated me. Do you honestly think I would do anything other than the opposite of what she says?" Nik says.
"A thousand years in the grave and she's still screwing with you. Do you reckon Aria's blood would work?" Rebekah asks him.
"Well, it makes sense if you think about it from her perspective. It was her fail-safe in case I ever broke the hybrid curse. The doppelgänger had to die in order for me to become a hybrid, but if she was dead... I would never try and use Aria to create hybrids, no matter if it works or not." Nik snaps.
"Then you couldn't use her blood to sire yourself a new species." Rebekah tells him.
"Leaving me alone for all time." Nik says and a pang of sadness rushes through me.
"Is that what this is about? Your obsession with hybrids? You just don't want to be alone?" Rebekah asks him.
"What about me?" I whisper out tears stinging my eyes.
"What I want is to take my girl, take my hybrid the hell out of this one-pony town. You know, why don't you, uh, why don't you get the truck? I'll get Elena." Nik says ignoring my question. She leaves. Damon arrives.
"Well, look who finally decided to show up to the party." Nik asks Damon moving so he is standing slightly infront of me.
"Where is she?" Damon asks.
"Elena? Ah, she's making a donation to a greater cause." Nik tells him. Damon goes toward the hospital but Nik stops him.
"I'm afraid I can't let you interfere, mate." He says.
"You'll have to kill me." Damon snarks back.
"Oh, I would love to kill you, but I made a pledge to your brother, and unlike him, I keep my word. Although, you know what, thinking about it now, he probably doesn't care that much anymore." Nik says coming back to stand next to me. He pushes Damon against the hood of a car and is about to kill him.]
"Don't you want to know about your friend Mikael?" Damon says and Nik tenses up.
"What do you know about Mikael?" Nik asks.
"Just that he knows you're here." Damon threatens him.
"You're bluffing." Nik says exasperated.
"Katherine and I found him. Consider it our leverage." Damon gasps out. Nik throws him against another car, and Damon falls on the ground. When Damon gets up, Nik has disappeared. Damon goes toward the hospital.
I stand in the parking lot " I will be back soon Aria." I hear Nik say from a distance.
- In Serial119 Chapters
My Monster Adventurer's Guild
Cless was a girl with a sad fate. Orphaned at birth and born with a misshapen body, she would've died if the Church of the One God didn't take her in. Shunned by society, she grew to the age of fifteen knowing little love. Now it was time to leave the safe haven of the church behind. The day of her rite of passage to adulthood arrived. All humans earn Skills granted by the One God when they pray for guidance during the rite. Skills could go from a lowly G-rank to a powerful A-rank. There was a mythical S-rank Skill in the scriptures but nobody ever earned one. Until Cless' turn came, that's it. The world Cless lives in is a world full of danger. Monsters once prowled the surface and devoured humans. The One God created dungeons to imprison the monsters, but the dungeons are failing, threatening to spill wave upon wave of monsters upon the land. After becoming an adult and leaving the church she was sexually abused by a vengeful classmate and learned how to fight back using her Skill. After that, she went on the fast track to becoming the world's youngest guild master. With her dark heritage dormant, the girl will try to carve her place in the world. However, the kind of company she attracted might not earn her many smiles among her fellow humans.
8 80 - In Serial9 Chapters
The Pilot Series
In a galaxy where Endoskeletons reached out to the stars in their own ambitions, many have fought tooth and nail for their ideals, their riches, and their pride. The Empire and Kingdom, both factions in a long standing rivalry, stood tall within the darkness of space, forging out as a pillar of hope to those who seek shelter within these dark times. Until war ensues. The Pilot Series looks into the world of Starbase, looking through the events that lead to one specific point. Where one incident lead loose the throes of war. And how it affected everyone... --- Ok, don't kill me, but yes, this is an unofficial lore story based on Starbase, an upcoming (Or if you're reading in the future, current) MMORPG based on Robots, or Endoskeletons, in an open world. It'll be coming to Early Access on the 17th of June, 2021. This Lore series looks into a "What If" of the current war between both the Empire and the Kingdom as to "Was it truly one of their fault?" Anyways, here's The Pilot Series. Now on Royal Road! Note: Will be updated daily up till the current ending. Links to the original on forums.starbase.game: Season 1: https://forum.starbasegame.com/threads/the-pilot-series-season-1-unofficial-lore-of-the-war-between-kingdom-and-empire.284/ Season 2: https://forum.starbasegame.com/threads/the-pilot-series-season-2-unofficial-lore-of-the-war-between-empire-and-kingdom.997/ Starbase Wiki: https://wiki.starbasegame.com/index.php/Main_Page Starbase and the Starbase universe and its characters are the intellectual property and copyright © of Frozenbyte Oy, used without endorsement.
