《Purest Black》21 - Queen of the Kitchen


"See that?" Lizzy asked, pointing to a shadow in the distance.

I squinted, trying to get a better look of whatever it was.

"Barely," I answered. The storm had blow over an hour or two ago and I'd lost all sense of time and direction.

"That's Savannah."

"What?!" I cried. "We shouldn't even be able to see it yet, right? Did the storm really ruin my sense of time that much?"

"It's not that. The storm just sped us up a little more than the Dolphins said it would."

Dolphins? Oh, right, Lizzy was a siren. Talking to marine animals was something they did, I think. Then again, she didn't always seem entirely sane, so who knows.

I kept a my eyes on the continent that was, apparently, an hours trip from our point. Having a siren as a captain was useful. She could read currents, sense storms, get directions from fish and other marine life.

I walked away from the edge to tell the others. Apparently, most of them were prone to sea sickness. And by most if them, I meant Luke, James, Jessica, and Peter. Zero, on the other hand, enjoyed the swaying boat and claimed that it helped him sleep. I think it's just an excuse to spend the whole trip sleeping.

I peeked into the boys cabin and saw that all of them were laying in their hammocks.

"We're gonna be at port in a little less than an hour," I reported.

"Thank god!" Luke yelled. The others just let out groans of acknowledgement.

I left their cabin a walked into my own. Jessica was on the floor, face imbedded in Zero's fur.

"We're gonna be at port in less than an hour," I said.

"Hmm hmph mph hmm bph," Jessica said into Zero's silky black fur.


"Thank the gods, I feel like shit," she said, lifting her head from the fur and then dropping it again.

Deciding that I didn't want to wait the whole hour, I made my way to the kitchen to pass the time. Might as well clear the cabinets before I left.


When I opened the door, I was greeted with the lust filled eyes of a few crew members. A few of them nodded in acknowledgement and the others, one that sat in the corner and a few spread out between tables, just ignored me. Apparently, Lizzy, Jessica, and I were the only girls on this ship. I doubted Lizzy ever let them flirt with her and Jessica had yet to make herself known. That left...you guessed it, me.

"What can I get for ya?" The chef asked.

"The best you've got."

"Alright then, it'll be out in a few minutes."

Nodding and thanking the man, I made my way to the nearest empty table and sat down. Yeah, it wasn't empty for long.

Slowly but surely, a few of the daring men in the kitchen made their way to the table. Let's make this fast.

"Alright," I said, "listen up and listen well. I have a lover and he is not any of you. You're all dicks who I, personally, don't give a shit about. So, let's do this the easy way and all of you just walk away."

I earned wide eyed glares and chuckles from around the room.

One of the men from MY table stood up, clearly pissed at my statement.

"Who the hell do you think you are?" He asked, glaring down on me. "You don't come onto our ship and insult the crew, you're lucky that we even have you a ride, few loaders."

"Congratulations, you're standing now. Anything else you'd like to say while you have my attention? Cause you're not keeping it for long."

He glared down at me, infuriated and now out of words. His face turned red from either embarrassment, anger, or maybe even both.

"Hey," the chef called, "the young miss with the attitude, your foods ready."

The man that challenged me grinned evilly and walked over to the counter and picked up my bowl. This bastard was in for a beating. He walked over to me and held out a bowl that seemed to be filled with a mystery stew that may or may not try to eat me. Keeping my eyes on him, I reached out for the bowl.


He moved it and turned it upside down on my head, spilling it down my face. Licking my lips that were now covered in the stew, I only got angrier. The stew was actually really good.

I stood up, sighing. I was to that point where I was so pissed I was smiling. At this point we had the attention of the whole room.

"I tried to play nice," I said, "I really did. I told you you had no chance with me, but you didn't listen. You were fine until you spilled my food. Now, you're gonna get it."

He laughed at me. "Why don't you amuse me. What could you possib-"

My foot met his face; his face met the floor.

"Don't mess with my food," I said, making my way over to the kitchen.

The chef was smiling at me.

"Bitch!" The man yelled, coming up from behind me.

"Make me another one, please. This time, don't bring it out until he's out."

Nodding, the chef went deeper into the kitchen to make me another of the delicious mystery stew.

I turned to face the bastard. I snickered when I saw that a decent size bruise was already forming on the side of his cheek. When I looked around at our audience, I saw that they were making bets on us. I'm proud to say that most of the bets were on me. They wouldn't be disappointed.

"What're you gonna do?" I asked, smiling innocently. "I mean, really, haven't you already been embarrassed enough?"

He took a punch aimed for my face which I easily avoided by stepping to the right.

"No?" I asked. "Okay then, but just remember that I warned you."

I stepped forward, landing a punch in his stomach and sending him back a step. The second he took to regain his composure was his down fall. I bent down, sliding my leg behind his and pushing, knocking him backwards and onto his ass. A moments hesitation on the battlefield could get you killed.

The crowd cheers and I think I catch the faces of Luke and James cheering me on.

"Still wanna fight?" I asked, smiling at him. He took aim for my foot with his left leg and I dodged by jumping. Following in the motion, his right leg actually hit my ankle, knocking me to the side. I used the momentum to land my hands on a chair and then flip my feet on the table.

The man was standing, once again.

"You think you're good, huh?" He asked.

"No, I don't. I KNOW I'm good."

He stepped on the table, slowly. What, was he trying for dramatically affect? It wasn't working. We all knew where this fight was going. This man was screwed.

This time, he took to charging me with his full weight. Instead of stealthily dodging him and pushing him off the table, I ducked. My left fist went straight into his gut, right below the ribs. But, no, that didn't take him down, though it pushed him back.

Again, he charged, aiming a low punch with his right hand. I took a hold of his hand, moved to the side, planted my foot on top of his, and let him lean backwards off the table. His only support was my hand that was holding onto his wrist and my foot that was keeping him from sliding.

"Who wins?" I asked.

When he didn't answer, I let him fall back a little further.

"You win!" He yelled. "You win!"

"I know," I said, smiling as I pulled him up. I stepped off the table as the crowd cleared for me. One of the crew handed me my stew and smiled sheepishly at me. I took it and sat at the table.

"All hail the Queen of the Kitchen!" One of them yelled. The rest of them chorused after, congratulation me.

That's right, bitches, all hail the Queen.


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