《Jeffery Dean Morgan One-shots part 2 (Completed)》Daddy Smith (Deaf Smith)


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Deaf is a daddy to a beautiful Indian girl named Cici she is 2 years old, her mom is the chief daughter so Cici is his granddaughter, her mom is a beautiful lady name Raven, both Raven and Cici are well taken care of by Deaf and the Indians who Raven's dad is the chief of. He is an amazing daddy to Cici and he is also amazing lover to Raven. He is coming back home tonight from his mission with with rangers, he can't wait to see Cici and Raven, he has missed his family.

Cici is turning 2 years old come this weekend, Deaf is going to be there. Plus Raven has good news she is pregnant again with Deaf second baby, she got pregnant the last time Deaf was home before this last trip. He is getting close to retiring from the rangers and be home so another baby will be nice, he loves Cici and you know he will love this baby too. He makes it home early the next morning, he surprises Raven and Cici, when he comes in from the barn they are happy daddy Deaf is home, Raven is excited to come clean about her being pregnant again. Cici is turning 2 years old this weekend so this weekend they got a few big things to do from Cici birthday party to the reveal of the baby Raven is going to tell Deaf.

Their life is truly a blessing, they got each other and Cici plus this new baby in Raven, Deaf said ones if they had another baby he hopes it's a boy so they will have one of each, maybe he will get his wish and this baby turns out to be a boy, only time will tell. But first is Cici birthday party which Raven has been planning on for weeks. Cici knows about the baby but Raven asked her not to say anything to nobody until after her birthday party this weekend, Cici is happy she will be getting a baby brother or sister and promise not to say anything to anybody until after her party this weekend. Cici is amazing little girl and knows her mom has a big party planned for her but she can't wait to come clean about the new baby especially to her daddy. Deaf loves his little family but added one more member will make their family more complete.

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