《Jeffery Dean Morgan One-shots part 2 (Completed)》Drama sequel to The Babysitter (Max)


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It's been a few years since you had Gabriel who is 3 and Jamie is 10, your pregnant again your about 4 months into it and this will be your last one and It happens to be another girl, Max and you are truly happy but Jamie's real mom returns and wants Jamie but she said her rights away and you adopt her as yours as soon as you and Max got married almost four years ago.

Max has been upset about Madison wanted to see Jamie after 10 years and she has no rights now, so you continue to tell Max that over and over but he is Still upset, he doesn't want to separate his kids. You are going to do whatever it takes to make sure Madison doesn't get near your family especially Jamie and Max, they are your family not hers. You are at the doctor's office for your monthly appointment, Max Jamie and Gabriel are there too, you are going to see you new little girl today and you and Max have decided to call her Elizabeth Rose, Jamie's middle name is Anna.

Madison hasn't stop calling Max about Jamie and you are to your breaking point so you get involved and bring pregnant with Max's third baby and you aren't someone she shouldn't mess with at anytime. You tell Max to let her come over for dinner tonight and see how she does with Jamie no promises it will work out for her, Jamie is legally your daughter now and she really doesn't have her rights but you want to see how she acts with your daughter. Max likes your idea, but tonight it's not happening it your guys anniversary so you all are going out for dinner tonight as a family, she can come over for dinner tomorrow night. As you agree and Max will call her tomorrow morning and set it up but right now you all are at the doctor's office for your check up. Max has already set everything for your anniversary dinner in town tonight.


Another part in a few days, this will be a three part series!!!!

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