《Jeffery Dean Morgan One-shots part 2 (Completed)》The babysitter part two (Max)


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You got the job as Jamie's babysitter and you have been working with her for a few weeks already and tonight you are still at Max's apartment cooking dinner for him and Jamie, he should be home in a few minutes time then you are heading home yourself and warm up some of your soup you made yesterday.

Jamie loves your food and she looks forward to your cooking everyday when you are working, Max as Jamie is seating at the table waiting for dinner to get ready and her daddy to come home as you turn around and see her coloring a picture out of her book, Max arrives as soon as you finish the dinner it's like time work he always arrives when dinner finally gets done, you don't know he has camera's around the house and knows when your done cooking dinner for them, he always has them for personal reasons, whenever you do something he records it because your very sexy at everything especially when you are bend over or laughing it's amazing sight.

And he watches the videos at night and Tonight's videos he sees something he hasn't before, which helps him to confront you come Monday morning, as he seats down across from Jamie at the table as you bring them their plates before going back to finish up cleaning the kitchen before you leave for the night. After a few minutes you finish and go over to the table and tell Jamie you will see her Monday morning and you made leftovers for her and her daddy this weekend as max smiles at how much you care for her its nice and he is truly happy he picked you for the position of nanny, you hug her before heading towards the door to leave Max walks you out like most nights but this time he can't remove his smile as you turn around and he says "Monday morning I'll be home for a little bit before leaving for work, got to do some research on the computer" as you nod your head and let him know "if he needs you at anytime during the weekend just to call like you always do" as he smiles at you and "wishes you a safe trip home" then you leave and head home to your little apartment a cross town.


A few more parts I'll do another in a few days

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