《Jeffery Dean Morgan One-shots part 2 (Completed)》Your future sequel to The in-law's (Negan)


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It's been few weeks since the whole situation started between you and Negan, he stop talking to Mary but you two haven't got any better and John has been helping with things and you two have got closer but he isn't Negan he is his younger twin brother but you two have become friends. Negan is seeing this friendship between you and John and he is becoming jealous. You like john as a member of the family but you only love Negan and you want to work on your problems together like now, so you two are going spend this weekend alone, john is going to watch both Emma and Liv while you two are working on your problems, Negan is looking forward to this weekend and you two can work on your relationship he isn't going to lose you to his brother without a fight.

As John knows Negan has a bit of a jealous streak, but Negan shouldn't be worried you two are meant to be together, your married with two kids it's you two against the world, as Negan dropped the girls off at John's place and heads home to work on your guys relationship, he wants you to know he is sorry he has been distant with you, and he was just being a friend for Mary but that's all over now, and he only wants you and the girls so please don't leave him for John, he would be heartbroken if you picked his twin brother over him the man you are married to and you got two little girls together.

He comes home to see you order some Chinese food from your guys favorite place plus you are in your PJs waiting on him and you got a movie picked out for you two to watch with dinner then you two can talk about the problems between you two as he seats down on the couch with you and you two eat some Chinese food and he turn on the TV and starts to watch the movie you picked out for you both tonight. He can't help but smile at you, he is looking forward to this weekend alone with you and starting to work on your guys relationship. he knows it's not going to be an overnight thing but he is going to fight for you.


This well be a three part series, and this is the first part!!!

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