《Jeffery Dean Morgan One-shots part 2 (Completed)》Drama part 2 sequel to The Babysitter (Max)


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After your anniversary dinner last night with Max, Jamie and Gabriel, Today's the day you will meet Madison, plus she will finally meet Jamie the beautiful young kid she give up. Max is in the Living-room with Gabriel as you are cooking dinner with help from Jamie.

You hope tonight goes well because you don't want it to end badly, your pregnant with Max's third baby. And this is your family now you will fight for it and Max knows that and is completely turn on by that, your Jamie's mom no matter what Madison only give birth to her then left her to max who has been Amazing dad to her, Gabriel and your soon to be daughter Elizabeth. He is amazing man that anyone should be lucky to call him theirs and you got the lucky number to be his wife and baby mother.

The door bell rings and Max picks up Gabriel and goes to answer it, you look at Jamie and smiles at her, and you promise her it will be alright just be herself As she hugs you and Max let's Madison in as you two head outside and Madison is a beautiful lady, you understand why Jamie is a beautiful girl, Max holds Gabriel and joins you two before introducing you all to Madison and she can't believe Jamie is doing so well with Max and you, she heard rumors that Jamie need her mother but she is truly blessed to have you and Max.

She will not keep pushing into Jamie's life, she knows Jamie is in good hands with you and the fact you give her a real family, you all seat down at the table and you all have dinner together, as Madison is a very sweet lady who just needed help after giving birth to Jamie and she got it and she lets you and Max know she will not bother your guys family again she just wanted to see how Jamie was doing and she is happy to say Jamie is a very amazing girl with Amazing parents in Max and you with two siblings sooner then later she really appreciate everything you did for her especially when she was younger.


You let Madison know if Jamie is alright with it she can stay in her life as a friend as Madison likes that idea and you will ask Jamie how she feels about her real mom visiting so often as Max can't believe you are being so nice to Madison but he is happy you are, you are truly amazing women and he is lucky to have you as his wife and mother to his kids.

One more part in a few days !!!!?

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