《Jeffery Dean Morgan One-shots part 2 (Completed)》Shameless part two (Charlie Peters)


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After the BBQ at Charlie's house a few days ago, you two have become a couple unofficially, Charlie is an ex druggie, but he got cleaned 7 years ago and has a dinner and he helps other druggies stay on the right path, you have been by his side the entire time, you where there even before he got cleaned you where there through the bad times and good, he is truly your man now and your aren't going to let him slip through your fingers any time soon.

He has a meeting tonight and wants you there because he has mad it 7 years clean and tonight they are going to celebrate his hard work and dedication of keeping clean for 7 years, and he wants his good luck charm next to him for the honor they are going to be giving him, you are excited to be by his side during this amazing opportunity for him plus you have got real close in your guys relationship. You love him and you want this relationship to work because you hope one day you two will get married and have kids but Right now it's nice and new.

You are getting ready to head to the meeting with Charlie in a few mins,

Tonight Is a very important night for Charlie he has made it 7 years clean it's amazing for he has truly turn around completely, he has a business with another friend from back in the day, he has you and his puppy 'Tex' and great friends, life is truly a blessing for him and more important you two because your his Lady. He has completely did a 360 in life he is also getting some of his tattoos removed, the ones that he regrets, there is just a few but it's time he has decided life is full of surprises and now he wants to work on himself to be able to have a life he doesn't want your future kids to ask why daddy has them tattoo and they aren't nice looking.

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