《Purest Black》23 - My Fish


"Akira?" Haru asked. "As in Princess of the Angels and the Demons? That Akira?"

"The one and only," I replied, smiling. "You still willing to come along with us?"

He nodded, nervously.


I grabbed his hand and pulled him up.

"Right now, we're searching for Mizu. We have absolutely no idea where she is."

"I can help with that," Haru said, looking proud. "I have some friends that I could ask about it. How about a description I can give them?"

"Umm, how about a girl with white hair and pale skin. She has red eyes that are tinted brown."

"Nothing about wings or horns?" Peter asked.

I shook my head. "If she hasn't been found yet, we can assume that she's managed to either hide so well that no one can find her in which case we might just have to search the whole planet or she's hid her wings and horns, like I did." I didn't want to mention the other option, the one where she might be dead.

"White hair, pale skin, red eyes," Haru repeated. "I'll get the word out, where do you wanna meet up?"

"Is there a hotel or something we could meet at?" Jessica asked.

"There's a hotel just around the corner. We could meet there in say...three hours?"

Peter nodded. Haru went one direction, disappearing into the crowd, while we went the other, making our way to the hotel.

Once again, the hotel that we were planning on staying in was filled with people; humans, Demons, and Angels.

"You guys go ahead," I said, waving my hand at them.

"What're you planning?" Peter asked me.

"Well, I thought that I might as well enjoy the party. I don't get a lot of chances like this, you know."


"I'm staying with you," Peter said. "Last time I left you alone you managed to make a crew of pirates bow to you."

"Is that the only reason you want to stay?" I teased.

"No, I'm also going to beat the shit out of any guys who touch you that aren't me." His face remained blank and unchanging. I felt my face heat with embarrassment.

"Alright," Luke said, "you guys go ahead and we'll get a room."

I nodded as I made my way through the crowd, Peter not far behind.

I took a seat at a table and Peter sat next to me. My face slammed against the table in exhaustion.

"You okay?" Peter asked, running his hand against my back.

"It's just, everything's happening so fast. Only two months ago, I was traveling alone with Zero, trying to keep a secret that could get me killed. Not to mention that I didn't particularly like humans. Now I'm traveling with a group of humans, one of them's my lover, and we've travelled to a different continent to find my long lost snowy white half Demon half Angel sister. After we find her, we'll have a portal key, hopefully, and we'll be able to all go back to Heaven and Hell to reclaim the kingdoms. Did I mention there's probably gonna be a war."

"Isn't that a good thing?" He asked. "You'll be the Queen of both Heaven and Hell."

"No, Mizu will be the Queen, she's older than me, making her the rightful heir to the throne. I'm not saying that's a bad thing or anything, but it's just happening so fast."

"I guess you're right."

I lifted my head as a noise caught my attention. A slutty little Angel had taken a seat next to Peter.

"Can I buy you a drink?" She asked, direction the question at Peter and ignoring me. Bad choice, bitch.


"No," I replied for him.

"I'm sorry, but I wasn't asking you."

"I'm sorry, but I don't really give a shit. This is mine, now back the fuck away. In not in the mood to deal with bitches."

She looked at me, shocked. I caught a grin on Peter's face as he slowly scooted away from the slutty little Angel. She regained her composure and gave me a sweet smile. She didn't fool me, once a bitch always a bitch.

She wrapped her arms around Peter and placed one of her hands on his chest, making little circles with her finger. I could see Peter look at me uncomfortably, asking for help.

"Come on," the slut said, "there are plenty of fish in the sea, aren't there? Can't you share?"

"You're right," I said, catching a surprised look from Peter. "There are plenty of fish in the sea."

She smiled, thinking she won, but I continued.

"But, see this? This is my fish, and I'm selfish. So, how about you get your dirty slut hands off my fish and back the fuck away."

She looked at me, completely shocked. I took Peter by the wrist and dragged him upstairs, towards the rooms. Neither of us said anything as I stormed into the room with the open door, meaning that it was ours.

"Hey," James said, looking up at us. "Did something happen?"

"Nothing really," I said, laying in the bed that I assumed I was sharing with Peter. "I just made sure someone understood what was mine."

"She told another girl off," Peter said.

"Why didn't you do anything?!" I demanded. "That girl was way too close to you."

The others were quickly scurrying out of the room, even Zero who would be able to hear from outside as well.

"I like seeing you jealous," he answered, letting out a small smile. "Besides, you should know that I'd never betray you."

"Really? Cause it sure looked like it."

"Akira," he begged.

"No," I said, walking out of the room and downstairs. "You see how it feels."

I pushed through the crowd and found the most handsome guy in the room, besides Peter. I grabbed his wrist with one hand and brought the other to his cheek. Standing on my toes, I smashed my lips against his. Okay, maybe that was going a bit too far. I turned back to Peter to see that he was completely pissed, his face practically radiated rage.

He took my hand off the mans cheek and punched the guy, sending him flying off his feet. He dragged me outside the inn and behind the building where there weren't any people.

"What the hell, Akira," he demanded, "what was that!?"

"Now you know how I feel!"

"I didn't kiss anyone!"

"You might as well have. It hurts all the same."

"Akira," he gave me a pity look.

I was about to answer, but he placed his hand on the back of my neck, pulling me into a kiss. His tongue traced my lips. I gasped and he used that moment to slip his tongue into my my mouth.

When he pulled away, I looked up at him, dazed.

"I'm sorry, alright?" One of his hand held me by the waist while the other was still on the back of my neck. "I won't let anyone do that to me anymore, alright?"

I nodded.

Smiling, he lifted me up and carried me like a sack as he made his up the stairs and to our room. The others were in the room, smiling as he threw me into the bed.

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