《Modern Magic》Chapter 35- As I Think



The Hecate Quin thing that was going on was pretty freakin' cute. So were Jacin and his boyfriend, I think his name was Michael. It was so good to see Jacin together with someone; he'd always been a bit of a loner.

I remembered each of the soldiers specifically from when I was tortured. The girl was still mean and scary but she was good. Michael turned out to be an adorable fluff ball, and Quin had a thing for Hecate. I'd say she converted them all pretty well. All to be expected, of course, for the Queen of Magic.

And she really liked them too, which was really nice. She didn't really bring many people on her magical adventures, so when I heard she took them... Well, it kinda speaks for itself.

"Did you hear a word I was saying?" Wynnie asked, drawing my attention back to her.

I'd been sitting at the bar in the good old Black Hat for about twenty minutes while Wynnie caught me up on what's been happening.

I smiled innocently at the sea blue haired girl. "I got lost somewhere around 'Hecate found magic ruins'."

"That was like five minutes ago," she yelled, throwing her hands in the air ass if she wanted to exaggerate her point. "Ugh. Still the same as always, huh, Savannah? Worlds shortest attention span, you fire breathing fish, I swear on whatever gods us magicians are supposed to believe in."

I let out a little laugh.

She continued with a glare still fixed on me. "So, like you should've heard a few minutes ago, Hecate asked me to tell you that she wants a favor."

"Why couldn't she ask me herself?"

"Well, her and her boyfriend are out exploring the city."


"And by exploring the city, do you mean making out in some dark alley?"

"No, I mean doing a perimeter check and making sure all the protection spells she has set are still strong." She smirked. "And yeah, making out in a few alleys."

"So, what's she want with poor old me?"

"You know JJ's boyfriend?"

"Jacin's boyfriend? Michael?"

"Yeah, that cutie."

"Aww, don't make your girlfriend jealous."

"What? She said he's cute too so don't play that card with me. Anyways, Hecate wants you to do some training with him?"

"Training? What can I teach him?"

"Magic... No one ever told you? He's a magician, like us."

I blinked and then burst out laughing. "Him? He's a magician? Oh lordy, the irony."

"Tell me about it. Anyways, I think he headed off to Jacin's room, so maybe wait till he comes out..." She made a cringy face at me.

I smirked. "Where's the fun in that? Time for some party crashing."


Jacin's room was one of the many in the labyrinth behind the Black Hat.

I rested my hand on the brass doorknob to find it completely unlocked.

"Aw, come one. Make it a little harder."

I swung it open to find both of the boys one the bed... Completely asleep.


With a snap of my fingers, I had the covers lifted and one side of the bed tilting up, rolling them off and onto the wood floor.

"Wakey wakey. It's four in the afternoon, young Padawan. Time to get learning."


"Remind me why Hecate sent you?" Michael asked, walking briskly behind me. "And why Jacin can't come with us."

"Hecate's busy right now and she cant teach you magic like I can. As for why Jacin can't come, it's more of he's a complete distraction."


He let out a little huff of air.

"Oh, here we are."

We stopped in front of a black door, complete with no handle.

"This looks ominous."

"Oh, it is. Now, step one. Phase through the door."



"No advice or anything just...do it?"

I nodded.



Oh, yeah, phase through the completely solid object like it was air. Simple enough, right?

The Inferni was watching me with big, expecting eyes. Savannah, as I was told her real name was.

A frown slowly creased on her lips.

"Okay, I'll give you a little lesson before we try. And everything I know was taught to me by the one and only Hecate herself, so no doubting cause I'll send you right to her." She smiled again. "I don't know what she's taught you so far, but the first thing she taught me was that magic was the product of the imagination. The word abracadabra actually comes from way way long ago. It was derived from avra kehdabra, and Aramaic phrase that means I will create as I speak. Which is not really true it's just a used way of thinking if you wanna get magic goin. In reality, the word was for people who insulted our kind. But see, it actually translates to something like a divine oracle.

"Okay, getting off topic. Magic is something that you create as you think. As long as you don't do something so big that it could destroy your limiter, what you think is what you create. Granted, everyone has their specialties because of their personalities and experiences."

"Then how do you know I can do this?"

"Because Jacin can do it."

I scowled at her for insulting my boyfriend before looking at the black slab of wood. I placed my hand on the wood and though.

As I think.

I closed my eyes, picturing myself phasing through the door.


I will create as I think.


But there was nothing to create.


I thought about the door, thought about it becoming liquid below my hand. And it did, but it was thick, too thick to fit through.

Jacin could do it. Maybe that was a hint. But what could Jacin do. He had so little magic that he probably couldn't even get it to affect the whole door.

He changed himself.

I had to change myself to get through.

My eyes, still closed, pictured my body becoming as thin as air and the clothes on me as well. I pictured myself as nothing but an image.

I felt the door disappear from below my hand and I walked. With my eyes still closed, I walked forward. When I opened them again, the door was gone, leaving a room with strange coating on the walls.

"Welcome to the training room," Savannah said from behind me. "And congratulations on getting though the door. It me two weeks before I realized that magic wasn't something all powerful."

"I just altered myself."

"Yep. Magic isn't any gods power. We don't have the ability to do miracles. Even Hecate alters the world around her with her magic. Have you ever seen her create something out of nothing?"

"I guess not."

"Honestly, what you just did, means you're probably much stronger than the average magician. Or have the potential to be, at least. It takes an incredible amount of concentration to change the matter of your body. Whatever Hecate had you doing before really helped."

"Just levitating a rock."

She smirked. "Wow. She must really believe in you if she started you with that."

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