《Jeffery Dean Morgan One-shots part 2 (Completed)》the last ride (Henry)


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Henry is getting up being the sheriff position in a few weeks time to be able to be with you his wife and future baby mother and you can't believe it he is so excited for the baby to be born he is giving up his job for you and the baby inside you as you told him more then once he didn't have to but he says it's time to hang up the boots and be a homebody with you and your baby.

Henry is on his way to the farm you two own it's just the right size for you and your growing family with him, he is excited to see you and your growing belly that is carrying his unborn child, your next doctor appointment you two will learn the sex of the baby, Henry says it's a little girl you save boy so in a few days time you will be learning the sex boy or girl! He is going be home in a few hours from now as you are in the barn feeding the horses plus the dogs, Henry doesn't like you on the farm by yourself with the animals that's why he is coming home for good he was worried about you being pregnant and an alone on the farm so he didn't like that through so he is definitely going to be an overprotective daddy/husband, you two had been trying for a baby for so long you two had been married for 5 years before you got pregnant with this little baby inside you.

He stops by the store in town and gets you some special things before heading home to you and your guys baby bean, he knows you have been feeling down because your gaining baby weight, you come in from the Barn and seats down on the bed rubbing your belly light you know Henry will be home soon and you can't wait to see him.

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