《Jeffery Dean Morgan One-shots part 2 (Completed)》Alicia's sister final part (Jason Crouse)


You giggle at his touch as he smiles and moves to your neck as he kisses it lightly, but your mind goes to the moment you walked in on him fucking Alicia in her apartment, as you push him off you fast, as your body starts to shake as he gets worried "Y/N darling what's wrong? As you look him in the eyes with tears in yours as he knows your not there yet but he will help you get back there and in his arms.

He says "it's alright darling I'm sorry I should have knew better my dick got the best of me again, I'll go get me some pain killers and you rest, I'll see you in the morning" as you nod your head and he smiles at you lightly before heading out the door, "I love you and our baby so much, goodnight" as you say in a small voice "I love you too and goodnight Jason" as he leaves and goes to his room for the night leaving you alone with your throughs.

Your phone goes off and it's a picture messages from Alicia, you open it and you start to cry again because it's of her and Jason, and she puts a caption on it "do you think a baby can keep him away sis? As you shake your head and close your phone, Alicia is manipulator and you think he was with her but the picture is an old one, if she wants him she can have him tomorrow your going to move your stuff out of the apartment and into the guest house on your parents farm, and has for your baby it will just grow up in a messed up family where it's daddy is with it's Aunt who is married to a man in jail, life is funny sometimes.


She has the best of both worlds, a husband who isn't there and Jason plus her kids, you look at your belly and rub it lightly "mom loves you so much and I'll protective you no matter what" as you giggle as the baby moves lightly in your belly, you go to sleep.

The next morning you are up with on the phone with your mom about the guest house, you tell her you will be there in a few days, as Jason comes in with you morning tea, as you are packing a box up as he stops in his tracks "darling what are you doing? As you turn around and give him the middle finger, "go to hell Jason" as he looks at you "Y/N stop what did I do? I know last night was bad but I through we where moving passed it" as you can't help but laugh "go back to Alicia Jason it's where you want to be, a baby doesn't change nothing between us" as you close the box and head to the closet to get changed you got class today then you will finish packing so you can be out of this damn apartment by tomorrow afternoon.

He is taken back by your behavior, he doesn't understand what is going on but he doesn't want to stress you out because of the baby, so he leaves the room.

Their will be a sequel!!!!!

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