《Purest Black》19 - And Off We Go


"And you're sure this was the only ship that would take us?" I asked.

"Unless you plan on leaving Zero behind, then yeah," Jessica replied.

While Peter and I stayed at the inn and Luke and James were out messing around, Jessica actually did something useful. She found us a ship willing to take us to Savannah. Only problem; it was a pirate ship.

"Let's get on board then!" I said. I was excited, I've never met pirates before, or even been on a long boat ride for that matter. I ran up the dock with Zero behind me, plowing over a few unlucky sailors. We climbed up the plank that was connecting the dock and the ship and looked around.

"Calm down!" Peter yelled. "You nearly killed a man." Even though he was mad, I could still hear some laughter in his voice.

"He probably deserved it," Zero said.

"Welcome to my ship," a human girl said. I turned to see a smug looking girl standing tall besides me. She looked like she was about twenty-five or twenty-six.

She had curly brown hair that fell slightly below her shoulders with stunning blue eyes. She was the type of girl all guys hit on, perfect figure, confident look. But, then again, she was probably the type of girl that shot every guy down in flames.

"I'm assuming you're the lucky group that'll be accompanying us to Savannah."

"That's right. I'm Jessica and this is Peter, Luke, James, Zero, and Akira."

"Is a pleasure," she answered, "I'm Elizabeth, but you can just call me Lizzy. The rest of 'em just call me Cap'n, but I like you guys. Come on, then, I'll show you to your cabins."

She took us below deck and showed us to two separate rooms.


"Girls and the hound here and boys here. Feel free ta walk around above deck whenever you feel like, just don't get in my crews way. Lazy bunch of shits they are, but they're a good crew. We'll be leavin port in twenty minutes or so, just don't leave the ship cause we're not comi'n back for ya."

She wandered off into the labyrinth that was the below deck.

"I like her," I said, firmly.

"So do I," Luke said, watching the direction that left.

"That's not gonna end well," I told him. "She doesn't look like the type of person who'll take any type of relationship."

"What makes you say that?"

"Just a feeling. I'm gonna explore our room."

I waved them off and made my way into the room Lizzy assigned as the girls. The room had two hammocks and one giant pile of pillows, fitting. A small piece of paper sat on a desk that was nailed to the ground in the corner of the room.

It read, 'Feel free to raid the kitchen whenever you feel hungry. We have a top of the line chef.


I really liked this Lizzy girl, but something told me she was keeping down secrets. Well, not that I could judge or anything.

The ship began to rock as Zero and I shot out of the room, straight towards the deck. We watched as we pulled away from the docks, a few people waving at us, mostly children with giant grins.

Someone's arms snaked around my stomach has I hung over the side, watching the water.

"Careful," Peter said, "don't fall in."

"I have wings, remember."

"Yeah, because I'm sure you want to use your wings in front crowds of humans."


"Hmm, good point."

He planted a kiss on my neck and headed back towards the center of the ship. Before I knew it, the docks of Flora were almost unnoticeable. The ship was traveling at a surprisingly fast pace.

"It's cause we're reading the currents," a voice said, surprising me.

I turned and saw Lizzy looking at me.


"You was wondering how we were traveling so fast, right? We're using the currents to our advantage. It makes the ride a bit less calm, but it helps. And, with the storm on the way, I'd say we'll be to Savannah in three days time. You picked a good time to get on bored."

"A storm? The skies are perfect, there isn't even a cloud."

"Trust me when I say there's a storm coming. I know what I'm talking about."

She walked off and, yelling at some of the crew in the process. Her exact words were, "Get yer lazy asses back to work before I throw ya overboard and feed ya to the sharks!"

Again, I really like her. She had an air of respect and an attitude that I loved. I continued watching the water. For a second, I thought I saw something break the waters surface.

"Did you see that?" I asked, grabbing Zero by the fur and making him look at the water.

"See what?"

Again, something broke the surface of the water. And then, again.

"Dolphins," a voice said. I turned and saw a man standing behind me. "They do that sometimes. I'm Alex, by the way."

He held his hand out to me and I shook it. He was tall, a little taller than Lizzy, and maybe a year or two older. He had short brown hair and sharp features.

"Thought I'd welcome our guests, but Lizzy'll probably yell at me soon. See ya."

And he was gone. I turned my attention back to the dolphins. It looked like they were following the ship and not just passing by. Weird. After a few more minutes of watching the dolphins, the sun began to sink under the horizon. I'd lost any sign of the port a few hours ago, we were completely surrounded by water.

Zero and I headed back to the cabin where I struggled to climb into the hammock. After I was comfortably situated, which took some time, I let the sound of the moving ocean put me to sleep.

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