《New Beginning in the Magical World》Chapter 71: What was that?


Chapter 71:What was that?

"Not yet!" Lucas said in a firm voice.

"I don't think that's a good idea for now." He added while anxiously staring at the carriage just a few meters away from the tentacled creature.

Thankfully, Old Albie clearly heard everything he says even though he was pretty far away.

Old Albie just yelled those words on a spur of the moment because of anxiety when he saw the creature had gotten closer to the carriage carrying their precious potions.

Old Albie is also dumbfounded by this situation because he expects the young master to lure it away but his attack actually did the opposite of it.

"That brat he said he was going to lure it away but he actually pushed it closer." Old Albie mumbled in a short breath.

And now, with the creature's closed proximity to the carriage it would be dangerous for them to attack it suddenly for it might accidentally smash those potions, wasting all of their efforts to save it.

So it's important for them to find the perfect timing to attack this hideous creature without further angering it or else it might really destroy the carriage beside it.

But since it received a surprise attack from Lucas the creature could not stop itself from trampling his tentacles everywhere thankfully none of them managed to hit the carriage.

After a moment of sluggishness, it seems like the creature has quickly recovered and it clearly remembers who attack it as it immediately dashes toward Lucas direction at full speed.

Lucas didn't expect this creature to attack him at this moment, and this is also not included in his plan in attracting its attention.

He thought that since this creature doesn't have eyes then it shouldn't be able to see but he is wrong with this idea.

Lucas intentions are clear for everyone to see, even a normal soldier is aware of his plan to divert the attention of this creature by attacking it once in a while to get its attention.

But they are clearly not prepared for its speedy response putting them all into disarray.

Lucas clearly underestimates this monster from the start when he labeled it as a parasitic creature without doing an in-depth investigation.

And now he is suffering from the consequences of his own incompetence.

"How did it find me?"

Lucas said in surprise before he quickly prepare himself to avoid its attack.


Within a second he immediately deduced its direction and find the perfect time to jump on his side to avoid its tackle.

Lucas strides towards his left narrowly avoiding it's body

but he still failed to avoid one of its tentacles as his armor graze it during his jump which changes the direction of his landing that leads him into a wall.

The only thing he can do is brace himself from the impact before he hit the wall of an old building.

It might be due to its age or his inertia was just too strong but his body actually broke through the wooden wall creating a mess inside the establishment.

It's a good thing that no one was inside of the building or else they would be surprised to see the tentacled monster outside getting closer in this direction.

Meanwhile, this event was clearly seen by those soldiers hiding at the back.

"Is young master going to be okay?" A young soldier asks worriedly.

"He's gonna be fine don't worry too much rather we should focus more on our mission." Calmly replied by another soldier.

"But he was already exhausted from the fight earlier I think we should help him."

"Help? what kind of help can we provide to him we're just going to be a burden if we join him in this battle. This monster is out of our league."

Jamie immediately rebukes before saying: "Let's just wait for the young master's signal then we can take that carriage away from here. The faster we do it the better."

"Look! it's Young master, he's given us the signal." Suddenly said by one of the soldier while pointing his finger in Lucas direction.

As Lucas can be seen emerging from the broken wall with the go signal on his hand.

"Hurry up, let's move that carriage while that monster is occupied." Jamie said quickly as they all rushed towards the carriage pulling it away from the danger.

"Go, go, go get away from here quick." Lucas said to them as he defend himself from the attack of the tentacled creature.

Unlike before, its power has clearly weakened by a large margin as even his armor alone can already resist it's attack giving him some space to breathe.

And Lucas attributed it to his sword that is still impaled on its body. His surprise attack earlier inflicted huge damage on the creature forcing it to heal itself in exchange for its own vitality weakening it in the process.


This kind of healing in exchange for vitality is a very common skill among monsters and even Lucas knows that there are also some humans who have a similar method, like the current king of Turox Kingdom.

Nevertheless, Lucas is now free to do anything towards this creature as he doesn't need to worry himself anymore since the carriage containing the potions is already been moved to safety.

"Okay, now that the carriage is gone I need to find a way to kill this thing." Lucas said to himself.

With only a small amount of mana remaining on his body Lucas only have a few minutes to spare before he runs out of it.

His strength alone would not be enough to wrestle with this tentacled creature. He would still need the assistance of mana to reinforce his body if he wants to inflict damage on its body.

"Wait, I could grab my sword and cut it's body." Lucas murmured as his eyes settled on the protruding sword on the body of the creature.

With only a few drops of mana left on his body Lucas quickly run towards the creature while expertly avoiding all of it's tentacles.

Lucas can be seen twisting his body on air non-stop as he performs different moves that even defeat an acrobat performer. He bends his body at different angles like he doesn't have any bones in order to avoid being hit by its tentacles.

With one last jump Lucas managed to get hold of his sword before he quickly mobilizes all of his mana to slide his sword upwards cutting the creatures into two.

Lucas managed to do it without using any sword art thanks to the soft and gelatinous skin of the creature.

"Haahhhh! Haaahhhh." A loud sound of exhausted breath can be heard coming from him before he falls to his knees due to exhaustion.

"At last, it's finally dead. I'm too tired that I can't even move my body." Lucas said towards the soldier who help him stand up.

Now that the tentacled creature is dead soldiers have started to clear up the remaining monster as they bring Lucas towards a stone building.

"That's a fantastic fight. I don't even need to step up you have our respect young lord." Old Albie said towards Lucas as he enters the building.

"Thankfully I defeated it ahahaha." Lucas said in glee.

"Master Lucas, you can now take a rest, Sir. Michael has already regained consciousness and the parasites in his body have already been dealed with." Said by a soldier as they lead him towards a room.

"Young master you're back it's great to see you're still in one piece." Michael greeted in a joking manner. His armor was already removed and his chest is covered in bandages.

"I'm also glad to be back but what's up with you earlier why didn't you evade its attack." Lucas asked as he slumps into the floor.

"I didn't see it coming. I thought that I have already killed it and I let my guard down that's why I failed." Michael explains in defeat.

"I have overestimated my ability and underestimate the enemy."

"I'm sorry master Lucas I failed to protect you earlier." Michael said sadly while balling his fist in disappointment.

Lucas knows that this is the first time that Michael was beaten to this degree.

This is also the first time that he was knocked unconscious in the middle of a fight and for Michael this is unacceptable. He must be having a hard time accepting the truth that he failed to do his duty.

Lucas can only stare at him in silence. He knows that both of them are still weak compared to the others.

"It's okay. At least now we both learn our lessons." Lucas suddenly said as he stand up and walk towards the window.

"So don't let it get to yourself, You've already done a lot of help for everyone today so------" Lucas wasn't able to finish his words as he was cut off by a strong light-like sun that suddenly appear and break the darkness of the night.

It was immediately followed by a powerful explosion that shakes everything in his surroundings.

Then a strong shockwave exploded the glass window in front of him and even some parts of the building were damaged to some extent due to the shockwave.

"WHAT WAS THAT?" Lucas and Michael ask at the same time as they both look at the direction of the explosion.

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