《Crazy Little Thing Called Mate》\Thirty•Four/



I was growing impatient, these paparazzi assholes were beginning to get out of hand. I pulled out my phone as I walked back into my hotel.

Frustrated I immediately dialed my agent, thankfully he picked up on close to the first ring "i thought you said you'd have a car waiting for me along with a bodyguard, these tabloid freaks are swarming the hotel."

"I called the company this morning and they assure me that a navigator with heavy tint would be picking you up, there should be a team of guys there for your protection, just wait in the hotel until I call you back, they should've been there by now."

Almost as soon as his words left his mouth a watched as a huge black SUV pulled up, "never mind, they just pulled up." I said as I watched two larger than life dudes step out of the vehicle.

I hung up and readied myself to walk back out.

With the overnight success of the show I found myself as somewhat of an instant celebrity, what's worse is people know I'm single, so these paparazzi psychos love to stalk me to see if I'm going out with some young starlette, or spending the night with this socialite or that musician.

One thing was for sure, this shit is insane.

I walked back outside And was greeted by the loud clicks and bright flashes of cameras as several people yelled "Caleb over here."

"You Caleb Gibbons?" One of the body guards asked in a deep voice.

"No shit, now can we get going, didn't my agent tell you I've gotta be on set in less than twenty minutes and I'm sure you're gonna hit traffic on the highway."

The guys let me get in first then got in after me.


My agent was right, there were a team of guys in the SUV, but the one I found myself sitting next to didn't even bother looking at me.

He sat looking forward but I could t hell hut notice that his suit was really expensive looking, and extremely well tailored.

"So the body guard business a lucrative one?" I asked the guys sitting next to me.

His dark hair was slicked back and his dark eyes zeroed in on me.

"Caleb Gibbons, please hand me your phone."

I looked around at the guys, I wondered what the what was going on, why were they so quiet.

"What is this?"

"Standard procedure." He smiled.

"Are you going to give it back?" I asked still a little unsure.

At this his smile turned sinister, "hand over the fucking phone or the man sitting behind you will not hesitate to put a bullet through the back of your skull, and don't try anything stupid."

I did as he asked and gave him my phone, the vehicle was going but I didn't know where I was going, after driving for a while I found that we were pulling into a private landing strip with a small plane.

As the guys nudged me out of the suv I cussed at myself internally, 'I should've never moved moved up here, now these...mob type guys had guns against my back and I had no idea where they were taking me, or worse, what they want with me.'

I got into the plane and knew better than to ask where we would be heading.

The flight wasn't long and soon we were landing onto another private airstrip where another large vehicle was awaiting us.

I was pushed into the vehicle and once again I found myself seated next to the guy in the expensive looking suit, two others got in behind us, and the remaining two got into the driver and passenger seats.


As soon s they started the car I felt a cloth cover my nose and mouth before I fought against my eyes closing, but it was too late and soon I was out.



I waited outside in the cold like a lunatic without so much as a jacket to keep me warm.

Several staff members tried to bring me inside or offer me a coat but I wouldn't hear it. I had made up my mind to wait for the arrival of Titus and damn him if he wouldn't return home soon.

I pulled out my phone and called his phone for the umpteenth time today. But like the attempts before, it went straight to voicemail.

I looked at the time and watched as minutes turned into an hour and soon one hour turned into two.

"My Lady, please, I beg of you...come in before you catch your death out here." Heidi pleaded with me, her voice full of concern for me.

But I couldn't go inside, from the minute I saw Caleb's childhood picture in Titus' torture basement I pieced two and two together and knew he'd be bringing him here...but the bigger question is why?

There is no possible way he would have figured out that he's my mate, only one person truly knows that Caleb is my mate and I know Ash would never tell, and I'm more than certain the two have never talked.

Then doubt began to arise within my panicked wolf.

What if Titus approached my family when they were here and forced them to talk?

"My lady!" Heidi sounded grateful, "I think it's Titus."

I looked up to see a black suv approaching but I knew it could be either Titus, his father, or even an unannounced guest.

But as the vehicle came to a stop right in front of us I watched a few recognizable men exit the vehicle before Titus did the same.

"My wife." He smiled gently before he walked over and embraced me.

I had to admit that my body wanted to melt against his warm hug, I wanted nothing more than to nuzzle my face into neck.

"Goddess your freezing!" She stated as he held me tight and rubbed my body, "Heidi please get her inside."

I heard as Heidi stepped forward so I spoke up, "I need to speak with you."

He bent his head down and kissed my forehead, "now really isn't a good time love."

"If I were you I'd make it a good time Titus."

We both watched as those around us quickly busied themselves with something else, I knew he'd pick up on the urgency in my words and I didn't wait on him any longer as I stormed inside and made my way immediately to our bedroom.

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