《Jeffery Dean Morgan One-shots part 2 (Completed)》Daddy of two final part sequel to Daddy Deaf (Deaf Smith)


After your little alone time in the shower, deaf heads outside to do some work around the farm while you take care of Cici and Michael, tomorrow morning you and Deaf are going to be be yourself for the weekend, your mom is going to take the kids for the weekend so you two can have some alone time together. He can't believe you two have two amazing babies.

Now he has a plan to make you his wife, with the help of your dad and brother, and your mom keeping the kids are a big help hopefully when the kids return from your parents house he hopes you are his fiance, after you finish up with the kids and stuff you are laying down on the bed he comes in and asks you do you want to join him in the shower for a quick shower before you all head into town to see your parents for a few hours, you agree with him and you two jump into the shower taking your time showing each other then you two get out and go get the Cici and Michael to head to your parents house, Deaf plan is going to start up tonight your parents are going to watch Cici and Michael starting tonight through Saturday afternoon giving you two plenty of time to have some time together and for him to ask you a question.

After you four arrive at your parents place everything goes fast, then the weekend goes faster he asks you to marry him and you say yes then you two are engaged and now you got to work on the wedding with your mom, he continues to work at him on the farm and the store in town both Cici and Michael continue to grow like weeds and you two can't believe your life now you wouldn't thing this would be your life together after the past but you are excited to see the future.


That is it Hope you like it!!!

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