《Purest Black》26 - Reunited


"Alright," Jessica said, "I've got nothing."

"I got one person talking about a hospital a few streets away," I said.

"Us too," Luke said.

"Well, you're the only ones. The rest of us got nothing."

"I think it's worth checking out," Haru said.

"Well, it was nice meeting you," Ramiel said. "I have other business to attend too and it's getting late." He gave me a small bow and nodded at the others. Then, he spread his wings and flew off.

"Dramatic exit," Luke said.

"Yeah, well, if you have wings you should use them," I said, a bit bitter now about my current situation.

I started heading in the direction of the hospital.

"Speaking of," Jessica said, looking at me, "why don't you ever fly?"

"You mean other than the fact that if I did I'd be shot down, tortured, and possibly killed?"

"Yeah, other than that."

"No, that's really the only reason."

"When everything calms down, think you could take me for a flight?"

"Umm, I'm not sure. I've never taken anyone for a flight."

"I didn't hear a no."


We reached the clinic. It was made of stone, like most of the buildings. It was a small two story with a sign above the door that read, 'Hospital.' Seriously, that's it.

"So, you gonna knock?" James asked.

"Yeah, yeah. Of course. Wait, do you need to knock at a hospital door. Can't you just...go in?"

I opened the door. Inside, there were two rows of medical beds. Five beds were on each side, creating a total of ten beds. Three of the beds were occupied. Two were Angels and one was a Demon. I wasn't surprised.

"Can I help you?" A voice asked. I turned and saw a boy with dark skin and black hair. He had one earring and wore dark long sleeve clothes.

"Yeah, we're looking for a girl with pale skin and white hair. Possibly by the name Mizu."

"I...I'm sorry, I don't know anyone of that description. If you don't need any assistance with anything I'm going to have to ask you to leave."


"What kind of assistance?"

"This is a hospital, take a guess."

"Luke, come here for a second."

With questioning eyes, he stepped over to me.

"Sorry about this."

I took a swing at his face, leaving a decent size mark on his cheek.

"What the hell?!"

"He needs medical assistance."

The man looked at me, partially shocked. He looked as thought he was struggling with words before he looked back at me and sighed.

"Alright, bring him in."

"Seriously?" Luke asked, holding his cheek. "No ones gonna do anything about the fact that she just punched me in the face?!"

"We're at a hospital," James said, smiling, "you'll survive."

The man followed Luke over to a bed where he sat down. Gently, the man took ahold of Luke's face. He lifted his head and turned it, looking closely at his cheek.

"Should we give you two a minute?" Haru asked.

I chuckled at this and so did the others.

"Would you shut it?" Luke complained. Forgetting his injury, he winced.

"Hold still," the man said. He looked at it another second. "Looks like it'll just bruise."

"You can't do anything about it?"

"It's a bruise, what do you want me to do? You want me to wave my magical wand and make it better?"


He sighed. "Wow you guys are strange."

"It's only gets weirder," Peter said, looking at me specifically.

"What do you guys want with Mizu?" The man asked.

"Just to talk," I said, cautiously. "I knew you knew her."

"Well, she's not here now, but if you want...I guess you can wait for her. But so help me if you do so much as a thing to hurt her, I promise that bruise won't be the only injury you walk out with."

"You're not very good at threats, are you?" I asked.

"Shut up."

I sat down on the bed, sitting besides Luke.

"And now, we play the waiting game," Jessica said.

"Waiting game sucks," I said, "let's play hide and seek."

And so, we sat and waited. The sun had already gone down and it was pitch black outside. I was about to drift off to sleep when I heard the jingle of the bell that was tied to the door.


"I'm back," a soft voice said. When I looked at the owner of the voice, I couldn't believe my eyes.

"Mizu?" I asked.

She turned to me and her eyes widened. She was small, maybe four foot seven or so. Her hair was long, it fell to the back of her knees. Her horns and wings weren't there anymore. That didn't matter, nothing mattered right now.

"Akira? Is that you? Oh my god! AKIRA!"

She came up and hugged me. I hugged her back. I knew I was crying, but I didn't care, I was back together with my sister. My one and only big sister, Mizu. Well, she wasn't taller than me anymore. It was like she'd, stopped growing when she turned fourteen.

"What happened to you?" I asked. "I searched the entire continent of Flora for you!"

"We'll talk about it later," she said. "I'm just glad to see you're okay."

"Hey," the man from earlier said. He'd just come downstairs. "Did they do anything to you?"

"Oh right, Ali. This is Akira, my sister."

"I never imagined your sister would be so...violent."

"Akira, this is Ali. After I made my way to Savannah, he saw me passed out on the side of the street and took care of me."

"Then, thank you," I said. "If it weren't for you, my sister wouldn't have..."

"Wow," Peter said, "I've never seen you speak so sincerely."

"Oh, Akira, who're these people?"

"Why don't we go upstairs where we can talk," I suggested.

Nodding, she held onto my had. As she led us upstairs. Ali, to my surprise, came too. Upstairs was like a house. It had two beds and a small kitchen along with a couch and table. We sat on the couch while Mizu and Ali sat on the chairs by the table.

"Zero," Mizu said, "look how big you've grown. I remember when you were just a pup."

"It's nice to see you again too, Mizu."

Zero had a toothy grin. I knew that he missed Mizu too. While Zero was my best friend, he and Mizu had always been close.

"Akira," Mizu said, "what happened to your wings?"

"Oh, I found a witch a while after I reached earth."

"A witch? Where'd you find one of those? What was she like? Was she old and wrinkly like Mama used to tell us?"

"Wait, if you've never seen a witch, then what happened to your wings?"

She looked down at her hands, smiling sadly.

"Why...why don't I go get us something to drink?"

She stood and tried to walk away. I grabbed her shoulder and looked at her. I knew that she'd lost one of her horns, but that was all I knew.

"Mizu, what happened?"

"Ali...took them off."

The world slowed. I lunged at Ali only to be held back by Peter.

"You bastard!"

"Akira, calm down."

"But, but he took off your wings and horns! Let go of me Peter! Let me go!"

"Akira," Mizu said, stepping between myself and Ali, "it's not like that. Let me explain."

I calmed down enough for Peter to set my feet into the ground, but not let go of me.

"It better as hell be a good explanation."

"When I came to earth, I lost one of my horns from the impact of hitting the ground alone. After that, I fled to Savannah, further from the portal that I used to transport myself here. When I came to Savannah, I had no money and no ways to get a job. The humans chased me around until I could find a place to hide. That's when Ali found me. He hid me. The humans, unfortunately, got word that I was there. Before they could raid the place and kill us both, he helped me cut off my wings and take off my other horn."

I couldn't say anything.

"Please, Akira," she begged, "it wasn't his fault."

"I...I know. I just can't believe that you'd do something like that. I don't blame you, I know it was the only way, but still. You know what, it doesn't matter. All that matters is that we're back together. I have an army ready for us to go back to Heaven and Hell and reclaim your kingdom whenever you're ready."

"Actually, about that..."

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