8 142 - In Serial20 Chapters
The Unsorcerer
DISCLAIMER: The cover pic is not my original work. Credits goes to the Illustrator. This is a story of a man named Cipher, a 21st Century man reincarnated in a world where magic is the way of life. In the continent of Iarica, the people of this land are able to wield the crystals or magic stones for whatever purpose they desire. These people are called "Sorcerers", blessed individuals who are favored by the Gods and gifted with an ability to manipulate "Mana", the energy of the World and the energy source that makes all of the machines run. Cipher in contrast, is not. He is an "Unsorcerer", a person unable to wield the crystals and mana and eventually magic itself. Because of this "defect", he is shunned, ridiculed, and abused by most people and eventually by the whole society. Little did Iarica and her denizens know, this so-called reject of society is more than what he seems... Note: This humble Author-san is not a native English speaker, so there will be grammatical errors. Also the chapters are short, about 1K words. However I will try my best efforts on reaching the 2k-4k words threshold. Another note is that this will be a Harem fic, so to anyone who are not fan of the genre this may not be your cup of tea. Any criticsm are welcome as long it can help me to improve my writing skills since I'm just a newcomer in this scene.
8 122 - In Serial32 Chapters
10 Seconds Left in Overtime (Anderson Series #1)
Alley is 24, she is a world class surgeon. She has worked her butt off to get to where she is. One day her assistant lets her know that she has a very famous client who requires her services. She is intrigued as her assistant is all, but giddy to tell her. She asks her who and her assistant informs her that it's none other than notorious, bad boy, player Ryan Anderson of the Boston Bruins. Ally freezes for a minute knowing that name all too well, not just as the infamous Bruin who makes headlines all the time, but as the boy who broke her heart 6 years ago.See Alley and Ryan grew up together, thick as thieves, but once he got drafted he changed or so she thought he did.Ryan Anderson is the notorious bad boy of the Bruins. Always the first into trouble along the boards, but knows when to score when the time is right. On night though in a playoff game he injures his shoulder badly and his team goes to the best to help.When he meets with his surgeon for the first time he recognizes her instantly as the girl who was always there for him, but one night after he got drafted she up and left the party and never spoke to him again. He never knew why and so to fill the void she left he tried to fill it with meaningless women, booze and anger.Can these two work past their misunderstanding and grab the future they both deserved? Or are the issues of the past too much to get past?**WARNING**Mild foul languageIntimate scenes lolCover by still_just_meBanners by: still_just_me
8 198 - In Serial47 Chapters
Random friendship one shots on our favourite ICT members
8 231 - In Serial8 Chapters
Stubborn Love (Inquisitormaster Chight or Charli x Light!)
Light had always loves Charli, and Charli has always loved Light, but is shy to admit it. When Charli "jokingly" confesses to Light, Light takes it as a joke and denies loving Charli, when deep down, he can't live without her in his life! Jaxx knows that Light likes Charli and Charli likes Light! And he tries to get them together! I mean they are perfect to each other! Charli and Light are both really stupid, and really cute together! Charli is very clean minded while Light is a bit dirty minded! The problem is Light is denying everything!, so what would happen when a series of events happen because of this confession? Or maybe because it was Jaxx, or maybe because it was destiny.Alex, Zach and Jade, Drake are both dating so they both live together! Charli and Light are friends and do not live in the same house! Every person lives in the same neighborhood! This is fan fiction! ALMOST nothing in this book actually happened!No Smut In This
8 142