《Jeffery Dean Morgan One-shots part 2 (Completed)》Your guys future together final part 2/2 Sequel to his fiance (Russell)


Harvey is walking around your guys room holding Liv in his arms trying to get her to go back to sleep, it's been a hard few days since she was born everyone is still trying to get on a schedule for her especially her she is his daughter for sure because she is stubborn but the mostly beautiful little girl you have since in a long time.

You two got married at the court house and then you give birth to her just a few months later and now you three are at home relaxing getting everything in order so Liv is on a schedule and it's going alright so far a few problems but nothing to big, you look at him with her from the bed as he is slowly singing to her and you got to admit Harvey's voice is calming especially to Liv she is already asleep on his shoulder as he smiles at you and then he Carry's her to her crib before turning around and moving back to you in bed. He smiles "she is perfect doll and I can't believe we made her, I'm truly blessed to have you as my wife And her as my daughter, I love our little family and our life together" as you giggle and kiss him on the lips slowly.

You two slide into the bed and get comfortable with each other's arms around one another, you can't believe you find your soulmate then you two got together then engaged then pregnant with Liv then married then you give birth to Liv, and now you got your little family with Harvey, you three are also looking into a bigger place living in a two bedroom apartment is fine but you need more room in case your family or his come for a visit, Harvey wants 4 bedroom 3 bath house with a big yard for Liv to be able to play outside plus Rex your guys dog need room to run, he is very protective of you three especially Liv already so a big yard is something on the list, hopefully you and Harvey can find that house sooner than later.


That is it, hope everyone likes it!!!

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