《Jeffery Dean Morgan One-shots part 2 (Completed)》The Rock's daughter part two (Jeffrey Dean Morgan)


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Your party is going straight and your dad is with your stepmom in the kitchen checking on the cake your holding your little sister on the couch as Jeffrey is talking to some friends from the movie who showed up but his eyes land on you as you giggle and make your sister laugh just bit.

A few minutes go by and your middle sister comes over and sits down next to you both before Jeffrey comes over and seats across from you all on the couch, he took his jacket off early as your middle sister starts talking to him and in return he talks to her nicely, your dad and stepmom come in the Living-room with your cake and start to sing Happy birthday to you, as you giggle and smile at your dad and kiss your little sisters cheek then you blow the candles out after making your wish which is that your dad will accept your and Jeffrey relationship when you two come clean about it very soon.

Jeffrey eyes land on yours when you eyes come up and he knows what you wish for like the back of his hand, as he smiles and winks at you without no one else seeing it, your stepmom smiles at you she knows you are hiding something from your dad but she just doesn't know it's in the form on Jeffrey Dean Morgan as your man, but she will not judge you she is way younger then your dad so it's alright in her book as long as you two are happy and care for each other which you both do. Your stepmom takes the cake to the table and starts to cut it for everyone as your sisters go off to get some leaving you alone on the couch across from Jeffrey and your dad who joined Jeffrey as your dad makes a comment about your dating life along the lines that you don't have one and your 30, he wants grandbabies from you so you need to get out there like now as you smile at him, you got two secrets you are keeping from your Dad and one from Jeffrey, your dad will be a grandfather very soon "wink wink" as Jeffrey smiles and says "Dwayne I got to talk to you in private man, can we go outside for a few minutes? As your dad looks over at Jeffrey and smiles and they head outside, you don't want Jeffrey doing this alone so you head out there too, you get to the door when Jeffrey is standing in front of your dad and it looks like he explaining your guys relationship to him as your dad turns to look at the door way and sees you standing there and calls you over as you walk over to them.


Your dad looks at you as you get there and you stand next to Jeffrey "so Jeffrey tells me you two have been together since the first week of filming back early last year, is that true? As you look at you dad and smile "yes dad it's true and I know he is 23 years my age but I love him and as for him being married twice and saying that divorced twice with two amazing kids in Gus and George I still love him, plus I got news for both of you, your comment early about grandbabies your going to be getting one in 7 months time I'm 2 months pregnant with Jeffrey third baby and my first" as your dad smiles he isn't mad about your relationship with Jeffrey or the fact you two hit it from everyone for a while, because Jeffrey has a history and is in the spotlight, but now he knows it and your pregnant on top of it he is getting his first grandchild so it's now or never you two are going to go inside the house and announce your relationship and your pregnancy to everyone in there and get it over with.

Two more parts!!!! In a few days

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