《Jeffery Dean Morgan One-shots part 2 (Completed)》Marry Christmas to us final part (Clay)


A few hours have passed N you all are seating around the table, Clay is about to ask you to become his fiance, you are seating down next to him, his hand is on your knee as he make you look at him. He smiles at you and calls attention to him as he smiles and gets down on his knee and says "doll I love you and you have made my life completely and I want to ask you something important so will you do me the honor of becoming my wife? As you start to cry and nod your head "yes Clay I'll marry you but I got something to say too so he I go Clay and everyone else I'm pregnant I'm a month and half along" as clay can't believe you are pregnant but he is completely happy with it you can have your guys baby then get married so the baby can be in the wedding.

Clay comes up and kisses you on the lips passionately, you just made his Christmas 💯 percent better, but the feeling is mutual for you too he give you an amazing gift in the ring and asking you to become his wife, your mom is excited because you two are giving them their first grandchild, plus a wedding with the man you love so much. During your pregnancy you learn you are expecting a little girl and you and clay decide to name her Paige Victoria Clay and she is a healthy baby when she was born you two then work on your wedding and 6 months after Paige's birth you two are married but you are pregnant again this time with a little boy who you two name Franklin Jr Clay your life is truly a blessing with your two beautiful healthy kids and your amazing husband in Clay, you wouldn't change anything about your past and you are looking forward to your guys future.


That's it hope you all liked it!!!!

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