《Crazy Little Thing Called Mate》\Thirty•Three/



Two days.

I hadn't seen Titus in two days and was informed that my father in law was away from the lands on business.

As I walked the grounds I couldn't imagine what Titus had been up to, I understand that we had somewhat of an argument but I hadn't intended it to escalate so far as for him not to come to bed that night or every other night since then. Whenever I came across one of the member on his personal team they all told me they hadn't seen him.

'Surely he wouldn't leave without mentioning something to me first.'

I let out a heavy sigh.

I realized that if he were upset with me (or thought I was still mad at him) he very well might have left without even telling me bye.

'You're only his wife' my wolf growled,

"Shut up." I said out loud.

It had been a few days since I last shifted and had a proper run, but with the full moon approaching I knew I should hold off as I would be expected to shift with the pack so that I can finally become part of the pack and therefore be anointed the new North Stone Pack Luna.

I small wave of sadness washed over me.

What if Titus refuses to shift with me, what if he's starting to doubt my abilities to be his pack's Luna?

I didn't want to think what would happen if he didn't want me as his wife anymore, sure the contracts were signed but if I can't keep him happy I'm sure he can back out and request a new wife...I should've really read that contract before I signed it.

Filled with more worry and sadness than I had initial come out her with, I reentered the house and made my way into the kitchen.

I was immediately greeted by the cooks.

"Don't mind me, I'm just stress eating." I announced.


The staff continued about their work after that, I helped myself to a jar of cookies and a tall glass of milk.

"There you are."

I turned to find Heidi. "Here I am." I said with faux amusement.

"Phyllis would like to know if you'll be wanting a pack party the night of your first shift with the pack or should we just treat it like any normal night?"

"That's hardly even a question." I said flatly.

"So then...no?"

"Of course No...you know I hate being the center of attention."

She smiled, "I thought so, just wanted to double check before I gave the official answer." Then she looked at me once more before walking away, "what's up with the cookies?"

I pushed them away and got up to make my way to the freezer, I easily located the ice cream and opened drawer after drawer until I found a spoon.

"Everest." She sounded.

I sighed, "what, I eat when I'm stressed."

She smiled, "and what do you have to be stressed about, it's just a shift with the pack, you've been doing that since you were 17."

I rolled my eyes, "I'm not worried about that, I haven't seen Titus since the night of my presenting."

She looked a little curious, "why's that?"

I shrugged, "I mean we had a little argument but I didn't think it'd escalate to him avoiding me."

She smiled once more, if I know Titus there is only one thing he'd hold a grudge for, so I highly doubt that some exchanged words between the both of you would keep him at bay...I'm sure he's just tied up with business."

I felt a little better, she was right, Titus had to be busy. I put my spoon into the sink with the other dirty dishes and put the ice cream back before leaving the kitchen.


If Titus was tied up with business I knew exactly where he'd be.

I made my way toward one of the only places here that I haven't been before. I knew where it was because Phyllis had given me a tour on my first day here, but I also remembered her saying the door remains locked at all times.

I waited by the door for a while, finally someone passed, a guy I had vaguely remembered meeting before my presenting.

"Excuse me."

"Yes Lady Graystone." He answered as he walked over.

I smiled at him, he seemed to be a little younger than me. "I hate to bother you, but would you happen to know how long my husband is going to be down there?"

His questioning gave gave me an answer.

"My husband isn't down there is he?"

"My lady, if Alpha Graystone hasn't told you his whereabouts I am in no position to discuss this matter with you." He said before lookin at the basement door once more.

"What's you're name?" I asked.

He looked nervous every now but spoke clearly. "Alec Furly my lady."

"Alec, am I blocking you from going into the basement?"

"My business in the basement can wait my lady." He replied.

I stepped to the side, "please I hate to cause a fuss, go about your business Alec."

"Thank you my lady."

"I'll just go with you." I said as he finished unlocked the door.

He knew there was no use in trying to dissuade my following him, and he led the way with a sigh. "He's not here my lady."

I made it down the stairs and Alec gave me his arm as I stepped onto the floor.

"Careful where you step my lady."

I listened to his words and lifted my long skirt up just a bit so as not to let it drag across the floor, then I noticed a table and chair, and draped over the single chair was a suit jacket.

I picked it up and knew instantly it was Titus' the very one he wore the last night I saw him, I could smell his scent along with a lot of blood.

"Where is my husband...is he okay?" I asked a little more panicked than before.

"It's not his blood if that's what you're think my lady, I can assure you that wherever he is, he is more than capable of taking care of himself."

I nodded before putting the jacket back onto the chair, that's when my eyes zoned in one the contents lying on the table.

It struck me as odd that a couple of credit cards and a school picture would just be lying around.

I picked up a card but didn't recognize the name, then I picked up the picture. It was a picture of a cute little blonde boy, I knew I didn't know this child but there was something about him that made me continue searching his face as if trying to place him from somewhere.

"My lady please, we shouldn't be down here messing with things." Alec sounded wearily.

I rolled my eyes at his concern before turning the picture over to see if it would reveal some clue as to who this kid was. He had to be 9 or 10 but there was just something about him that intrigued me.

On the back was one name and a year, but all I needed to see was the name before my entire world turned upside down, even as young as he was I could see him now in the young cherubic face.

"Caleb." I whispered before my legs fell out from under me, Alec was quick to keep me from falling to the ground.

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