《Purest Black》25 - Looking Towards the Future


"Hey," a voice said, shaking my shoulder. "Wake up."

Slowly, my eyes opened, and I saw a stick touching my shoulder. On the other side, James was holding the stick.

"That's weird," he said, "you didn't try to kill me. Oh well, come on, we need to get going. Haru got some information off a friend."

That woke me up. When I looked around the room, I could see that it was empty.

"Where's everyone go?" I asked.

"They're waiting outside."

Nodding, I stood up. We made our way outside to see that the others were waiting in a cart that I didn't recognize. When we were on the ship here, we were forced to leave ours in Flora, actually we sold it. Using the extra money, we bought this new cart. It was a bit bigger and a bit better made.

"Morning," Jessica said. "I heard you didn't try to kill anyone this morning."

"News travels fast, huh?" I asked, eyeing James. He shrugged his shoulders and smiled sheepishly.

I sat in the cart between Peter and Jessica.

"Getting more comfortable with us?"

"I guess," I replied, leaning in Peter's shoulder. I had just woken up a few minutes ago, so of course I was still tired. "So, what do we have in Mizu?"

"One of my...accomplices spotted someone with that description walking through a market a few towns away."

"Alright," I mumbled, leaning deeper into Peter's shoulder. He wrapped his arm around me and let me drift back to sleep.

Unfortunately, my peaceful dreams were interrupted by a thought.

"What're you all gonna do when I reclaim Heaven and Hell?" I asked. "I mean, you'll always be welcome to stay with me whenever you want, I could even give you positions in my council, if you wanted. I mean, you can do whatever you want, you could even go back to your normal lives before me if that's really what you want. But, my kingdom will always be open to all of you."


I hadn't realized it but I was crying.

"Sorry," I said, wiping away the tear, "human emotions must be contagious."

I got a laugh out of them for that.

"I don't know about the others," Peter said, "but I think I want to stay right besides you."

"He's right, you know," Jessica said. "Our little group just isn't the same without you."

"She's right," Luke said, "I don't know what I'll do if we don't have you with us anymore."

"Whose gonna tell us stories if you aren't there?" James asked.

"Is that all I'm good for?" I asked, dramatically. "Telling stories?"

"Other than that, you pretty much just get us into trouble."

He had a point.

"What about you, Haru?" I asked.

"If you're offering a place in your palace, then it would be an honor to take you up on it."

"It's decided then," Luke said. "We'll all stick together."

"That's great and all," Zero said, "But how do you think all the Angels and Demons will take to the idea?"

"I don't give a shit about what they think," I answered. "It's my kingdom and if I say humans stay there humans stay there. And if that doesn't work we'll say it's a sign of a peace treaty."

"Spoken like a true princess."

"What's that supposed to mean?"

"Forceful and demanding."

"Hate to break up the fight," Haru interrupted, "but we're here."

"What?" I asked. "How are we here? We've only been in the cart for for twenty minutes or so."

"No," Jessica said, "you happily snored through the first six hours while the rest of us were forced to listen to you talk. Not really even talk, more like mumble."


We unloaded ourselves from the cart and unhitched Zero. We hid the cart behind a sand dune and walked the rest of the way to the city.

"God it's hot," I complained, wiping an ocean of sweat from my forehead.

"Well, here we are."

The city looked almost identical to the last. It was a market city, swarming with Angels, Demons, and humans.

"Haru!" A voice yelled. I turned to see a male Angel making his way to us. They smiled at each other. When he saw me, he bowed slightly and I glared at Haru. He just smiled at me. "It's a pleasure to meet you, your highness."

"Don't talk to her like that," Haru said, "she doesn't like it. Just call her Akira. Right, this is Ramiel. Ramiel, this is James, Luke, Jessica, and Peter. They're Akira's friends."

"A pleasure. Come, I'll show you where the girl was spotted."

We followed the Angel through the market.

"So," Luke said, "you never did tell us who currently owns Heaven and Hell. Or how that even works, how do you take care of two kingdom?"

"Right now, there are two lucky humans who happen to be the ones to take the crowns. One is in control of Heaven and the others in control of Hell. When Mizu and I get the kingdoms back, I'll probably stay in Hell while she stays in Heaven. In the end, it's her kingdom but she'd use me to help her control the place where she's not at. If she was an only child, she'd pick one of her most loyal advisors to help her rule."

"We're here," Ramiel said. We were standing in a less populated portion of the market. They looked like they sold herbs, medicines, foods, and that sort of thing.

"A friend told me they saw her stop in this portion of the town. What do you want us to do?"

"Let's ask the vendors. If she stopped in this portion of the town then she probably bought something from a vendor. Let's split into groups and ask around."

Nodding, we split into three groups. In one group was Ramiel, Peter, and I. In another was Zero, Jessica, and Haru. In the last was just James and Luke.

"We'll meet back here in half an hour," I said. "It shouldn't take that long to ask around."

The others continued down opposite sides of the steer while my group stayed in the middle.

"Have you seen a girl with white hair and pale skin walking around here?" I asked each vendor. I got twenty-nine 'no's, yes I counted, before I got a yes.

"Yeah," the woman said, "she stopped here two days ago and bought some herbs. A sweet girl, she comes by every once and a while to buy some supplies."

"Do you know where she is?" I asked, excited.

"Of course," she said, "she runs a small hospital not far from here. If you go down the street, take the first left, and then you'll see a rock building with a 'hospital' sign."

I thanked her and made my way back to the meeting place where the others already waited. I could barely hold my excitement.

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