《Crazy Little Thing Called Mate》\Thirty•Two/



I sat in my study, conflicted with myself, I was so unsure if I should follow my wife and help comfort her, remind her that she is in fact my wife and has nothing to fear when it comes to my affection and well being for her.

Or, should I follow my instincts to seek my men and find out what they've learned since we last spoke.

I shook my head in frustration as I slunk further into the chair, these past two days have been so easy with Everest I should've known something would end up happening to off set everything.

I was all but ready to go and apologize once more to Everest and show her just how much she genuinely means to me when the study door suddenly opened.

I hopped up thinking it was Everest, instead I was greeted by two of my men.

"State your business." I growled in frustration.

"Alpha, we've captured him."

I didn't have to ask who they were talking about. I wanted to be shocked that they had found and obtained the guy so quick but I knew my men were the best.

"Where is he?"

"He should be here in an hour, two tops sir." Douglas sounded with certainty.

I nodded once, "I will wait for his arrival down in the basement, my wife has turned in for the night so no need to alarm her."

My men nodded their understanding and soon followed me out of the study, as we passed the doors of mine and Everest's connecting bathroom I looked at them but continued on my way. I knew I had to get this over and done with so I can finally move on and give Everest the husband she fully deserves.

I stepped past the help and stopped only once when my I noticed my father's driver walking in through the front door.

"Franklin." I sounded.

"Good evening Alpha Graystone."

"It's a little late to be out, may I ask what pulls you away from your family this evening?" I questioned him.


He gave me a reserved looking smile, "the Alpha Kirkshaw and his two sons had requested a ride to the airport my Lord, my apologizes for the late disturbance to you."

I waved my hand to show him it was no trouble, "why don't you go home and get some rest Franklin, and thank you for always being so dutiful."

He bowed low before turning around and exiting the same way he entered.

I was glad to know my in laws were out of the house, they didn't need to know tensions had arisen between Everest and myself, it'd only put her on edge with worry that things wouldn't work out between us and have her family meddling and pressing her for power plays.

I finally made my way down into the basement and found myself amped. Adrenaline began to fill me at the anticipation of having the fucker who had taken everything away from me.

I didn't know what I'd do upon seeing him, would I try and attack him? Should I have my men put him in a cell for his own safety from me?

I began to pace.

"Alpha Graystone, are you alright?" One of my men asked me.

"Of course." I sounded casually, really I found it hard to even believe my own words.

Was I really alright?

I knew I wanted this monster dealt with, but why was it suddenly becoming so overwhelming. As I waited for time to tick by I couldn't help but wonder if I was feeling sad because I knew this was it...when he is gone for good, so is she...my Maggie.

All this time I've held onto her memory so tightly in hopes that one day I would avenge her and now, here I found myself awaiting the arrival of her killer.

with every paced trip from one side of the basement to the other, conflicting emotions arose, and time seemed to go by faster.

Soon I could feel the arrival of my men and every nerve ending was wound tightly as my inner wolf readied himself to come forward if need be.


I was on defense mode when they brought him in.

I had to physically take a step back as I looked at the man presented to me.

This couldn't be him.

I looked down at the pathetic man, slightly overweight, clearly in his fifties. He'd easily fit into middle class suburbia.

I somehow found my voice.

"Do you know who I am?"

"No." He answered immediately.

"Do you know why you were brought here?"

"No." He repeated.

"Have you ever been here before." I asked growing impatient.


I picked up on his hesitation, "you're lying" I said cooly.

I asked the same three questions over and over and got the same answers, I motioned to my men. Silently and two stepped forward, they knew the drill, it was time for some real answers and there's only one real way to get the answers I need.

The two men picked up the crumpled older man harshly.

Unlike my usual inquiries with rogues, I didn't bother to remove anything, so when my right fist made contact with his nose blood instantly covered both my fist and my suit jacket.

"I'll ask again do you know who I am?"

"No." He said.

I nodded and this time let my left fist punch him square in the jaw. I found that only when fighting I was quite ambidextrous.

His fresh blood spilled get my knuckles...my wedding ring glistening with it as well.

"Do you know why you're here?"

He spit some blood onto the floor. "Fuck you!"

I smirked, I loved when my prisoners tried to act brave, it's when they mouth off that I know they're really just trying to cover the pain they're feeling.

After that I removed my suit jacket, carefully undid my cuffs and pushed up my sleeves before I wailed into his abdomen like a punching bag.

"You killed the most important person in my life, and tonight I'm going to make sure you feel the exact same way I do." I said, my breathing harsh with anger and pent up emotions.

He laughed but I knew if I continued I'd only end up killing him, and death would be too simple for this prick.

My men let him fall to the floor as I questioned them all.

"Did you find anything, a wife, girlfriend?" I asked.

They all shook their heads silently.

The mans laughter grew.

"What do we know about him?"

Once more I was met with silence. This time I let out a savage growl in frustration. I took it upon myself to kick the old man and it quieted him instantly as it had caused him to double over, in doing so I saw something...his wallet.

His wallet fell out from his back pocket of his jeans and I reached down and found out more about this man.

"Well Mr Gibbons is it..." I said as I looked at the mans Driver License, it gave me his age height, name, address. I tossed his credit cards into the floor as they revealed nothing, but as I went to pull out the last card my fingers felt something small behind the card tucked into the small leather pocket.

I pulled it out and smiled.

It was a school portrait of a young boy, and on the back it had a name and the year it was taken.

I crouched down smiling menacingly as I looked into the blooded face of the man, "well, looks like you do have someone important in your life, and I'd wager a mans son is quite possibly the most important in his life.

"No, he has nothing to do with this!" He shouted as he struggled to get up from the ground.

I signaled and my men picked him up once more, "put him in one of the cells to rot." I took a look once more at the picture of the smiling boy, before I tossed it to the ground.

"Men, we are on the hunt for Caleb Gibbons, he will die for what his Father has done to my Mate!"

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