《Wings of the Republic》Opening Salvo


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Song used: Sabaton - In the Name of God


The increased threat of the Caliphate means increase of the operations tempo; Intelligence had reported an imminent air attack on Jakarta by the Caliphate. Despite no longer the government capital, Jakarta remains an important economic center of Indonesia.

"Tombak 4-3 and 4-4 are leaving the pattern. Good luck out there, Tombak 4-1 and 4-2"

Major Herry Cahyadi, callsign "Blackhawk" replied "roger" to the lead of an element of two F-16V Viper, from the 10th Fighter Squadron, raised in 2033, which headed back towards their home base, Ignatius Dewanto AFB, Metro, Lampung. This squadron is a second-line squadron and manned mostly by reserve pilots, nicknamed "weekend-ers" by active duty personnel, and the reserve part of the 9th Wing, headquartered in Roesmin Noerjadin AFB, Pekanbaru.

"Tombak 4-2, you're a bit strayed to the right, close your distance." He ordered one of his wingmen, Captain Bramantyo Sujono, callsign "White Swan".

"Roger, Lead" replied Bram.

Both pilots were reservists recalled into active service due to increased Caliphate threat. Herry had 9 years of service in the Air Force and saw action during the Civil War, initially flying F-16C Block 52ID and later switched to newer –V variant upon the conclusion of the war. The 10th was one of two IDAF reserve fighter squadrons equipped with Sakerfalcons. On 2037 he volunteered himself into "reserve" status and outside the military he works for Premiair, a charter airline specializing in business jets while Bram was an XpressAir pilot who want to fly not just Mitsubishi MRJs. Due to increased alert, the planes were armed with both AIM-9Xs and AIM-120G AMRAAM-ERs.

Soon; "4-2 reporting faint radar contact"

"Tell tower we have uninvited guest here, 4-2." ordered Herry.

"Be advised, Airnav had detected a civilian airliner entering our airspace without proper identification and out of contact with Jakarta control. Intercept and order it to land. Rule of engagement is return fire only unless authorized otherwise from higher chain of command." said the Dewanto AFB control tower.


The pilots raced into the source of contact which turned out to be an airliner, to be exact, an Airbus A350-1000 bearing the marking of Qatar Airways, an airline which country is a member of the United Caliphate Confederation (UCC).

"FF9980 (radio callsign of Herry), Indonesian Air Force, to QR882, you are entering Indonesia's airspace, requesting identification" The Airbus doesn't respond.

"QR882, if you can hear this, acknowledge this call by rocking your wings and identify yourself. This is your second warning..."

"QR882 do you read? I am instructed by the Government of Indonesia that you are approaching a restricted airspace, unless you respond immediately to my order, you will be shot down! Repeat, respond accordingly or you will be shot down!"

Then, a new, chilling message which was not from the control tower, over both pilot's headset.

It's directly from the Chief of Staff of the Air Force. Air Chief Marshal William Handjaja.

"Good morning, pilots, this is your Chief of Staff speaking directly to you. Be advised, neighboring countries had confirmed inbound civilian airliners from the Caliphate member states were used to target important buildings in a 9/11 style suicide attack, in the dark, for maximum effect. Malaysian Parliament in Putrajaya was hit and heavily damaged five minutes ago. Singapore had managed to shoot down one plane targeting their country, but it crashed into Marina Bay Sands casino causing heavy damage. Thailand also report a similar attack which hit Baiyoke Hotel, in Bangkok. A trustworthy Caliphate source further verify such suicidal plan to us beforehand after landing his plane 3 minutes ago in Minangkabau Airport in defiance from the order. It seems this plane is heading for National Monument in Jakarta. This is a direct order from the highest possible authority: Shoot it down! I say again, Shoot that plane down!"


"Roger!" Bram positioned his F-16 behind the Airbus. Soon the Qatari plane changed course directly towards Jakarta, determined to accomplish the mission. Despite the pitch black sky, Herry can feel the helplessness and resignations or civilian passengers inside the aircraft, which they also felt that the passengers were coerced.

Then he positioned his aircraft behind Bram as backup.

"I got lock tone, Lead" he said.

Herry replied "Fire"

"God forgive us!" Bram called the controller before he and Herry both fired bursts from their 25 mm GAU-22 Equalizer which destroyed the Airbus' control surface and hydraulic systems. Without any regards toward human life, the pilot of the Qatari plane forced it to continue to their destination.

As the result, Herry decided to position his fighter miles ahead from the Airbus' cockpit, turned towards it, and fired one Sidewinder which damaged the cockpit, causing the plane to plummet and began to break apart in-flight. But suddenly...

"BOOM!" The plane exploded with such force that almost cause the F-16s to lose control due to the blast.

"Shit!!" Bram cursed. "Damn right those planes are suicide craft. The baggage hold are loaded with high explosives!" he reported his observation into his flight lead, and to the control tower.

"Do you know what can be worse than this?" Herry asked as they regrouped.

"If the payload is nuclear, sir. Those sons of bitches had it, well concealed even from the Americans, and the Israelis are too busy to defend themselves to do another Opera for it." his wingman replied.

"Control, this is Tombak 4, mission accomplished" Herry reported his mission success, and the incident become one of the first shot fired by Indonesia in what its government later dubbed as "Global War on Arab Imperialism"


Hope you enjoy this chapter!

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