《Jeffery Dean Morgan One-shots part 2 (Completed)》Ben Diamond's daughter part five (Ike Evans)


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After the events that happen a few days ago with your dad and Ike, you have been working in Ike's office doing his paperwork, Ike is with Danny and Jake downstairs talking work stuff when your dad comes in with your step mom who you don't like but put up with because of your sister, he gives Ike ate shit look before they had to the cafe for lunch, you are watching everything on camera and it doesn't set well with you so you get up and head downstairs to have a few words with your dad.

You are tired of his attitude it has been like this since your mom passed away leaving him with you and your sister, then he married your stepmom and takes better care of her kids then you and your sister who moved away and is in college.

Ike sees you coming off the elevator and he knows this isn't going end well so he walks over to you and try to stop you but you hold up you hand to stop him and go into the cafe to set your dad straight, as Danny follows you in and you go to your dad's table and stand there "well if it isn't my dad and his bitch of a wife, dad you don't have to worry about me no more And as for Savannah, she doesn't need you in her life she is doing amazing stuff in college. And as for me I'm happy with my decision I love Ike and his kids plus I'm a grown ass women", as you walk off leaving him and your stepmom shocked as you walk back upstairs to your and Ike's room.

Ike smiles at you n following you upstairs, he wants to take you out for a romantic dinner just the two of you, he has a few things he wants discussed with you. You two have been together for a little of a year he wants to take the next step in your guys relationship, he wants to make you smile again through the day, he hopes this will start the process.

To be continued!!!! One more part!!!!

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