《Purest Black》16 - My Corner


I wasn't sure how long I was in this cell, but I think it was only a few hours. In that time, I'd claimed this corner as my own. It was mine, there were many like it, but this one was mine.

"Food," a voice called from the cell door. I didn't turn, just listened to the tray clinking to the ground. "I slipped some pain killers, your highness," he whispered, his voice quieter. "I...found your friends too, they're fine and they're going to be moved here later."

"Thank you," I said weakly.

I listened to the footsteps as they left, and then turned around. A small metal plate was sitting by the door to the cell. On the tray, was a small loaf of bread and a cup of water.

I reached forward and devoured the bread and then chugged the water. Whatever the servant had put in the food worked fast and my wings started to numb. I retreated to my corner. A little while later, when the pain killers had warn off, a chorus of footsteps sounded down the hall.

My cell door was opened and a group of people were pushed in. I peaked around my shoulder to see my friends, besides Zero, who u was beyond worried for, being pushed in. Shit, shit, shit!

I quickly turned around and buried my face in the corner. They couldn't see me, not yet. I moved my wings as best I could to cover my back, specifically the tattoos. It hurt like hell. The thick stitches pulled at the skin and bone, making me let out a small whimper, which I immediately regretted.

The cell door was locked and the guards returned to wherever they came from.

"Hey," James voice said, "are you okay?"

I didn't say anything, just shifted slightly to let them know I was awake.

"You're...the princess," he said in awe. If they knew it was me, I would've turned around, looked him in the face and said, 'No shit.' Damn, I wish I hadn't taught them about myself, even if they didn't know it was me. "How'd you get here?"

I didn't answer.

I could feel the warmth of his hand reaching towards my wings. I wanted to bat at it, swat it away, but turning around would give me away, so I let him. I waited but the feeling never came.


"Leave her alone," Peter said, "she obviously doesn't want to be bothered."

Wait for it...yep, there it was. An overcoming feeling of guilt. I wanted to tell them, I wanted to tell them more than anything else, but they just weren't ready.

"I'm sorry," Jessica said, "but I have to ask. Has another girl been through here? Maybe, 5 foot 6, or so. Black hair, tattoos on her back, sarcastic as hell?"

"No," I said, lowering my voice slightly, but not by much.

The entire rooms atmosphere seemed to worsen. At least I had my corner.

We sat in awkward silence for a while before footsteps sounded down the halls.

"I can't believe you!" A new voice shouted.

"I...I really didn't-"

"No, what you've done is beyond forgivable!"

The second voice was that of the Demon who captured me and injected me with the serum. My body tensed at the sound of his voice.

After a minute, I heard the door click open.

"Hell," the first voice said, "what've you done to her? Your highness, I take full responsibility for the actions of my...ex-subordinate."

I turned, glancing at the Angel who was staring at me. He had one wing, I knew who he was. Lucifer, the Angel who was thrown out of Heaven and banished to earth.

"Akira?" He asked. DAMNIT! He used my full name.

"A...kira?" Luke asked.

Using my little strength, I stood and turned, letting them see my face. They wore shocked expressions, but I should've expected that.

"Akira," Peter said, standing. I moved my hand, motioning for him not to come near me. He obeyed, but watched me closely with an expression I couldn't read.

I turned to Lucifer who was kneeled on the ground.

"Help me walk," I said. "And get them somewhere to stay."

Lucifer wrapped his arm around my stomach and turned to a Demon girl who nodded.

I let Lucifer lead me down halls as my...former...companions were led to a different section of the compound.

We stopped at a random door, one that I hadn't passed before. Lucifer opened the door to reveal a room with two couches and a coffee table in the middle. He helped set me onto one of them and wandered off into the distance. When he came back he stepped behind me and laid his hand on the top of my wings, making me flinch.


"I'm going to take them out," he said, carefully.

I nodded and closes my eyes, preparing for the pain.

I heard the cut of scissors and felt the sting of the thick string as he unknotted them. I hissed in pain. He was much gentler than the Demon who tied them, but it still hurt. Afterwards, he gently brushed the feathers back into place.

He took a seat on the couch on the other side of me.

"He's been through a lot," Lucifer started, "the Demon that got you. I found him when he was a child, he was beaten by humans, and that's how he turned out, as a result. I take all the blame for everything he's done to you, and you can punish me as you see fit."

"What's happened to you?" I asked. "When you were banished, you hated Angels and Demons. Now, you have an army of them."

"I'm not sure, actually. The best I can tell you is people change."

"Alright, then what about your army?"

"Actually, it's yours and you sister's."

"Mizu? Do you know where she is?"

"No, but we know she made it to Earth."


"I was on Earth when I heard about the war. I rushed to the nearest portal to help any survivors and I found this."

He set a horn on the table in front of me. I picked it up and examined it closely.

"We did tests to see if it was authentic, it was."

"How'd you test it?"

"Demon and Angel blood."

I nodded, not caring much more. I was just happy that my older sister has made it to earth.

"We're almost ready to reclaim Heaven and Hell," I said. "I want to keep in contact with you, so here."

I plucked a feather from my wings and placed it in his outstretched hand.

"It is an honor to serve the Princess," he said. "What would you like me to do with the humans you came in with? I'm assuming they're your allies."

"Former allies. Keep them here until midnight and then let them go. Treat them well, they're good people."

He nodded.


I turned to see Zero bursting through the door. I opened my arms to him and he charged me. I hugged him, burying my face in his fur.

"It's good to see you're alright," I said, looking at his face. "Right, Zero, this is Lucifer, he's been forming an army."

Zero nodded his acknowledgment at Lucifer.

"Lucifer, while its been a pleasure meeting you, we have to be going."

"Are you sure you'll be alright?"

I nodded and stood, using Zero for support. Lucifer led us to the front door and waved goodbye. I couldn't retract my wings, it was too painful.

"You're planning on leaving the others?" Zero asked.

"Do you really think they'll wanna travel with me now? They know who...what I am."

"I'm sorry, Akira, but for Jessica's sake, I must do this."

He shook me off his back and dropped me into the ground. Using his full weight, he laid on top of me, careful to avoid my wings.


"You should've thought about that before."

He made me wait there until the moon was at its highest point and the doors to the compound reopened.

"Shit! Zero move!"

"Akira!" James shouted. "I'm glad you didn't leave."

"Tried to," I said as Zero moved off me.

Peter helped me sit up, placing his hand on my back and surprising me.

"You're not...afraid of me?"

Peter stood me up and hugged me, pulling me closer to him. Reaching around my back, his hand gently tugged at the top of my left wing, sending chills down my spine. With gentle lips, he kissed the feathers, making me blush.

"Akira, I don't care what you are, I love you."

My face burned up even more.

He repositioned himself, standing in front of me.

"I don't think any of us really care," Jessica said, smiling at me.

"I don't!" James announced.

"Doesn't bother me," Luke said.

"Next time, if it's something this big, just tell us," Peter said, hugging me, once again.

I finally found a place I belonged.

(I still missed my corner, though.)

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